
单词 奉陪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔course〕If our rivals are spending more on advertising, we'll have to follow the same course.如果对手增加广告投入,我们也只得奉陪剑桥高阶〔lay〕I'll lay you any money you like (that) he won't come.我看他不来了,你愿意赌多少钱我都奉陪牛津高阶〔readiness〕The company has declared its readiness to fight a challenge in the courts.这家公司声称,如果被起诉到法院,它愿意奉陪到底。剑桥高阶〔take〕I must be going. I'll take you up on your invitation to lunch later.我必须走了,蒙你请吃午饭,下次一定奉陪英汉大词典〔take〕Thanks for the invitation—we'll take you up on it some time.谢谢你的盛情邀请,改日我们一定奉陪牛津高阶

