“security guard”例句

单词 security guard
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIDE〕Concealed cameras help security guards spot intruders. 隐藏式摄像机可帮助保安人员发现闯入者。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Some police officers moonlight as security guards. 有些警察晚上兼职做保安员。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕He got into the stadium masquerading as a security guard. 他装扮成保安人员进了体育场。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕Two men overpowered the security guard and stole $20,000. 两名男子制伏保安,盗走了20,000美元。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕You have to show the security guard your pass. 你得向保安出示通行证。朗文写作活用〔barge〕About 25 demonstrators barged past startled security guards.大约25名示威者从惊恐的保安人员身边闯了过去。外研社新世纪〔brutal〕The security guards are notoriously brutal.保安人员的粗暴臭名昭著。麦克米伦高阶〔concertgoer〕Concertgoers pushed through fencing outside the venue, causing havoc with security guards.音乐会听众冲破会场外面的围栏, 让安保人员陷入混乱。外研社新世纪〔disguise〕They got in disguised as security guards.他们装扮成保安人员混了进去。牛津高阶〔escort〕Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。剑桥高阶〔gated community〕The neighbourhood is a gated community with a security guard to protect residents from intruders.这一街区是一个封闭式住宅小区,有警卫看守大门防止外人擅入。剑桥高阶〔guard〕We have a security guard around the whole area.我们在该地区各处部署了保安。柯林斯高阶〔hallway〕Security guards are posted in the hallway outside the president's office.总统办公室外的过道上部署了安全保卫人员。麦克米伦高阶〔human〕The security guards formed a human chain in front of the crowd.保安在人群前面搭成了一条人链。外研社新世纪〔identification〕We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in.保安要我们出示身份证明才让我们进去。剑桥高阶〔impersonate〕He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.他企图假扮警衞被抓获。牛津高阶〔invariably〕The security guards were invariably ex-servicemen.保安人员毫无例外地都是退伍军人。朗文当代〔job〕Don't blame the security guard for not letting you in; he is only doing his job.别怪保安不让你进, 他不过是尽职而已。外研社新世纪〔manhandle〕Bystanders claim they were manhandled by security guards.旁观者声称他们遭到了保安人员的粗暴推搡。牛津高阶〔nose〕The drugs were smuggled in right under the noses of the security guards.毒品就在保安人员的眼皮底下走私进来。朗文当代〔nose〕They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝, 就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。外研社新世纪〔overpower〕The security guards soon overpowered the man.保安迅速制服了那名男子。朗文当代〔patrol〕Security guards make regular patrols at night.夜间保安人员定时巡逻。牛津高阶〔pocket〕The security guard made them empty their pockets.保安人员让他们把口袋里的东西全掏出来。牛津搭配〔rounder〕One, such as a security guard, who makes rounds.巡行者:如来回巡逻的警卫人员美国传统〔see〕The security guard saw the protesters off the premises.保安人员将抗议者赶了出去。剑桥高阶〔seize〕Robbers tied up security guards and seized the money.强盗们把保安捆绑住,并抢走了钱。麦克米伦高阶〔send〕His solicitor was sent away by the security guards.他的律师被保安打发走了。麦克米伦高阶〔set sb/sth on sb〕The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.警卫放狗咬非法闯入者。剑桥高阶〔shove〕A group of security guards shoved through the crowd.一群保安挤过人群。韦氏高阶〔slump〕He was found slumped in a pool of blood by security guards.保安发现他倒在血泊中。牛津搭配〔stall〕The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalled off the security guard.小偷趁同伙拖住保安之际,闯进了办公室。剑桥高阶〔stand〕Security guards stand watch at the press baron's home.安保人员在这位报业大王家站岗。外研社新世纪〔stop〕I was worried that the security guards would stop us at the gate.我担心警卫会把我们挡在门口。朗文当代〔surprise〕A security guard surprised the burglars in the store-room.一名保安在储藏室当场抓获小偷。朗文当代〔suspicious〕We noticed the suspicious stare of the security guard.我们注意到警卫怀疑的眼神。韦氏高阶〔tackle〕A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.一名保安飞身把他扑倒。牛津搭配〔upgrade〕He was upgraded to security guard.他被擢升为保安。柯林斯高阶〔upgrade〕He was upgraded to security guard.他被擢升为保安。外研社新世纪〔wave〕I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through.我向保安员出示了通行证,他挥手让我通过。牛津高阶A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.一个安全卫士牵着一条狗晚间在工地巡逻。剑桥国际Concealed by a forbidding row of security guards, the pop-star left the building.流行音乐明星在令人生畏的保安护卫下离开了大楼。剑桥国际He had a job as a night security guard.他的工作是夜间保安。牛津商务The security guard covered the robber while the bank manager tied him up.保安人员用枪对准抢劫者,银行经理把他绑了起来。剑桥国际The security guards escorted the protesters off (= away from) the premises.警卫护送抗议者离开场地。剑桥国际The security guards gave me the once-over, but they didn't ask me for any identification.保安人员扫了我一眼,但是他们没有要我的身份证明。剑桥国际The naughty children skedaddled when the security guard approached them. 当警卫走进时,那些顽皮的孩子就匆匆跑开了。译典通The robber didn't manage to smother his cough and was discovered by security guards.盗贼忍不住咳嗽了一下,结果被警卫发现了。剑桥国际To reassure the public, there are now two security guards at every entrance to the complex.为了消除公众的恐惧,该综合大厦的每个出入口现都有2名保安人员。剑桥国际We were asked to show some identification (infml I.D.) (=prove who we were) before the security guards let us in.保安在让我们进去前要求我们出示身份证明。剑桥国际

