
单词 上个周末
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GAY〕Thousands of people attended the Gay Pride march in Brighton last weekend. 上个周末,好几千人参加了布赖顿的“同性恋尊严”大游行。朗文写作活用〔SPECIAL〕Did you do anything special at the weekend? 上个周末你有什么特别的活动吗?朗文写作活用〔be a good〕It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful.幸亏他们上个周末没去野营——天气糟透了。剑桥高阶〔bettor〕Thousands of bettors were at the race track last weekend.上个周末,成千上万的投注者聚集在赛马场上。韦氏高阶〔bug〕I picked up a bug last weekend.上个周末我生了一场小病。朗文当代〔canvass〕She spent last weekend canvassing voters.她上个周末对选民作了摸底调查。外研社新世纪〔chat〕We were just chatting about what we did last weekend.我们正在聊上个周末做了些什么。剑桥高阶〔decompression〕Last weekend we were all in need of a little decompression.上个周末我们都需要放松一下。剑桥高阶〔vigil〕Last weekend a nun held a vigil at the United Nations.上个周末, 一位修女在联合国静坐祈祷。外研社新世纪〔window-shopping〕We went window-shopping last weekend.上个周末我们去逛街浏览橱窗了。韦氏高阶Last weekend saw further thundery outbreaks as the low pressure areas drifted over the country.上个周末当低压区蔓延整个国家上空时,雷雨连绵不断。剑桥国际My sister just moved in on us (= came to live with us, esp. without being invited) last weekend.我姐/妹上个周末搬来和我们一起住。剑桥国际Roz and I went clubbing last weekend.罗兹和我上个周末去夜总会了。剑桥国际The two men had been shot during fierce fighting last weekend.上个周末这两个人在一场激战中被击毙。剑桥国际We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.我们很感激你在上个周末给我们帮了那么多忙。剑桥国际We were just chatting about what we did last weekend.我们刚刚正在聊上个周末做了些什么。剑桥国际

