
单词 一种大的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Morris chair〕A large easy chair with arms, an adjustable back, and removable cushions.莫里斯椅:一种大的带有扶手、可调节的后背和可活动的椅垫的休闲椅美国传统〔Vidalia onion〕A large, white, sweet, delicately flavored onion, having a thin yellowish outer skin and poor storage qualities.维达利亚大葱:一种大的、白色、甜美的洋葱,有一层黄色的薄皮,很难储存美国传统〔ark〕Nautical A large, commodious boat.【航海】 一种大的,宽敞的船美国传统〔basin〕A large, bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor.凹地,海盆:在陆地或海底平面的一种大的,碗状的凹地美国传统〔bullmastiff〕A large, heavy-set, powerful dog of a breed developed from the bulldog and the mastiff.牛头獒:一种大的,身体矮胖的,强壮的狗,是牛头犬与獒的杂种美国传统〔calpac〕A large black cap, usually of sheepskin or felt, worn in Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and neighboring regions.黑毡帽:一种大的黑色帽子,通常用羊皮或毡皮制成,应用于土耳其、高加索、伊朗和邻近地区美国传统〔demijohn〕A large, narrow-necked bottle made of glass or earthenware, usually encased in wickerwork.细颈大坛:用玻璃或泥土制成的一种大的细颈瓶子,经常用柳条包装美国传统〔fid〕A large, tapering pin used to open the strands of a rope before splicing.硬木钉:一种大的、两头渐尖的钉,在接合绳头前用来解开一股绳美国传统〔kettledrum〕A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension.定音鼓:一种大的半球形红铜或黄铜鼓,面为羊皮纸,能通过调整拉力调音美国传统〔loving cup〕A large ornamental vessel given as an award in modern sporting contests and similar events.奖杯,纪念杯:在现代的体育竞赛中或类似的事件中作为奖励给予的一种大的装饰性杯美国传统〔loving cup〕A large ornamental wine vessel, usually made of silver and having two or more handles.大酒杯:一种大的装饰性的酒杯,通常用银做成,有两个或多个柄美国传统〔picture window〕A large, usually single-paned window that provides a broad outside view.观景窗:一种大的、通常是单层玻璃的窗户,能提供宽广的户外视野美国传统〔stork〕Any of various large wading birds of the family Ciconiidae, chiefly of the Eastern Hemisphere, having long legs and a long straight bill.鹳:属鹳科的任何一种大的涉禽,主要分布于东半球,具有长腿及直喙美国传统〔torus〕Architecture A large convex molding, semicircular in cross section, located at the base of a classical column.【建筑学】 凸圆线脚,座盘装饰:一种大的凸起装饰,呈环状半圆形,用于古典雕柱的底座美国传统〔tote board〕A large, usually electrically operated board that displays changing numerical information, such as betting payoffs or voting results.赌金计算器显示板:一种大的通常由电子控制的板,可显示不断变换的数字信息,如赌注的支付或选择结果美国传统

