
单词 resentful
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Harvey feels bitter and resentful about the way he's been treated. 哈维因为受到这样的对待,心里很难受,忿忿不平。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕Robert was resentful of the fact that Forbes had been given the promotion. 罗伯特因为福布斯得到提升而恼恨不已。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕When people are forced to compete on unequal terms they become resentful. 当人们被迫在不平等条件下展开竞争时,就会变得怨忿不平。朗文写作活用〔disaffected〕Resentful and rebellious, especially against authority.不满的,造反的,尤反对政府当局美国传统〔earn〕I can't help feeling resentful, although I know Jim hates not earning.虽然我知道吉姆对挣不来钱也感到苦恼, 但我还是不由自主地感到不满。外研社新世纪〔envy〕These verbs mean to feel resentful or painful desire for another's advantages or possessions.这些动词都具有对他人的优点和所有物怀有憎恶或痛苦的渴望这一含义。美国传统〔outrage〕Resentful anger aroused by a violent or offensive act.愤慨:由暴力或冒犯而引起的愤怒美国传统〔presume〕They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.他们对外人擅自干涉他们的事务非常愤慨。外研社新世纪〔presume〕They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.他们对外人擅自干预他们的事务非常愤慨。柯林斯高阶〔resentfully〕At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.起初我对丢掉工作感到非常怨恨和恼怒。柯林斯高阶〔resentfully〕He turned away in sullen, resentful silence.他闷闷不乐、心怀怨恨、一言不发地转过身去了。柯林斯高阶〔resentful〕He felt deeply resentful towards / toward his ex-wife.他对前妻怨恨极深。牛津搭配〔resentful〕He was very resentful of their success.他对他们的成功愤愤不平。牛津搭配〔resentful〕He watched them, envious and resentful.他注视着他们,艳羡和愠怒形于色。英汉大词典〔resentful〕He's resentful of his boss. = He feels resentful toward his boss.他对老板满腹怨气。韦氏高阶〔resentful〕She felt resentful at not being promoted.没有升职她感到忿忿不平。朗文当代〔resentful〕She felt resentful at the way she had been treated.她对所受到的对待恼怒不已。牛津搭配〔resentful〕She gave me a resentful glare.她气愤地瞪了我一眼。韦氏高阶〔resentful〕She is resentful about being demoted.她因被降职而愤愤不平。韦氏高阶〔resentful〕She was resentful at having been left out of the team.她对被运动队淘汰感到气愤。牛津高阶〔resentful〕She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.任何人试图干预她的工作都会让她很反感。剑桥高阶〔resentful〕They grew bitter and resentful.他们变得充满怨恨。牛津搭配〔resentful〕They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.他们好像对我们在那里露面很生气。牛津高阶〔resentful〕They were bitterly resentful of the fact that they had to work such long hours.他们对于不得不工作这么长时间感到很不满。牛津搭配〔resentful〕We felt resentful of (或 about) being shoved around.我们对被吆来喝去任人摆布感到一肚子怨气。英汉大词典〔sullen〕Many of them remained sullen and resentful.他们中有许多人还是闷闷不乐,怀恨在心。柯林斯高阶〔sullen〕Many of them remained sullen and resentful.他们中的许多人还是闷闷不乐、怀恨在心。外研社新世纪He was resentful at the way he had been treated. 他对所受的待遇感到忿恨。译典通I suppose he's feeling a bit resentful about not having been promoted.我想他没被提升心里有些愤愤不平。剑桥国际I think it's her suppression of her anger that has made her so bitter and resentful.我认为她压抑内心怒火使她更加痛苦和怨恨。剑桥国际She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.她忿恨任何人想干涉她的工作。剑桥国际The suggestion that they had taken the money made them a mite (= slightly) resentful.暗示他们拿了钱使他们有点生气。剑桥国际There is resentful talk about how “women's centres have been taken over by radical separatists”.关于“妇女中心如何被激进的分离主义者所接管”的问题有一场愤慨的讨论。剑桥国际

