
单词 不可能
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕Persuading Paul to change his mind is nearly impossible. 要说服保罗改变主意几乎是不可能的。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕Without their help it would have been utterly impossible to arrange the conference. 没有他们的帮助,完全是不可能安排这次会议的。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕Shortages of food and poor transportation mean that the stores are not able to replenish their shelves as often as they would like to. 食物短缺、交通条件不好,这意味着商店不可能如他们所希望的那样经常补充货架上的东西。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕I could never consider another career -- making films is my whole life. 我不可能考虑再干其他事—拍电影就是我生命的全部。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕At first they thought that building a bridge across to the island was an impossibility. 起初他们认为造一座连接大陆与该岛的桥梁是不可能办到的事。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕Without external pressure, it is unlikely the civil rights abuses would have stopped. 假如没有外界的压力,践踏民权的情况是不可能停止的。朗文写作活用〔PART〕At this stage of the election campaign, it is impossible to say who will win. 在大选的这个阶段,不可能说准谁会赢。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Legal and financial complications have made it impossible for the two companies to complete the deal on time. 法律及财务上的难题使得两家公司不可能按时达成协议。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕Running a mile in under 4 minutes was a seemingly impossible task. 四分钟之内跑一英里似乎是不可能的事。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Anyone who exhibits extreme anxiety in the face of potential danger is unlikely to become an effective military leader. 任何人如果在潜在的危险面前表现出极度的焦躁不安,都不可能成为一名卓越的军事首领。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The court case has been dragging on for months, and it's increasingly unlikely that she'll win. 这场官司拖拉了好几个月,她越来越不可能赢了。朗文写作活用〔abreast〕It is almost impossible to keep abreast of all the latest developments in computing.要跟上计算机领域所有最新的发展几乎不可能牛津高阶〔all-encompassing〕We're unlikely to find an all-encompassing solution.我们不可能找到一个万全的解决方案。韦氏高阶〔attenuate〕You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。柯林斯高阶〔backwardness〕At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.到了一定的年龄,就不可能再退回去干不需要技能的工作。柯林斯高阶〔bitterender〕One who persists in an action, attitude, or state despite difficult circumstances, until it becomes impossible to continue.坚持到底的人:在行动、态度或不利的困境中坚持到不可能再继续的人美国传统〔blood〕Getting money out of Larry is like getting blood from a stone.要从拉里那里弄到钱就像从石头里挤血, 根本是不可能的事。外研社新世纪〔brain〕It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true.不必费多大脑筋就知道,两种说法都不可能是真的。牛津高阶〔by〕He couldn't have planned the whole thing by himself.他不可能独自计划了整件事。麦克米伦高阶〔camouflage〕It was impossible to camouflage the facts.要掩盖事实是不可能的。韦氏高阶〔can〕He can't have slept through all that noise.他不可能在那种闹哄哄的环境里睡好觉。牛津高阶〔challenge〕They threw down the challenge that he couldn't wash 40 cars in one hour (=invited him to try to do it) .他们激他,说他不可能在一小时内洗 40 辆汽车。朗文当代〔chance〕I don't fancy our chances of getting there on time.我认为我们不可能准时到达那里。牛津搭配〔confront〕Escape being impossible, the stag turned to confront the hunters.因不可能逃跑,牡鹿就转过身来与猎人对峙。英汉大词典〔could〕There was no way she could have coped with a baby around.身边带着一个孩子,她不可能应付得过来。柯林斯高阶〔defeat〕He said it was impossible to defeat the terrorists militarily.他说军事上打败恐怖分子是不可能的。牛津搭配〔disbelief〕The movie version requires greater suspension of disbelief than the book.与原书比起来,电影版更需要观众更大程度地收起疑心,相信那不可能发生之事。牛津搭配〔dispassionate〕It is impossible to remain a dispassionate observer when faced with such appalling scenes.面对如此可怕的场面时, 我们不可能还是一个中立的旁观者。外研社新世纪〔elsewhere〕The government is unlikely to help, so the money must come from elsewhere.政府不可能会为该计划提供资金帮助,因此必须从别处筹钱。麦克米伦高阶〔feed〕The baby had a feed an hour ago, so she can't be hungry.宝宝一小时前刚喂过一次,所以她不可能是饿了。剑桥高阶〔fit in〕There was so much furniture in the salesroom that it became impossible to fit any more in.营业部里装的家具十分拥挤,不可能再放进任何家具了。21世纪英汉〔fit〕You can't fit all types of human behaviour into a clear pattern.你不可能把所有的人类行为都归入一个明晰的模式。麦克米伦高阶〔fluctuate〕You can't march in a straight line to the victory; you fluctuate to it.你不可能一帆风顺地走向胜利,而要经过许多波折才能达到。英汉大词典〔generalize〕I don't think you can generalize about what the voters will do.我认为你不可能推测出选民们将会做什么。英汉大词典〔give sth away〕You can't give away goals as easily as we did and win games at this level.在这样的层次上,如果像我们这样轻易让对手进球的话,你是不可能取胜的。剑桥高阶〔half〕She can't love you half as much as I do.她不可能像我这样爱你。朗文当代〔harden〕His resolve was even more hardened to escape from captivity although it was impossible.尽管逃脱囚禁是根本不可能的事情,可他却更加坚定了逃脱的决心。21世纪英汉〔have〕No one else could have done it – it had to be Neville.干这件事的不可能是其他人 — 肯定是内维尔。朗文当代〔impractical〕The weight of the machine makes lifting it impractical.这台机器太重,要抬起来是不可能的。牛津搭配〔inconceivable〕Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.同一地方再次发生核事故简直/几乎是不可能的。剑桥高阶〔likely〕This match was never likely to be a classic.这场比赛绝不可能成为经典。牛津搭配〔lost〕Trying to interest my son in classical music is a lost cause.让我儿子对古典音乐产生兴趣是不可能的事。朗文当代〔macro〕Zooming is not possible while in macro mode.在微距模式下不可能实现变焦。柯林斯高阶〔moot〕I think they were wrong, but the point is moot. Their decision has been made and it can't be changed now.我认为他们是错的,但这点已不重要了。他们已经做出决定,现在不可能更改了。韦氏高阶〔nature〕It's highly unlikely that this mound was produced by nature.这个小土岗极不可能是自然生成的。牛津搭配〔non-starter〕The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding.这项提案从一开始就不切实际,因为不可能获得资金支持。剑桥高阶〔now〕I was hoping to go tomorrow. That won't be possible now.我本来希望明天去。这一来不可能了。外研社新世纪〔number〕At the first matinee, Kate found it impossible to perform the number properly.在首场日戏中,凯特感到不可能发挥出正常的演出水平。英汉大词典〔on〕That's my final offer, and I can't improve on it.这是我出的最高价,我不可能再提价了。剑桥高阶〔patent〕It was a patent impossibility.那显然是不可能的。英汉大词典〔place〕She could not have taken these massive doses orally. In the first place, she did not have enough pills.她不可能口服这么大的剂量,因为她根本没有足够的药丸了。柯林斯高阶〔plumb〕It's not plumb impossible.这并不是完全不可能的。英汉大词典〔possibility〕There was no possibility of changing the voting procedure.改变投票程序是不可能的。朗文当代〔possible〕It is not possible to finish in three weeks.在三周内完成是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔precipitately〕Somebody hired from another country is not likely to resign precipitately.外国雇员不可能贸然辞职。柯林斯高阶〔proof〕He is unlikely to make wild accusations without proof.没有证据他不可能胡乱指控。牛津搭配〔prove〕All this proves conclusively that she couldn't have known the truth.这一切无可置疑地证明她不可能知道真相。牛津搭配〔qualitatively〕The new media are unlikely to prove qualitatively different from the old.新媒体不可能与旧媒体有质的差别。柯林斯高阶〔quantify〕It is impossible to quantify the number of Web sites on the Internet.现在不可能确定互联网上的网站数量。韦氏高阶〔question〕Taking a holiday then is out of the question, you'll have to arrange it for some other time.在那个时候度假绝对不可能,你得另外安排时间。麦克米伦高阶〔question〕There's no question of them agreeing.他们不可能同意。外研社新世纪〔quite〕I'm sorry. That's quite impossible .我很抱歉,那是不可能的。朗文当代〔reconstruct〕It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。牛津搭配〔relax〕Smiling and outwardly relaxed, the President said the missiles could not be pinpointed.总统一边微笑着显出轻松的样子,一边说那些导弹的位置不可能被精确地测定。英汉大词典〔rule〕Police have now ruled her out as the killer.现在警方相信她不可能是杀人凶手。牛津搭配〔saw〕I couldn't see myself coming back before noon.我认为我午前不可能赶回来。21世纪英汉〔separate〕It was impossible to separate the rival fans.要把这些敌对的球迷分开是不可能的。牛津搭配〔side〕She's not likely to be back this side of Monday week.下下星期一之前她不可能回来。韦氏高阶〔soothe〕Her sufferings couldn't be totally soothed.她的痛苦是不可能完全忘掉的21世纪英汉〔so〕Surely that can't be so.当然不可能是那样。外研社新世纪〔talk〕You may be able to talk him round with logic but not with harsh words or threats.你或许可以用道理把他说服,但不可能用粗暴的言辞或恫吓把他压服。英汉大词典〔the〕He knows he's wishing for the impossible.他清楚他在期盼一件不可能发生的事。柯林斯高阶〔though〕Snow is not predicted; we can expect some rain, though.不可能下雪,但可能下雨美国传统〔too〕I was getting too old for romantic relationships.我太老了,不可能恋爱了。朗文当代〔truly〕Truly, I could not have done this without you.说真的,没有你我不可能取得成功。剑桥高阶〔turn〕It's impossible to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.要跟上情节中所有的曲折变化是不可能的。牛津搭配〔unapt〕Not likely or liable.不可能的或不易于…的美国传统〔unburden〕Somehow he had to unburden his soul to somebody, and it couldn't be to Laura.不管怎样,他需要找个人倾诉一番,而这个人不可能是劳拉。柯林斯高阶〔under〕Under present conditions no change is possible.在目前情况下不可能有变化。英汉大词典〔unpredictable〕Something difficult or impossible to foretell or foresee.难料之事:难以或不可能预料或预见的事物美国传统〔veer〕He is unlikely to veer from his boss's strongly held views.他不可能背离他老板的强硬立场。柯林斯高阶〔well-nigh〕It was well-nigh impossible to resist the temptation.抵制这种诱惑几乎是不可能的。韦氏高阶〔wrong〕According to her, her son could do no wrong.按她的说法,她儿子是不可能做坏事的。牛津搭配〔wrong〕Her son can do no wrong in her eyes.在她眼里,她的儿子不可能做坏事。牛津高阶I can't do it all at once but I'll have it finished by the end of the week.我不可能同时做这件事,但是周末之前我会完成它。剑桥国际I can't possibly meet that deadline.我不可能赶在那个最后期限前完成。牛津商务I find it impossible to live up to my reputation (= behave as well as people now expect of me).我觉得不可能做得与我的声望一样好。剑桥国际In my estimation, a man of his caliber cannot possibly condescend to do a thing like this. 以我看来,像他这种水准的男人不可能委屈自己来做这件事。译典通It is almost impossible to skirt the knotty problem. 想回避这个棘手的问题几乎是不可能的。译典通It used to be virtually impossible to find vegetarian restaurants outside the major cities, but it's much easier now.过去除了大城市几乎不可能找到素食餐馆,不过现在容易得多了。剑桥国际It's not every day you lay out £2000 on a holiday.你不可能像度假那样每天花2000英镑。剑桥国际It's not genetically possible for two blue-eyed parents to produce a brown-eyed child.遗传上来说,蓝眼睛的父母不可能生出棕色眼睛的孩子。剑桥国际Many couples would say their meeting was predestined because it was so unlikely to have happened by chance.许多夫妇说他们的结合是命中注定的,因为这极不可能偶然发生。剑桥国际Medical knowledge has expanded so much over the past century that it's impossible for doctors to be omniscient.医药知识在过去的一个多世纪中增加了许多,现在医生不可能无所不知。剑桥国际My office is first on the right with a bright red door. You can't miss it (= It is very easy to find).我的办公室在右面第二间,有一扇鲜红色的门,你不可能错过的。剑桥国际That particular drug is not obtainable (= cannot be obtained) any more in this country.那种药在这个国家里再也不可能得到了。剑桥国际The cliffs are collapsing into the sea and living in the cottages at the cliff edge is now untenable.这些峭壁正倒塌入大海,在峭壁边缘上的村舍里住现在是不可能了。剑桥国际They're on a hiding to nothing trying to get money out of this government.他们想从这届政府手中得到钱是根本不可能的。剑桥国际We'll never get there (= arrive) in time.我们不可能及时到达那里。剑桥国际You'll never get a Luddite like Geoff to use the new computer system.你永远不可能找到象杰夫那样反对使用新计算机系统的人了。剑桥国际

