
单词 催眠术
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕Some smokers use hypnosis to help them kick the habit. 有些抽烟者借助催眠术来戒烟。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Hypnosis is sometimes used to help people give up smoking. 催眠术有时用来帮助人们戒烟。朗文写作活用〔act on〕Hypnotism can act on the unconscious mind directly.催眠术能直接作用于无意识思维。外研社新世纪〔deal with〕She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。柯林斯高阶〔deal with〕She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.她去看精神科医生, 那位医生用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感。外研社新世纪〔hallucinate〕Mental disorders, drug use, and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.精神失常、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人产生幻觉。剑桥高阶〔hypnoanalysis〕The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.催眠分析:和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用美国传统〔hypnosis〕He uses hypnosis as part of the treatment.他用催眠术作为治疗的一部份。牛津高阶〔hypnosis〕Hypnotism.催眠状态,催眠术美国传统〔hypnotherapy〕Therapy based on or using hypnosis, especially for treatment of chronic pain.催眠疗法:基于或使用催眠术的疗法,尤其用于治疗慢性病美国传统〔hypnotic〕Of or relating to hypnosis.催眠的,催眠术的:催眠术的,或与之有关的美国传统〔hypnotism〕Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔hypnotism〕The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis.催眠术:引导睡眠的理论及实践美国传统〔hypnotize〕Davey sat as if hypnotized by the sound of Nick's voice.戴维听到尼克的说话声, 就如同被施了催眠术一样呆坐在那里。外研社新世纪〔hypnotize〕Surprisingly, the ability to hypnotize yourself can be learnt in a single session.出人意料的是,自我催眠术只要上一次课就可以学会。柯林斯高阶〔mesmerism〕Hypnotism.催眠术美国传统〔will〕She was willed to sleep by the hypnotist.她被催眠术士催眠入睡。英汉大词典McKenna insists that there is nothing magic about hypnotism.麦肯纳坚持认为催眠术并不神奇。剑桥国际Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.精神错乱、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人们产生幻觉。剑桥国际She agreed to be hypnotized (= put in the state of hypnosis) to try to remember what had happened.她同意接受催眠术来试着回忆发生了什么事。剑桥国际She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will. 她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。译典通Some people try hypnotism to cure themselves of addictions.有些人试图用催眠术来治疗他们的毒瘾。剑桥国际

