
单词 verses
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Rig-Veda〕The most ancient collection of Hindu sacred verses.《梨俱吠陀》:印度宗教诗歌中最古老的文集美国传统〔Sapphic〕Relating to or being a stanza of three such verses followed by a verse consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee or trochee.萨福诗体的:由三个这种韵体组成的一节,后跟一行由扬扬格或扬抑格加扬抑抑格组成的诗行的美国传统〔bard〕One of an ancient Celtic order of minstrel poets who composed and recited verses celebrating the legendary exploits of chieftains and heroes.吟游诗人:古代凯尔特族的吟游诗人,自编自唱,吟唱酋长和英雄的传奇业绩美国传统〔cap〕I'll cap verses with him.我要和他行诗句接尾令。英汉大词典〔chorus〕Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段和副歌部分。柯林斯高阶〔chorus〕Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳演唱了两个小节主歌以及合唱部分。外研社新世纪〔chorus〕I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.我唱独唱部分,我希望你们都加入合唱。剑桥高阶〔logogriph〕A word puzzle, such as an anagram or one in which clues are given in a set of verses.字谜:用字出的谜语,如变位字或通过一系例诗句给出线索的谜美国传统〔misprint〕Verses were missing or misprinted.诗句不是漏印就是印错了。外研社新世纪〔pentameter〕They produced their own pentameter verses.他们创作自己的五音步诗。外研社新世纪〔quote〕She quoted several verses to us. (或 She quoted us several verses.) 她给我们引用了几句诗。英汉大词典〔rant〕The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。21世纪英汉〔refrain〕A phrase, verse, or group of verses repeated at intervals throughout a song or poem, especially at the end of each stanza.副句,副歌:一个短语、一句诗或一组诗句在一首歌或诗中每隔一段重复一次, 尤其在每个诗节的结尾处美国传统〔seguidilla〕A Spanish stanza form of four to seven short verses.塞吉迪亚诗节:一种由四个到七个短诗行组成的西班牙体诗节美国传统〔stichic〕Composed of verses having the same metrical form.由相同韵律诗行组成的美国传统〔tract〕The verses from Scripture sung during Lent or on Ember days after the gradual in the Roman Catholic Mass.咏唱:在大斋节和四季斋期间,罗马天主教弥撒升阶圣歌后咏唱的引自圣经中的诗节美国传统〔unaccompanied〕She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied.她在钢琴的伴奏下唱了前三节,清唱了最后一节。剑桥高阶〔verse〕Learn the first two verses of the poem by heart.把这首诗的头两节背下来。朗文当代〔verse〕The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.合唱团只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。柯林斯高阶〔verse〕The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.唱诗班只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。外研社新世纪〔verse〕The first three verses are about her childhood.前3句诗是关于她的童年的。麦克米伦高阶〔versify〕To write verses.作诗美国传统All her poems consist of five verses of four lines each.她所有的诗都包括5节,每节4行。剑桥国际He quoted a few verses from Shakespeare. 他引用了莎士比亚的几行诗。译典通I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.我将唱独唱部分的歌词,我希望你们都加入合唱。剑桥国际She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied.她在钢琴伴奏下唱了前三节, 最后一节清唱。剑桥国际

