“will need”例句

单词 will need
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕Your teacher will be able to advise you about what qualifications you will need. 你的老师能给你提供建议,告诉你需要哪些资历。朗文写作活用〔DECAY〕Several of the pipes have rusted and will need to be replaced. 有几根管子已生锈,要换掉了。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕You will need a strip of stiff cardboard to make this hat. 做这种帽子需要一条硬卡纸。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕We will need a reference from your last employer before we can send you a contract. 我们给你合同之前,需要你上一位雇主的推荐信。朗文写作活用〔allegation〕He will need to counter allegations that he accepted money from criminals.他需要对他曾接受过罪犯贿赂的指控加以反驳。牛津搭配〔assess〕The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.保险公司需要对洪水造成的损失进行估定。剑桥高阶〔attest〕The will needs to be attested (= officially marked to show that the signature of the person who made the will is correct) by three witnesses.此遗嘱需要有3个证人联署证明。剑桥高阶〔behind〕The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining.随着技术的快速发展,她已经远远落伍了,需要接受再培训。柯林斯高阶〔book〕We will need to book early.我们需要提早预订。韦氏高阶〔brake〕The car will need new brakes soon.汽车很快需要换刹车了。韦氏高阶〔catch up〕In order to catch up with its competitors in the industry, the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.为了赶上行业竞争者,公司需要开始采用更加先进的技术。韦氏高阶〔claimant〕Claimants will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork.所有权申请人须填写相应的文书。韦氏高阶〔coat〕You will need to apply three coats of varnish.需要刷三层清漆。柯林斯高阶〔code〕It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.把数字信号重新转换回通常的电视信号需要另外的微芯片。柯林斯高阶〔conservation area〕You will need planning permission if you live in a conservation area.如果住在保护区, 你需要持有建筑许可证。外研社新世纪〔counselling〕She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.她需要借助医学治疗和心理咨询来克服惨剧带来的影响。柯林斯高阶〔description〕Your insurance company will need a full description of the stolen property.你的保险公司会要一份被盗财物的详细说明。朗文当代〔domicile〕You will need to report your change of domicile to your insurance company.你需要向保险公司报告住址的变更。韦氏高阶〔estimate〕I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need.我可以粗略估计一下你所需要的木材量。牛津高阶〔every〕She will need to have the therapy repeated every few months.她将需要每隔几个月就进行一次治疗。柯林斯高阶〔examination〕These proposals will need detailed examination before a decision can be reached.在作出决定前,这些提议尚需仔细审查。麦克米伦高阶〔field〕You will need to create separate fields for first name, last name and address.名、姓和地址要分别建立字段。牛津搭配〔fixer〕John Wakeham seems certain to become the fixer the Prime Minister will need at election time.约翰•韦克厄姆似乎必定要成为首相竞选时需要的疏通者。外研社新世纪〔graft〕You will need to cut off any new shoots that grow below the graft.你要把嫁接处下面长出来的新芽剪掉。韦氏高阶〔impervious〕The floor covering you select will need to be impervious to water.你选择的地板材料必须是防水的。外研社新世纪〔lease〕He will need more grazing land and perhaps La Prade could lease him a few acres.他将需要更多的牧场, 也许拉普拉德可以租给他几英亩。外研社新世纪〔lethargy〕They will need to shake off their lethargy if they want to win the game.如果他们想要赢得比赛,就必须打起精神。牛津搭配〔look〕The implications of the new law will need to be looked at.新法规可能造成的影响需要仔细研究一下。牛津高阶〔majority〕To govern effectively, he will need a working majority in Congress.为了有效地管理,他需要在国会中获得足够多数票。牛津搭配〔nod〕Students will need to have a nodding acquaintance with Spanish.学生们要粗通西班牙语。朗文当代〔obtain〕You will need to obtain permission from the principal.你需要得到校长的同意。朗文当代〔patch〕Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date.老些的机器需要下载软件补丁来修改日期。柯林斯高阶〔polyurethane〕The floor will need two coats of polyurethane.地板需要两层聚氨酯。韦氏高阶〔prepared〕She will need to be well prepared for the task ahead.她还需要为将来的任务作好准备。麦克米伦高阶〔proposer〕What you will need is a chairperson, a proposer and seconder on each side.每方都需要一名主席、一名提案人和一名附议人。外研社新世纪〔raw〕This information is only raw data and will need further analysis.这些资料只是原始数据,还需要进一步分析。牛津高阶〔remediate〕It's a problem that we will need to continue to monitor and remediate.我们必须不断监控和纠正这个问题。剑桥高阶〔saving〕All small companies will need to make savings if they are to survive.所有的小公司若要生存的话就要节省。朗文当代〔slow down〕You will need to slow down for a while.你需要放松一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕If the mixture is too hard you will need to soften it.如果混料太硬你就得把它弄软。麦克米伦高阶〔stranglehold〕To succeed, the new paper will need to break the stranglehold of the printing unions.要想获得成功的话,这份新报纸就要冲破印刷业联合会的钳制。柯林斯高阶〔stranglehold〕To succeed, the new paper will need to break the stranglehold of the printing unions.要取得成功, 新报纸就要冲破印刷业联合会的钳制。外研社新世纪〔superiority〕The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack.美国需要在军力上具有3比1的优势才能确保进攻胜利。柯林斯高阶〔support〕You will need to provide supporting evidence for your claim.你需要提供证据来证实你的说法。麦克米伦高阶The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.自从部队撤出之后,那地区就形成了一个需要填补的安全真空。剑桥国际This wound will need to be carefully swabbed out, then stitched.这个伤口得先仔细拭擦消毒,然后再缝合起来。剑桥国际You will need at least one font for the title and one for the body copy.你至少将一种字体用于标题,另一种字体用于正文。牛津商务You will need to set up an account with an Internet Service Provider.你需要跟互联网服务供应商开立一个账户。牛津商务You will need to sign a declaration that you are an EU resident.你必须签署一份声明表示你是欧盟居民。牛津商务You won't get the job through charm alone (=you will need something else).你只靠魅力不会得到这份工作。剑桥国际

