
单词 俄勒冈州
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cayuse〕A Native American people inhabiting northeast Oregon and southeast Washington.卡尤塞族:居住在俄勒冈州东北部和华盛顿东南部的北美土著民族美国传统〔Chinookan〕A North American Indian language family of Washington and Oregon.奇努克语组:分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组美国传统〔Klamath〕A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California, with close cultural ties to the Modoc.克拉马特族:在美国俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部的喀斯喀特山脉一地区中居住的北美印第安民族,与莫多克族有密切的文化联系美国传统〔Lower Klamath Lake〕A lake of northern California formerly connected with Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon.下克拉马斯湖:美国加利福尼亚州北部湖泊,原连接俄勒冈州南部的上克拉马斯湖美国传统〔Modoc〕A Native American people inhabiting an area of the Cascade Range in south-central Oregon and northern California.莫多克族:美国土著人,居住在俄勒冈州中南部和加利福尼亚州北部喀斯喀特山脉的一个地区美国传统〔Sahaptian〕A North American Indian language family spoken in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho and comprising the Sahaptin and Nez Perce languages.萨哈普廷语组:北美洲的一个印第安人语组,在华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和爱达荷州都有人说,其中包括萨哈普廷语和内兹珀塞语美国传统〔Sahaptin〕Any of various Native American peoples of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.萨哈普廷人:美国爱达荷州、华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的美洲土著人美国传统〔Tillamook Bay〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean in northwest Oregon. The surrounding area is noted for its cheese.提勒莫克湾:太平洋一海湾,位于美国俄勒冈州西北部,其周围地区以生产奶酪闻名美国传统〔Umatilla〕A Native American people of northeast Oregon.乌马蒂拉人:美国俄勒冈州东北部的美洲土著人美国传统〔Upper Klamath Lake〕A lake of south-central Oregon east of Medford. It is in a popular resort area.上克拉马斯湖:俄勒冈州中南部的湖。在梅德福的南部。这里是一个受欢迎的旅游胜地美国传统〔West Coast〕A region of the western United States bordering on the Pacific Ocean and including Washington, Oregon, and California.西海岸:美国西部临太平洋的地区,包括华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州美国传统〔merlot〕A dry red wine made from a grape originating in southern France and Italy and introduced into California and Oregon.墨尔乐红葡萄酒:一种无甜味的红葡萄酒,用原产于法国南部及意大利的一种葡萄制成,这种葡萄已被引植入美国加利福尼亚州及俄勒冈州美国传统〔sprawl〕In Oregon, planning has sought to control urban sprawl and protect farm and forest lands.俄勒冈州的规划力求限制城市肆意扩展, 保护农田和林地。外研社新世纪Major wildfires have destroyed thousands of acres in Idaho, Oregon and Montana.几场大规模野火烧毁了爱达荷州,俄勒冈州及蒙大拿州数千英亩的土地。剑桥国际

