
单词 三个一组的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ternary〕Composed of three or arranged in threes.三个组成的:三个一组的,三重的,美国传统〔ternate〕Arranged in or consisting of sets or groups of three, as a compound leaf with three leaflets.三个一组的:三个组成的、三个一组的或三个一套的,如(植物)由三瓣嫩叶的叶子美国传统〔trimerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of three.【植物学】 三基数的:花的各部分,如花瓣,萼片和雄蕊是三个或三个一组的美国传统〔trinary〕Consisting of three parts or proceeding by threes; ternary.三个组成的:由三部分组成的,三个一组的,三重的美国传统

