
单词 头昏眼花
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blind〕He will try to blind us with statistics, but don't lose sight of the main point.他会用数字来弄得我们头昏眼花, 但大家可不能忽视要点。外研社新世纪〔blind〕The sudden bright lights in his eyes blinded him.突然的强烈光射入他的双眼使他头昏眼花21世纪英汉〔breath〕She was dizzy and short of breath (= unable to breathe in enough air).她头昏眼花,上气不接下气。剑桥高阶〔dizzy〕Riding on a merry-go-round makes me dizzy.坐旋转木马会使我头昏眼花英汉大词典〔faint〕She felt faint with hunger.她饿得头昏眼花剑桥高阶〔faint〕The walkers were faint from hunger.那些走路的人饿得头昏眼花牛津高阶〔ourselves〕We were groggy for a moment but quickly came to ourselves.有一会儿,我们感到头昏眼花的,但很快就好了。英汉大词典〔plague〕She was plagued by fatigue and dizziness.她疲惫不堪, 头昏眼花外研社新世纪〔plague〕She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花柯林斯高阶〔punchy〕Groggy or dazed from or as if from a punch or series of punches; punch-drunk.由于或似由于拳打或一顿欧打而导致头昏眼花的;惶惑的美国传统〔punchy〕She was punchy with fatigue.她累得头昏眼花韦氏高阶〔reflection〕The reflection of light confused us momentarily.反光使我们一时头昏眼花英汉大词典〔residual〕His residuals are a weak heart and light-headedness.他的后遗症是心脏虚弱,头昏眼花英汉大词典〔spin〕The room started spinning and I felt faint.我开始感觉天旋地转,头昏眼花剑桥高阶〔swim〕My head was swimming after looking at that screen all day.我盯着那块屏幕看了一整天后觉得头昏眼花朗文当代She gave him a hit on the head which knocked him flying.她击中了他的头部,使他头昏眼花剑桥国际The warning signs (= The physical signs that show the presence) of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness.疾病的警报信息是呼吸困难和头昏眼花剑桥国际

