
单词 underfur
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beaver〕A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent.海狸皮大礼帽:最初用这种啮齿类动物的内层绒毛制成的高帽美国传统〔guard hair〕Any of the long coarse hairs forming a layer that covers and protects the soft underfur of certain mammals.针毛:某些哺乳动物身上覆盖的保护底绒毛的一层长而粗糙的毛美国传统〔sealskin〕The pelt or fur, especially the underfur, of a seal.海豹皮:海豹的皮或皮毛,尤其是下层绒毛美国传统〔undergrowth〕A growth of short, fine hairs underlying the longer and thicker outer hairs of an animal's coat; underfur or underwool.细绒毛:动物外层浓密的长毛下生长的短而细的绒毛;细软绒毛或内层绒毛美国传统

