
单词 感惊讶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔astonished〕Elizabeth was astonished at her sister's courage.伊丽莎白对她姐姐的勇气颇感惊讶麦克米伦高阶〔astonish〕It always astonished him that his children were not fonder of their grandfather.他的孩子们并没有更喜欢他们的祖父,这总是让他颇感惊讶麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕His friends were surprised by his entry into politics.朋友们对他进入政界颇感惊讶韦氏高阶〔greatly〕I was greatly surprised by his behavior.我对他的行为极感惊讶文馨英汉〔mildly〕I was mildly surprised to see him here.在这里看到他令我略感惊讶剑桥高阶〔niceness〕Mr Pearce was rather bowled over by his niceness, his concern, and his ordinariness.让皮尔斯先生深感惊讶的是他如此和善、如此关心他人, 如此普通。外研社新世纪〔play〕We were surprised with/by the other team's level/quality of play.对方团队的竞技水平令我们倍感惊讶韦氏高阶〔quite〕They were quite surprised.他们颇感惊讶韦氏高阶〔stupidity〕I stared at him, astonished by his stupidity.我盯着他,对他的愚蠢无知倍感惊讶柯林斯高阶〔thunderstrike〕She was thunderstruck to hear the news.得知消息时她大感惊讶21世纪英汉We were both struck by how unaffected she was by her husband's death.她对丈夫的死根本无动于衷,我俩对此深感惊讶剑桥国际

