
单词 varying
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Buddhism〕The religion represented by the many groups, especially numerous in Asia, that profess varying forms of this doctrine and that venerate Buddha.佛教:由许多派别代表的宗教,在亚洲尤为广泛,信奉该宗教的各种形式并崇拜佛美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕If you're bored with the trip to work, try varying your route. 如果你厌倦了上班的旅程,就试着换一条路线。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Teachers can keep students’ interest by varying their classes. 老师可以通过变换上课的方式来保持学生的兴趣。朗文写作活用〔Cheddar〕Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp.切德奶酪:几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪美国传统〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕It is now possible to grow satisfactory crops under varying climatic conditions. 现在在不同的气候环境下都有可能种出令人满意的农作物。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕She has tried numerous diets with varying degrees of success. 她试了许多节食方法,收到不同程度的效果。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Test-takers must complete ten tasks with varying levels of complexity. 应试者必须完成十道难度各异的题。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The program teaches children of varying ages. 这个课程计划针对各年龄段的孩子。朗文写作活用〔Waardenburg syndrome〕A hereditary syndrome characterized by varying degrees of deafness and facial bone defects and by variation in pigmentation of the skin, hair, or eyes.蓝眼症候群,瓦登伯格症候群:遗传性疾病症状,特征为程度不一的耳聋、脸部骨骼缺陷,以及肤色、发色以及眼球的着色不同美国传统〔absolutism〕They are saying, with varying degrees of absolutism, that animals should not be exploited at all.他们都多多少少带有些绝对地说动物根本不该被拿来利用。柯林斯高阶〔accommodation〕Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.【生理学】 眼调节:眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像美国传统〔adaptation〕Physiology The responsive adjustment of a sense organ, such as the eye, to varying conditions, such as light intensity.【生理学】 调节:感觉器官(如眼睛)对变化的条件(如光线强度)作出的反应性调整美国传统〔air〕This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere.大气:覆盖地球的不同量的湿气和特殊物质的混合物;大气美国传统〔amount〕Tap water also contains varying amounts of rust and grit.自来水也含有数量不等的铁锈和沙子。牛津搭配〔amplitude〕Physics The maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity.【物理学】 振幅:周期性变量的最大绝对值美国传统〔anger〕These nouns denote varying degrees of marked displeasure.这些名词表示不同程度的不快。美国传统〔aspheric〕Varying slightly from sphericity and having only slight aberration, as a lens.非球面的:与球状体略微不同,只有很小偏离,如镜片美国传统〔canzone〕A medieval Italian or Provençal lyric of varying stanzaic form, usually with a concluding envoy.坎佐尼:中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗美国传统〔city〕A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province.自治区:加拿大的高级自治城市,通常依人口而定,但因省而异美国传统〔covariant〕Statistics Varying with another variable quantity in a manner that leaves a specified relationship unchanged.【统计学】 协变的:以使某一特定关系不变的方式与另一变量同时变化的美国传统〔degree〕Politicians have used television with varying degrees of success.政客们已经利用电视取得了不同程度的成功。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying degrees.党的所有领导人都被发现存在不同程度的腐败行为。牛津搭配〔degree〕The schools have had varying degrees of success in improving their results.这些学校已不同程度地改善了教学。麦克米伦高阶〔degree〕They have had varying degrees of success.他们都取得了不同程度的成就。韦氏高阶〔degree〕They work hard, but with varying degrees of success.他们工作都很认真,但成就却有大有小。牛津搭配〔degree〕We all tried to find out about the bus service, with varying degrees of success.我们都试图弄清公交车的运行情况,结果有不同程度的收获。牛津搭配〔degree〕We tried out these methods, with varying degrees of success.这些方法我们都试过了, 取得了不同程度的成功。外研社新世纪〔dielectric heating〕The heating of electrically nonconducting materials by a rapidly varying electromagnetic field.电介质加热:用快速变化的电磁场对非导电体加热美国传统〔direct〕Mathematics Varying in the same manner as another quantity, especially increasing if another quantity increases or decreasing if it decreases.【数学】 正变形的:同另一个量以同样方式变化的,特别是另一个量增加即增加,如减少即减少美国传统〔drill〕Durable cotton or linen twill of varying weights, generally used for work clothes.粗斜纹布:重量各异而且耐穿的棉或麻斜纹布,一般用于做工作用美国传统〔exist〕Racism still exists to varying degrees.种族主义仍不同程度地存在着。英汉大词典〔expectation〕Religion reinforces traditional gender expectations to varying extents.宗教在不同程度上加强了传统的性别期望。牛津搭配〔facultative〕Biology Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions. Used of certain organisms, such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen.【生物学】 兼性寄生的:能在不同环境条件下活动的。用于某些生物,如细菌在有氧或无氧条件下都能生存美国传统〔faith community〕In any faith community there are varying levels of commitment.在任何一个宗教团体内都有各种各样的虔诚程度。朗文当代〔family〕Mathematics A set of functions or surfaces that can be generated by varying the parameters of a general equation.【数学】 族:通过改变一般等式的参数形成的函数或曲面美国传统〔floater〕An insurance policy that protects movable property in transit or regularly subject to use in varying places.流动财产保险单:为保护流通中的动产或定期在各地使用的流动财产而投保的一种保险单美国传统〔fundamental〕Physics The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system.【物理学】 基频:周期变化量或振动系统的最低频率美国传统〔hold〕Experts hold varying opinions as to the causes of the disease.专家们对该病的起因各持己见。朗文当代〔hypodermis〕Anatomy A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells.【解剖学】 下皮,真皮:含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层美国传统〔inconstant〕Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason.善变的:易变的或反复无常的,尤指常无一定格式或道理的美国传统〔induction〕The generation of electromotive force in a closed circuit by a varying magnetic flux through the circuit.电磁感应:在一个封闭回电路里,通过改变其磁流而产生电动势美国传统〔level〕They work hard, but with varying levels of success.他们工作努力,不过成功程度不一。牛津搭配〔mainline〕The homosexual issue catches all mainline churches in varying states of theological and emotional unpreparedness.同性恋问题使所有传统教会在神学与情感方面都或多或少地感到不知所措。英汉大词典〔manitou〕In Algonquian religious belief, a supernatural power that permeates the world, possessed in varying degrees by both spiritual and human beings.大神,神灵:阿尔冈昆人宗教信仰中的超自然力量,在世界上无处不在,无论神灵还是人在不同程度上都拥有这种力量美国传统〔maturity〕Their investments are in bonds of varying maturities and yields.他们的投资放在不同期限和收益的债券上。麦克米伦高阶〔mina〕A varying unit of weight or money used in ancient Greece and Asia.迈纳:古希腊及亚洲使用的一种不断变化的重量或货币单位美国传统〔monkey wrench〕A hand tool with adjustable jaws for turning nuts of varying sizes.活动扳手:带有可以旋转不同大小螺母的可调节钳口的手动工具美国传统〔musical saw〕A handsaw on which varying musical tones are produced by flexing the blade and stroking it with a violin bow or striking it with a hammer.乐锯:通过扭弯锯片同时以小槌或琴弓击打它发出各种曲调的手锯美国传统〔necktie〕A narrow fabric band of varying length worn around the neck and tied in a knot or bow close to the throat.领带:不同长度的围在颈部的窄条织物,通常在衣领下打结成环美国传统〔nigrosine〕Any of a class of dyes, varying from blue to black, used in the manufacture of inks and for dyeing wood and textiles.苯胺黑:蓝黑色染料的一种,用于墨水的生产制造和木料及织物的着色美国传统〔node of Ranvier〕A constriction in the myelin sheath, occurring at varying intervals along the length of a nerve fiber.郎飞氏结:髓磷脂叶鞘上的阻塞物,沿叶脉纤维长度长在不同间隔处美国传统〔off-color〕Varying from the usual, expected, or required color.颜色不正的:偏离正常的、期望的或所要求的颜色的美国传统〔paella〕A saffron-flavored Spanish dish made with varying combinations of rice, vegetables, meat, chicken, and seafood.西班牙式什锦蒸饭:一种用米、蔬菜、肉、鸡以及海味的多种混合物的什锦饭,加藏红花调味的蒸饭美国传统〔pain〕An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.疼痛:作为伤害、疾病或感情的混乱的结果以各种不同严重程度出现的令人不快的情感美国传统〔pigment〕Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin, and eyes that is present in varying amounts in every human being.黑色素是头发、皮肤和眼睛中的黑褐色色素,每个人体内或多或少都有这种色素。剑桥高阶〔polyurethane〕Any of various resins, widely varying in flexibility, used in tough chemical-resistant coatings, adhesives, and foams.聚氨基甲酸乙酯;聚氨酯:一种在韧性上差别很大的树脂,用于坚固的抗化学物质涂面、黏合剂和泡沫中美国传统〔princess〕A noblewoman of varying status or rank.贵妇人:位于各种位置或地位的贵族妇女美国传统〔prince〕A nobleman of varying status or rank.贵族:各种爵位或地位的贵族美国传统〔recension〕A critical revision of a text incorporating the most plausible elements found in varying sources.校订:通过结合几个源本中最合理的因素来对某个文本进行评判性地修订美国传统〔rigour〕The law was implemented with varying degrees of rigour in different districts.该法律在不同地区的执行力度各不相同。麦克米伦高阶〔room〕There is some wiggle room for varying interpretations.给不同的解释都留有一定的余地。牛津搭配〔rubber〕Any of numerous synthetic elastic materials of varying chemical composition with properties similar to those of natural rubber.合成橡胶:具有不同的化学成分的各种有弹性的合成原料,其属性与天然橡胶类似美国传统〔scale〕Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size.【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列美国传统〔spikelet〕A small or secondary spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges, having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts.小穗,小穗状花序:禾草或蓑衣草所特有的一种小的或次级的穗,具有数目不等的由一至二片鳞状苞片衬托的渐少的小花美国传统〔spiral〕A three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis; a helix.螺旋:当螺旋浆沿轴转动时,形成的以等距离或不断变化之距离绕轴转动的三维曲线美国传统〔stellar wind〕The varying flow of plasma ejected from the surface of a star into interstellar space.恒星风:从恒星表面射向星际空间的等离子流美国传统〔supply〕Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts.现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。柯林斯高阶〔term〕A wide range of accounts are available, with varying terms and conditions.可以选择的账户很多,条款各异。牛津搭配〔test-drive〕Each car is test-driven for hundreds of miles over varying road surfaces.每辆汽车都在各种路面上作数百英里的试验驾驶。英汉大词典〔township〕A subdivision of a county in most northeast and Midwest U.S. states, having the status of a unit of local government with varying governmental powers; a town.区:在大多数美国东北部和中西部的州中的一个县的再分区域,有相当于地方政府的地位,但有不同的政府权力;镇压美国传统〔truth table〕A table that displays the truth-value of a compound sentence as a function of the varying truth-values of its components.真值表:显示复合命题中各组成部分命题真假的表美国传统〔unexceptional〕Not varying from a norm; usual.非例外的,不独特的:不从标准改变的;平常的美国传统〔urn〕A vase of varying size and shape, usually having a footed base or pedestal.瓮,缸:各种大小和式样的瓶,通常有脚架或底座美国传统〔usance〕The length of time, established by custom and varying between countries, that is allowed for payment of a foreign bill of exchange.支付外国汇票的习惯期限(各国不一样)美国传统〔valve〕Music A device in a brass wind instrument that permits change in pitch by a rapid varying of the air column in a tube.【音乐】 活瓣:在铜管乐器中通过在管中迅速改变气流而完成音调的改变的一种装置美国传统〔variance〕The act of varying.变化:变化的动作美国传统〔variation〕The act, process, or result of varying.变化,变更:变化的动作、过程或结果美国传统〔varying〕Attempts have been made to help, with varying degrees of success.试图给予帮助的各种努力取得了不同程度的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔varying〕The Creole is spoken to varying degrees by young white people.年轻白人在不同程度上讲一些克里奥耳语。麦克米伦高阶〔varying〕The project has won varying degrees of support from the public.那项计划获得大众各种不同程度的支持。文馨英汉〔vary〕Different writers will prepare to varying degrees.不同作者的准备程度也会各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔vary〕New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。牛津高阶〔vary〕She has tried different diets with varying degrees of success.她试过各种不同的节食方式,效果各不相同。朗文当代〔vary〕They've tried to improve their procedures, with varying degrees of success.他们尽力完善他们的程序,取得了不同程度的成效。韦氏高阶〔vary〕We have tried several different approaches, with varying degrees of success.我们尝试过不同的方法,成功率也不同。剑桥高阶〔zucchetto〕A skullcap worn by clerics, varying in color with the rank of the wearer. 圆顶小帽:神职人员戴的一种无边便帽,以颜色区别戴帽者的职位美国传统Advertising wearout can be avoided by varying the way in which the basic message is presented.广告疲乏可以通过改变基本信息的呈现方式加以避免。牛津商务Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes which is present in varying amounts in people of all races.黑色素是黑褐色色素,以不等的数量存在于各种族人的头发,皮肤,眼睛中的。剑桥国际We introduced new methods with varying degrees of success.我们引进了几种新方法,都在不同程度上取得了成功。牛津商务

