
单词 构成的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Allen wrench〕A tool consisting of an L-shaped bar with a hexagonal head, used to turn screws with hexagonal sockets.阿伦六角扳手:由L型棒和六角形棒头构成的工具,用六角形窝槽来转动螺丝美国传统〔Bubble-Jet Printer〕A trademark for a printer consisting of a grid of ink-containing nozzles that forms an image when the ink is heated and expanded, forcing it out onto the page.喷墨打印机:由含墨喷嘴字模板构成的打印机的商标,当喷嘴中的墨被加热并膨胀时就喷到纸张上形成图像美国传统〔Wolds〕A range of chalk hills in northeast England along both banks of the Humber River.丘陵地:英格兰东北亨伯河两岸的一个石灰岩构成的山脉美国传统〔aerolite〕A chiefly siliceous meteorite.石陨石:主要由矽土构成的陨石美国传统〔angioma〕A tumor composed chiefly of lymph and blood vessels.管腺瘤;淋巴管瘤:主要由淋巴管和血管构成的肿瘤美国传统〔antigalaxy〕A galaxy that is made up of antimatter.反星系:由反物质构成的星系美国传统〔association〕Ecology A large number of organisms in a specific geographic area constituting a community with one or two dominant species.【生态学】 群丛,结合体:在一特定地理区域里由一种或两种主要种类构成的区域的大量有机体美国传统〔atom〕A molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2) has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.二氧化碳(CO2)分子是由一个碳原子和两个氧原子构成的剑桥高阶〔band shell〕A bandstand with a concave, almost hemispheric wall at the rear that serves as a sounding board.户外音乐台:凹形的、后部由作为共振板的近似半球形的墙壁构成的音乐台美国传统〔bipartite〕Having or consisting of two parts.两部分的:两部分的或由两部分构成的美国传统〔butterfly chair〕A lightweight chair consisting of a single piece of canvas suspended from a collapsible metal frame.折迭蝴蝶椅:在可折迭金属架上悬挂一块帆布所构成的轻便椅美国传统〔candle〕A solid, usually cylindrical mass of tallow, wax, or other fatty substance with an axially embedded wick that is burned to provide light.蜡烛:通常是由动物油脂、蜡或其它脂肪物质构成的固态柱状物体,轴心中有烛绳,被点燃以照明美国传统〔chlorenchyma〕Plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells that contain chloroplasts.绿色组织:由含叶绿体的薄壁细胞构成的植物组织美国传统〔clastic〕Geology Made up of fragments of preexisting rock; fragmental.【地质学】 碎屑的:由原来的岩石的碎屑构成的;碎屑的美国传统〔colonnade〕A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals.柱廊:由有规则间隔排列柱子构成的建筑结构美国传统〔columnar〕Constructed with or having columns.圆柱的:圆柱的或由圆柱构成的美国传统〔complex〕Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite.复合的:由互相关联或交织的部分构成的;复合的美国传统〔compose〕Muscle is composed of two different types of protein.肌肉是由两种不同类型的蛋白质构成的麦克米伦高阶〔compose〕Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells.活细胞内所有的复杂工作部件都是由蛋白质分子构成的外研社新世纪〔conjugated protein〕A compound, such as hemoglobin, made up of a protein molecule and a nonprotein prosthetic group.缀合蛋白:由一蛋白质分子和一非蛋白质的弥补基所构成的化合物,如血红蛋白美国传统〔copolymer〕A polymer of two or more different monomers.共聚物:一种由两种或多种不同单体构成的聚合物美国传统〔counterpoint〕A composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing.对位法作品:具有或由对位法作品构成的作词或一段美国传统〔crust〕A piece of bread consisting mostly of the hard outer portion.硬面包片:主要由外表硬皮构成的面包片美国传统〔crystalloid〕Botany Any of various minute crystallike particles consisting of protein and found in certain plant cells, especially oily seeds.【植物学】 拟晶体:任一种由蛋白质构成的类似晶体的细微颗粒,发现于某些植物的细胞,尤其是在油料种籽中美国传统〔dashpot〕A device consisting of a piston that moves within a cylinder containing oil, used to dampen and control motion.缓冲器:由在装有油的汽缸里活动的活塞构成的一种设备,用来减幅和控制运动美国传统〔decision-maker〕A tight-knit group of ten decision-makers actually runs this company.一个由十位决策者所构成的组织严密的小组实际经营这家公司。文馨英汉〔denominative〕Formed from a noun or an adjective.名词构成的,形容词构成的美国传统〔documentary〕Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.文件的:由文件构成的,来源于文件的,与文件有关的美国传统〔double talk〕Meaningless speech that consists of nonsense syllables mixed with intelligible words; gibberish.胡扯:无意义音节与易了解的字词夹杂在一起构成的无意义的话;文理不通的话美国传统〔drinking〕America's drinking laws are a patchwork of local regulations.美国关于饮酒的法律是由各种当地法规构成的外研社新世纪〔dusty〕Consisting of or resembling dust; powdery.尘状的:由尘土构成的或形似尘土的;粉状的美国传统〔exterior angle〕The angle between any side of a polygon and an extended adjacent side.多边形的外角:多边形任何一边和它邻边的延长线所构成的美国传统〔form〕In English the past tense of a verb is usually formed by adding 'ed'.在英语中,动词的过去式通常是通过加 ed 构成的朗文当代〔furry〕Consisting of or similar to fur.毛皮的:由毛皮构成的或似毛皮的美国传统〔gimmal〕A ring made of two or more interlocked rings.双连环:由两个或以上的连锁着的环构成的美国传统〔globuliferous〕Composed of or producing globules.由小球构成的或产生小球的美国传统〔green soap〕A translucent, yellowish-green soft or liquid soap made chiefly from vegetable oils and used in the treatment of skin disorders.绿皂,钾皂,药用软皂:一种主要由蔬菜油构成的透明的黄绿色软性或液体肥皂,用来治疗皮肤疾病美国传统〔gridiron〕A flat framework of parallel metal bars used for broiling meat or fish.烤架:用平行的金属条构成的用来烤鱼或肉的平面构架美国传统〔gummous〕Made of or resembling gum.树胶的:由树胶构成的或类似树胶的美国传统〔histochemistry〕The branch of science that deals with the chemical composition of the cells and tissues of the body.组织化学:研究身体细胞和组织的化学构成的一门科学美国传统〔hodgepodge〕A mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble.大杂烩:不同配料构成的混和物;混乱,杂乱美国传统〔isometric〕Of or being a crystal system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other.等轴晶的:由三根相等的轴彼此以直角相交构成的晶体系统的美国传统〔knife〕A cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle.有柄的小刀:由一个附在柄上的锋利刀片构成的切割工具美国传统〔lipoma〕A benign tumor composed chiefly of fat cells.脂肪瘤:主要由脂肪细胞构成的良性瘤美国传统〔lithopone〕A white pigment consisting of a mixture of zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and barium sulfate.锌钡白:一种由硫化锌、氧化锌和硫酸钡混合构成的白色色素美国传统〔malcontent〕Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.5年前一群主要由文化程度不高的激进分子构成的不满现状者夺取了政权。柯林斯高阶〔manifold〕A whole composed of diverse elements.多样性:由许多因素构成的整体美国传统〔mantle〕A device in gas lamps consisting of a sheath of threads that gives off brilliant illumination when heated by the flame.灯罩:煤油灯内一装置,是一个由许多线结成的套构成的,被火焰加热后产生灿烂的光芒美国传统〔maraca〕A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow-gourd rattle containing pebbles or beans and often played in pairs.响葫芦,沙球:一种由内装卵石或豆粒的中空葫芦构成的且通常成对使用的打击乐器美国传统〔marl〕A crumbly mixture of clays, calcium and magnesium carbonates, and remnants of shells, used as fertilizer for lime-deficient soils.泥灰土:一种由粘土、钙、镁碇酸盐和贝壳碎片构成的易碎混合物,用作缺乏碳酸钙土壤的肥料美国传统〔mineral kingdom〕The group of natural objects and substances that are composed only of inorganic matter.矿物界:只由无机物构成的一组自然物体和物质美国传统〔molecule〕A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.1个水分子是由2个氢原子和1个氧原子构成的英汉大词典〔momentum〕Philosophy An essential or constituent element; a moment.【哲学】 必要的或构成的元素;契机美国传统〔monolithic〕The monolithic free-standing structures suggest entrances to caves, tunnels, tombs, and temples.这些独块巨石构成的独立式结构指示着山洞、地下通道、墓穴和寺庙的入口。外研社新世纪〔myoma〕A tumor composed of muscle tissue.肌瘤:一种由肌肉组织构成的美国传统〔neutron〕Each atomic cluster is made up of neutrons and protons.原子簇是由中子和质子构成的柯林斯高阶〔nongraded〕Consisting of particles of essentially the same size, as soil.同样的:由最基本的同样大小的微粒所构成的,如土壤美国传统〔notochord〕A flexible rodlike structure that forms the main support of the body in the lowest chordates, such as the lancelet; a primitive backbone.脊索:细胞构成的一条纵长可弯曲的杆状结构,其作用是引导产生神经板,形成躯体的支持轴美国传统〔nucleotide〕Any of various compounds consisting of a nucleoside combined with a phosphate group and forming the basic constituent of DNA and RNA.核苷酸:由与磷原子团结合并形成DNA和RNA的基本成分的核苷构成的化合物美国传统〔obscure〕Linguistics Having the reduced, neutral sound represented by schwa (ə).【语言学】 含糊音的:由无重音的元音构成的或由无重音的作为其音值的美国传统〔oligonucleotide〕A short polymeric chain of two to ten nucleotides.低(聚)核苷酸:由两个到十个核苷酸构成的一条短聚体链美国传统〔oligosaccharide〕A carbohydrate that consists of a relatively small number of monosaccharides.低聚糖:由相对少量的单糖构成的美国传统〔organize〕We do not fully understand how the brain is organized.我们不完全了解大脑是怎样构成的牛津高阶〔parallel bars〕An apparatus for gymnastic exercises consisting of two horizontal bars set parallel to each other in adjustable upright supports.双杠:一种由两根平行安装在可调节的直立支撑杆上的水平直杠构成的体操运动用器械美国传统〔paternoster〕An elevator constructed of a series of doorless compartments hung on chains that move slowly and continuously, allowing passengers to step on and off at will.无门电梯:一种由一系列无门小室悬于链条上构成的电梯,缓慢而连续移动,乘客可自由进出美国传统〔pisolite〕Rock, usually limestone, composed of pisoliths.豆石,豆岩:由豆石构成的岩石,常为石灰岩美国传统〔pluralism〕The doctrine that reality is composed of many ultimate substances.多元论:认为现实是由许多种终极物质构成的一种理论美国传统〔polynucleotide〕A polymeric compound consisting of a number of nucleotides.多(聚)核苷核:由许多核苷酸构成的一种聚合化合物美国传统〔polyptych〕A work consisting of four or more painted or carved panels that are hinged together.多联画屏:由联在一起的四幅或更多的彩绘或雕刻的画屏构成的作品美国传统〔praemunire〕The offense under English law of appealing to or obeying a foreign court or authority, thus challenging the supremacy of the Crown.蔑视王权罪:英国法律中因求助于或遵从于外国法庭或权威而冒犯国王统治权所构成的违法行为美国传统〔quadripartite〕Consisting of or divided into four parts.由四部分构成的,或分成四部分的美国传统〔racemose〕Anatomy Having a structure of clustered parts. Used of glands.【解剖学】 葡萄状的:由成串的部分构成的,用于腺体美国传统〔review〕A musical show consisting of often satirical skits, songs, and dances; a revue.讽刺时事的滑稽戏:通常由讽刺短剧、歌曲及舞蹈构成的音乐表演剧;时事讽刺剧美国传统〔ribosome〕A minute, round particle composed of RNA and protein found in the cytoplasm of living cells and active in the synthesis of proteins.核糖体:一种微小圆形的由RNA及蛋白质构成的微粒,发现于活细胞的细胞质中,且活跃于蛋白质的合成中美国传统〔roche moutonnée〕An elongate mound of bedrock worn smooth and rounded by glacial abrasion.羊背石:一种由于冰川的磨损而变得平滑且呈圆形的由基岩构成的细长小丘美国传统〔schist〕Any of various medium-grained to coarse-grained metamorphic rocks composed of laminated, often flaky parallel layers of chiefly micaceous minerals.片岩:任一种变质岩,由分裂的、通常是以云母矿为主的平行片层构成的各种中等纹理及粗纹理的变质岩美国传统〔shoji〕A translucent screen consisting of a wooden frame covered in rice paper, used as a sliding door or partition in a Japanese house.日式拉门:由一个糊有米纸的木框构成的半透明屏风,在日本的房子中用作滑动门或间壁美国传统〔silt〕A sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay.泥沙,淤泥:由大小介于沙和泥之间的非常细小的微粒构成的沉淀性物质美国传统〔skiagram〕A picture or photograph made up of shadows or outlines.X射线照片:由阴影或轮廓构成的图片或照片美国传统〔spear〕A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed end.矛,枪:一种由一根长杆和尖头构成的武器美国传统〔squeegee〕A T-shaped implement having a crosspiece edged with rubber or leather that is drawn across a surface to remove water, as in washing windows.橡皮刷:由一根带橡胶边或皮革边的横条构成的一种T字形工具,用来抹掉表面上的水,如刷洗玻璃美国传统〔stanza〕One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.诗节:诗中由两行或更多行构成的一节,通常以有相同音步、节奏和行数为特征美国传统〔straight chain〕An organic molecular structure in the form of an unbranched open chain.直链:由无分支的开放的链构成的有机分子结构美国传统〔stratovolcano〕A volcano composed of alternating layers of lava and ash.成层火山:由分层的岩浆和火山灰构成的火山美国传统〔subkingdom〕A taxonomic category of related organisms constituting a major division of a kingdom.亚界:由构成一门的主要分支生物构成的分类学界的一级分类美国传统〔superliner〕A railway train composed of such cars.豪华火车:由豪华车厢构成的火车美国传统〔syllogistic〕Of, relating to, resembling, or consisting of a syllogism or syllogisms.三段论的、关于三段论的、似三段论的或由三段论构成的美国传统〔tattersall〕Having a pattern of dark lines forming squares on a light background.具有在浅色背景上形成方块的深色线条构成的图案的美国传统〔temporomandibular〕Of, relating to, or formed by the temporal bone and the mandible.颞下颌的:颞骨和下颌内的、由其构成的或与其有关的美国传统〔thymoma〕A usually benign tumor of the thymus, composed of epithelial and lymphoid cells.胸腺瘤:一种由上皮细胞和淋巴细胞构成的通常为良性的胸腺肿瘤美国传统〔triliteral〕Consisting of three letters, especially of three consonants. Used chiefly of roots in Semitic languages.三字母的:由三个字母,尤其是三个辅音字母构成的。主要用于闪语的三辅音词根美国传统〔triskelion〕A figure consisting of three curved lines or branches, or three stylized human arms or legs, radiating from a common center.三枝形,三腿形:以一个中心放射出去的由三条弯曲的线或分支,或是三条程式化的人臂或人腿构成的图形美国传统〔troll〕Music A vocal composition in successive parts; a round.【音乐】 轮唱曲:由连续的部分构成的声乐曲,轮唱曲美国传统〔tyrothricin〕A gray-brown mixture consisting mainly of tryocidine and gramicidin, used as a topical antibiotic in treating infections caused by gram-positive bacteria.混合短杆菌肽:主要由短杆菌酪肽与短杆菌肽构成的一种灰棕色混合物,主要用来制造治疗因革兰氏阳性细菌造成的感染的抗生素美国传统〔unctuous〕Containing or composed of oil or fat.含油(脂)的,由油(脂)构成的美国传统〔verdigris〕A blue or green powder consisting of basic cupric acetate used as a paint pigment and fungicide.醋酸铜:由碱性的醋酸铜构成的一种蓝色或绿色粉末,用作颜料和杀真菌剂美国传统〔web〕A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.虫网:由线状的丝构成的精致组织,最典型的是蜘蛛或某些昆虫的幼体吐出的组织美国传统〔yo-yo〕A toy consisting of a flattened spool wound with string that is spun down from and reeled up to the hand by motions of the wrist.游游拉线盘,溜溜球:由缠有细绳的扁线盘构成的玩具,通过手腕运动在手上翻转,然后收到手里美国传统In the wall there was a huge window made from a single pane of glass.在墙上开了扇由一整块玻璃构成的大窗户。剑桥国际The preamble to the document gives details of what it comprises.序言交待了文件构成的细节。剑桥国际

