
单词 unchanged
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAME〕On going back to visit the village after almost twenty years, Mrs Simons was surprised to find it unchanged. 差不多过了20年,西蒙斯夫人故地重游,看到那个村子还是老样子,感到很惊奇。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕She kept her son's bedroom unchanged for years after his death. 儿子死了这么多年,她仍把他的房间保持原样。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕They speak an Indian language which has remained virtually unchanged for centuries. 他们说的是一种几个世纪以来几乎没有变化的印第安语。朗文写作活用〔additive identity〕An identity element that in a given mathematical system leaves unchanged any element to which it is added.加性恒等式:在特定的数学系统中与任何元素相加都不变的单位元素美国传统〔basically〕The village has remained basically unchanged for over 300 years.这个村子300多年来基本上没怎么变。剑桥高阶〔close〕Shares were unchanged at 48p at the close of business today.今天到收盘时,股价仍然保持在48便士不变。麦克米伦高阶〔conformal〕Mathematics Designating or specifying a mapping of a surface or region upon another surface so that all angles between intersecting curves remain unchanged.【数学】 保角的:将一平面映射或显示到另一平面上,其内切曲线的角保持不变美国传统〔conservation of mass〕A principle in classical physics stating that the total mass of an isolated system is unchanged by interaction of its parts.质量守恒:经典物理学上认为一个隔离系统的质量总量不受其局部相互作用的改变的基本原理美国传统〔covariant〕Statistics Varying with another variable quantity in a manner that leaves a specified relationship unchanged.【统计学】 协变的:以使某一特定关系不变的方式与另一变量同时变化的美国传统〔essentially〕Suicide rates have remained essentially unchanged.自杀率基本上没有变化。朗文当代〔extraordinarily〕Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.令人惊奇的是,除了头发,他看起来一点儿都没变。柯林斯高阶〔extraordinarily〕Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.除了头发, 他看起来一点儿都没变。外研社新世纪〔food〕Retail prices of staple foods remain unchanged.主要食物的零售价保持不变。牛津搭配〔immemorial〕It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial.实际上, 这自古以来就几乎一直没变过。外研社新世纪〔immemorial〕It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial.实际上,自古以来它几乎没有任何改变。柯林斯高阶〔incursion〕Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways.传统工艺继续保持原有的特色,没有因现代化手段的缓慢引入而改变。柯林斯高阶〔incursion〕Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways.在现代化手段的缓慢渗透下, 传统手工艺竟没有任何改变。外研社新世纪〔lending rate〕The bank left its lending rates unchanged.该银行的贷款利率保持不变。柯林斯高阶〔now〕Prices will remain unchanged for now.暂时;目前麦克米伦高阶〔openness〕In Paris and Milan, the dollar opened almost unchanged.在巴黎和米兰,美元开市时几乎没有变化。柯林斯高阶〔ordinary〕The part of the Mass that remains unchanged from day to day.常规弥撒:弥撒仪式总是保持不变的那一部分美国传统〔past〕The old market is a living link with the past, unchanged for hundreds of years.这个老市场数百年来没有变化,是追忆旧时岁月的活化石。牛津搭配〔preserve〕The tribe's customs have been preserved unchanged for centuries.部落的习俗保持了几个世纪没有变化。外研社新世纪〔preserve〕To keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged.保存:保持处于完善或不变的状况中;维持不变美国传统〔quote〕Yesterday the pound was quoted at $1.8285, unchanged from Monday.昨天英镑报价为 1.8285 美元,这个价格从星期一以来未变。牛津高阶〔real〕Both prices and wages are rising, leaving real wages unchanged.实际收入麦克米伦高阶〔reissue〕A reprinting of postage stamps from unchanged plates.重印邮票:同一版本的邮票的重印美国传统〔remain〕Train fares are likely to remain unchanged.火车票价很可能会保持不变。牛津高阶〔ridicule〕The government could be held up to ridicule if the project goes ahead unchanged.嘲笑某人/某物麦克米伦高阶〔seasonal variation〕Adjusting for seasonal variations, factory gate prices were unchanged.经季节变动调整, 出厂价格未发生变化。外研社新世纪〔should〕The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year.这样的饮食应保持约一年不变。柯林斯高阶〔substantially〕BBC Television remains otherwise substantially unchanged.而英国广播公司的电视节目在其他方面基本没有变化。柯林斯高阶〔substantially〕Society has remained substantially unchanged for many years.多年来社会大体没有变化。外研社新世纪〔surface〕On the surface, he appeared unchanged.看外表他好像没变。牛津高阶〔time〕A 'Felucca' is the traditional Nile sailboat, unchanged since the time of the pharaohs.Felucca 是尼罗河地区的传统帆船,自法老时代起就没有变过。柯林斯高阶〔unchanged〕For many years prices have remained virtually unchanged.价格多年来几乎没变。柯林斯高阶〔unchanged〕In July Belgium's jobless rate was unchanged at 8.2% of the workforce.7月份,比利时的失业率没有发生变化,仍占劳动人口的8.2%。柯林斯高阶〔unchanged〕In July Belgium's jobless rate was unchanged at 8.2% of the workforce.在7月, 比利时的失业率仍保持在8.2%。外研社新世纪〔unchanged〕My old neighborhood is still pretty much unchanged.我住过的老街区依然没有太大改变。韦氏高阶〔unchanged〕My opinion remains unchanged.我的看法一如既往。牛津高阶〔unchanged〕Prices have remained virtually unchanged.价格几乎没有变化。外研社新世纪〔unchanged〕She was the only one of us unchanged by events.我们当中就她一个未因世事而改变。牛津搭配〔unchanged〕The area has remained virtually unchanged in 50 years.这个地区在50年里基本上没有什么变化。剑桥高阶〔unchanged〕The company's share price is unchanged at 66.5p.该公司的股票价格仍保持在每股66.5便士。麦克米伦高阶〔unchanged〕The school appeared essentially unchanged since my day.这所学校自从我那个时代以来好像就没有多大变化。牛津搭配〔unchanged〕Their plans remain unchanged.他们的计划依然保持不变。韦氏高阶According to the squeaky wheel analysis, the policy remains unchanged because there hasn't been enough pressure put on leaders to change it.根据轻重缓急的分析,政策仍保持不变,因为领导人没感到足够的压力。剑桥国际Its brightness showed slight variations in intensity, though its general shape remained unchanged. 虽然它的形状没有改变,但其光亮强度有微小差异。译典通The Monetary Policy Committee has/have voted to keep interest rates unchanged.货币政策委员会已投票决定维持利率不变。牛津商务The process remains unchanged. 工作程序照旧。译典通The village has remained basically unchanged for over 300 years.这个村子300多年来基本无甚变化。剑桥国际US retail sales numbers for October were unchanged month-on-month.美国十月份零售数字与上月相比维持不变。牛津商务With the inflation rise a no-show, the bank left interest rates unchanged.通货膨胀率没有如期上升,银行维持利率不变。牛津商务

