
单词 一醉方休
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENJOY〕We used to go out every Saturday night and get drunk, just for the hell of it. 我们过去每个星期六晚上都出去喝个一醉方休,只是想寻找刺激。朗文写作活用〔bevvied up〕We're all going out to get bevvied up .我们都要出去喝他个一醉方休朗文当代〔bombed〕I feel like going out and getting completely bombed.我想出去喝个一醉方休朗文当代〔inebriety〕His only opportunities for inebriety were the visits to town.他只有借进城的机会才能开怀痛饮,一醉方休英汉大词典〔oiled〕I'm off to the pub to get well oiled.我要去酒吧喝个一醉方休外研社新世纪〔pissed〕Let's all get pissed!让我们一醉方休外研社新世纪〔plastered〕We won! Let's get plastered!我们赢了!让我们一醉方休外研社新世纪〔primary〕I don't think young people's primary aim in life is to get drunk.我觉得年轻人生活的主要目标并不是一醉方休柯林斯高阶〔thing〕Going out and getting drunk was considered to be the thing to do.出门喝个一醉方休才回来在过去被认为是天经地义的事。外研社新世纪〔thing〕I feel under pressure to go out and get drunk because it's the thing to do.我感觉不得不出去喝他个一醉方休,因为流行这样。柯林斯高阶

