
单词 seventy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕When you're pushing seventy it's not surprising when you start forgetting things. 将近70岁了,开始忘记东西是没什么好奇怪的。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕If you multiply ten by seven you get seventy. 10乘7等于70。朗文写作活用〔French Canadian〕Up to seventy per cent of French Canadians favour Quebec independence.多达70%的法裔加拿大人支持魁北克独立。外研社新世纪〔French Canadian〕Up to seventy per cent of French Canadians favour Quebec independence.高达 70%的法裔加拿大人希望魁北克独立。柯林斯高阶〔GOVERNMENT〕The PRI party has governed the country for more than seventy years. 革命制度党统治这个国家有七十多年了。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Here's my game plan, Roger. I want to make the magazine a monthly, and cut it down to sixty or seventy pages. 罗杰,这是我的详细方案。我想把这份杂志定为月刊,并把篇幅删至60或70页。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Though he was over seventy, he was still robust and active. 虽然他已年过70,但身体还是很健壮灵活。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Seventy percent of the university's business students have job offers by graduation. 这所大学有70%的商科学生在毕业之前就得到了工作机会。朗文写作活用〔agitate〕At least seventy students were injured in the continuing agitation against the decision.至少有70名学生在反对该决定的持续抗争中受伤。柯林斯高阶〔agitation〕At least seventy students were injured in the continuing agitation against the decision.在对该决定持续不断的抗议活动中, 至少有70名学生受伤。外研社新世纪〔batter〕The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour.该国遭受到时速高达50至70英里的大风袭击,破坏严重。柯林斯高阶〔beat one〕It beats me how she can still dance at the age of seventy.我真不明白她怎么70岁还能跳舞。21世纪英汉〔carry〕The ship could carry seventy passengers.这艘轮船可以载客70名。外研社新世纪〔carry〕The ship could carry seventy passengers.那艘船可以载客70名。柯林斯高阶〔copyright〕Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。牛津高阶〔country〕Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports.本国民众70%反对狩猎运动。外研社新世纪〔country〕Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports.该国70%的人反对猎兽活动。柯林斯高阶〔cyberbully〕Teens have named more than seventy different ways they can use a cell phone to cyberbully someone else.青少年们举出了70多种可用手机欺负他人的方法。外研社新世纪〔depart〕He departed this life at the age of seventy.他70岁时去世。英汉大词典〔disqualification〕A grade under seventy is a disqualification for the advanced course.成绩在70分以下无资格修这门高级课程。英汉大词典〔dog〕Races have been held at this dog track for seventy years.这个场地用来赛狗已经 70 年了。牛津搭配〔drop to〕The car speed dropped to seventy.车速降到70。21世纪英汉〔evacuate〕They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country.他们正计划转移仍滞留在该国的70名美国官员。柯林斯高阶〔get to〕When you get to seventy,you are not so active as you were at fifty.在你七十岁时,你不可能有你五十岁时那样的活力。21世纪英汉〔head start〕He had sixty, maybe seventy meters' head start and was gaining.他的起步优势有60米, 甚至70米, 并且这一优势还在扩大。外研社新世纪〔inside〕I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway.我在高速公路的慢道上以每小时 70 英里的速度行驶。柯林斯高阶〔pack〕Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.体育馆将挤满7万观众。外研社新世纪〔pack〕Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.将有7万人挤满整个体育场。柯林斯高阶〔parachute〕He made his first parachute jump at the age of seventy.他在 70 岁时首次跳伞。牛津搭配〔performance〕He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.为了完成任务, 他每周工作70多个小时。外研社新世纪〔performance〕He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.为了完成任务,他每周工作70多个小时。柯林斯高阶〔place〕They worked out the value of pi to seventy decimal places.他们把圆周率精确到了小数点后70位。外研社新世纪〔put ... at〕I would put his age at about seventy.我估计他大概有70岁。21世纪英汉〔redundant〕Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts.在继而发生的裁员中,七十名工厂工人被解雇。朗文当代〔retard〕The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.大雨使我们推迟了七十分钟才到达。21世纪英汉〔seventy〕Seventy of the passengers were led to safety.有70名乘客被带到安全地带。外研社新世纪〔seventy〕Seventy people were killed.70 人丧生。柯林斯高阶〔seventy〕Seventy people were killed.有70人被杀。外研社新世纪〔seventy〕She was driving at seventy.她车速70迈。外研社新世纪〔seventy〕She's nearly seventy.她快七十了。外研社新世纪〔seventy〕This house was built seventy years ago.这座房子建于70年前。剑桥高阶〔surprise party〕He walked into a surprise party with seventy guests.他走到了一个七十人的惊喜派对上。外研社新世纪〔tally〕Sixty is the price. Add ten for hauling it here. That tallies to seventy.货价60元,加上拖运到此10元,所以共计70元。英汉大词典〔total〕The total was seventy.总数是70。英汉大词典〔translate〕Seventy million Americans—that translates into one American out of every four—are under the age of 24.美国有七千万人——也就是说每四个美国人中就有一个——年龄在24岁以下。韦氏高阶〔wear〕She may be seventy, but she's worn well.她大概有70岁了,可并不见老。英汉大词典〔within〕Seventy per cent of patients die within a year of becoming infected with the virus.70%的病人在感染病毒一年之内死亡。麦克米伦高阶Seventy men at the factory were made redundant. 该厂有七十人作为冗员被裁。译典通Seventy per cent of the country's trade is with Europe.这个国家70%的贸易是同欧洲进行的。剑桥国际Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.版权在作者去世七十年后期满失效。牛津商务He is a man between sixty and seventy. 他的年龄约在六十到七十之间。译典通He's quite a character/a real character, is Ted -- he's seventy now and still riding that motorbike.特德他真是个怪人----他现在已经70岁了,还骑着那辆摩托车。剑桥国际It's not unusual for a junior doctor to work a seventy or sometimes an eighty hour week.年轻医生一周工作70,有时80小时并不奇怪。剑桥国际Our company employs seventy members of staff.我们公司有70名雇员。剑桥国际The old man had sired a boy child at the age of seventy. 那位老人在七十岁时得子做了父亲。译典通There are seventy (= seventy people) coming to the party.晚会的来宾有七十位。剑桥国际There was a seventy on the door of our hotel room.我们在饭店里所住的房间门上写着一个70。剑桥国际They nicked him for driving at seventy in a fifty speed limit area.他们逮捕了他,因为他在五十英里限速区内以七十英里时速开车。剑桥国际They were asking one hundred and eighty thousand for the place, so I put in an offer of one hundred and seventy.这个地方他们要价18万,所以我开价17万。剑桥国际This house was built seventy years ago.这座房子是七十年前造的。剑桥国际Though seventy years old he still retains an impish grin.尽管70岁了,他仍会露出顽皮的笑容。剑桥国际We had seventy acres of good irrigated land. 我们有七十英亩灌溉良田。译典通

