
单词 松果
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔lob〕The kids were lobbing pine cones into the neighbor's yard.孩子们把松果扔进邻居的院子中。朗文当代〔persistent〕Botany Lasting past maturity without falling off, as the calyx on an eggplant or the scales of a pine cone.【植物学】 宿存的,不落的:持续保持成熟后的状态而不凋落,如茄子的花萼或松果的鳞苞美国传统〔pesto〕A sauce consisting of usually fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, and grated cheese.香蒜沙司:通常由新鲜香草、大蒜、松果、橄榄油和磨碎的干酪组成的调味汁美国传统〔pignoli〕Pine nuts.松子,松果美国传统〔pine nut〕The edible seed of certain pines, such as the piñon.松子,松果:某种松树的可食种子,如矮松美国传统〔pineal〕Having the form of a pine cone.松果状的美国传统〔pineal〕Of or relating to the pineal body.松果体的:松果体的或与松果体有关的美国传统〔pinecone〕The cone of a pine tree.松果,松球:松树的球果美国传统〔resinous〕Pine-cones are resinous.松果富有树脂。英汉大词典〔therein〕By burning tree branches, pine needles, and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein.许多人在家里烧树枝、松针和松果,不但给房子取暖,还改善了屋里的气味。柯林斯高阶〔thyrsus〕Mythology A staff tipped with a pine cone and twined with ivy, carried by Dionysus, Dionysian revelers, and satyrs.【神话】 顶端为松果形的手杖:一种顶上有一松果并缠有常青藤的手杖,由酒神狄俄尼索斯、以酒纵欢者和好色之徒持有美国传统Squirrels garner nuts for the winter. 松鼠为过冬储存松果译典通

