
单词 配置
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAST〕Air-conditioning is standard except on the least expensive model. 除了最便宜的型号,空调都是标准配置的。朗文写作活用〔accessorization〕This suit of clothes accessorize more easily than others.这套衣服比其他衣服更适合配置装饰品。21世纪英汉〔accessorize〕I was busy accessorizing my bedroom with oil paintings.我正忙着给我的卧室配置几幅油画。英汉大词典〔accessory〕Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, electric windows, and a sunroof.顶级轿车的配置包括真皮坐椅、电动窗以及活动车顶。剑桥高阶〔ancillary〕The car is well equipped with aircon and power ancillaries.该车配置不错, 有空调和动力辅件。外研社新世纪〔backfit〕To retrofit.花样翻新,改型翻新,以改型设备配置美国传统〔bare-bones〕The hotel rooms are bare-bones.旅馆房间的设施是最低配置韦氏高阶〔body shield〕Any of variously configured devices used to protect the body of a corrections or law enforcement officer, as in a riot.挡身盾牌:用于保护管教人员和法律执行人员在骚乱时的身体安全而配置的防护器具美国传统〔boiler room〕An area, as in a building or on a ship, that houses one or more steam boilers or hot-water tanks.锅炉间,锅炉房:房屋或轮船中配置有一个或多个蒸汽锅或热水器的地方美国传统〔build in/into〕Carmakers are beginning to build in these new safety features as standard equipment. = Carmakers are building these new safety features into new cars as standard equipment.汽车制造商开始把这些新的安全特性作为新车标准配置的一部分。韦氏高阶〔carpet sweeper〕A device used to clean rugs and floors, consisting of a metal or plastic box equipped with rotating brushes and pushed by means of a long handle.扫毯器:用来清洁毛毯与地板的装置,由配置有旋转刷的塑料或金属箱所组成,以长把手推动来使用美国传统〔changer〕The car comes with white leather seats and a 6-CD changer.这辆车配置了白色皮座椅和一台 6 碟光盘换片装置。牛津高阶〔coat of arms〕An arrangement of bearings, usually depicted on and around a shield, that indicates ancestry and distinctions.盾形纹章:表示家世和级别的徽章配置,通常在铠装上并环绕徽章雕出美国传统〔comfortably〕All the rooms were comfortably furnished.所有的房间都配置了舒适的家具。牛津高阶〔configuration〕Arrangement of parts or elements.布局:部件或元素的配置美国传统〔configuration〕We sell computer systems in lots of different configurations.我们出售多种配置不同的计算机系统。麦克米伦高阶〔configuration〕We'll have to change the configuration of the system to accommodate the new server.我们必须更换系统配置以便匹配新的服务器。韦氏高阶〔configure〕Some software can be configured to prevent children from giving out their phone numbers on the internet.可以配置某些软件来防止孩子在网上泄露他们的电话号码。剑桥高阶〔configure〕The plane is configured for military use.这架飞机为军用配置韦氏高阶〔conformation〕A symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing.对称:对某物件各部分所作的对称性配置美国传统〔conformation〕The structure or outline of an item or entity, determined by the arrangement of its parts.形态:由其部件的配置决定的一件物品或实体的结构或轮廓美国传统〔convenience〕The kitchen was equipped with a range of modern conveniences.厨房里配置了很多现代化的便利用具。麦克米伦高阶〔deliver〕A two-processor configuration should deliver 57 MIPS.双处理器的配置每秒钟应该能处理5700万条指令。麦克米伦高阶〔deploy〕To base (a weapons system) in the field.配置:(在战场上)使基于(一种武器系统)美国传统〔display〕The computer comes with a high-resolution color display.这台电脑配置了高分辨率的彩色显示屏。韦氏高阶〔economy〕Theology The method of God's government of and activity within the world.【神学】 摄理,配置:神统治世界的方法和活动美国传统〔expense〕To avoid extra expense, try to decide on fittings in advance.为了避免产生额外开销, 尽量事先把要配置的家具、设备等确定下来。外研社新世纪〔feature〕Air bags are a standard feature in most new cars.气囊是大多数新车的标准配置朗文当代〔feature〕Special features include passenger airbags.特殊配置包括乘客安全气囊。牛津搭配〔furniture〕Archaic The necessary equipment for a saddle horse.【古语】 马饰:为备有马鞍的马的必要配置美国传统〔internally〕Internally, however, the two computers are so different that programs cannot be switched from one to the other.但是,这两台计算机内部配置迥异,以至于程序不能从其中一台转到另一台里面。柯林斯高阶〔lock〕Most cars are now fitted with child safety locks on the back doors.多数小轿车现在都在后门配置了儿童安全锁。牛津搭配〔misallocate〕To allocate (resources or capital, for example) wrongly or inappropriately.将(如资源或资本)配置错误或配置不当美国传统〔operating room〕A room equipped for performing surgical operations.手术室:专为做外科手术而配置的房间美国传统〔order of battle〕The identification, command structure, strength, and disposition of personnel, equipment, and units of an armed force.战斗序列:一个武装部队的标识、指挥系统、实力、人员、装备及部门的配置美国传统〔outfit〕The ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital.这艘船上配置了一个有 12 个床位的医疗室。牛津高阶〔power steering〕Power steering, electric windows and central locking are standard features on all models.转向助力装置、电动窗户和中央闭锁装置是所有型号的标准配置剑桥高阶〔push-pull〕Of or relating to an arrangement of two identical electronic devices that that are set in opposite phase in order to minimize distortion.推挽式的,推拉式的:属于将两个相同电子装置放置成相反相位以减少失真的一种配置,或与其相关的美国传统〔range〕To arrange or dispose in a particular order, especially in rows or lines.排列,配置:组织成特定的顺序,特别是排成行或列美国传统〔recline〕The theater has reclining seats.那家电影院配置了躺式座椅。韦氏高阶〔reconfigure〕The network has been reconfigured.网络已被重新配置韦氏高阶〔redeploy〕It would give us an opportunity to redeploy our resources.这将给我们一个重新配置资源的机会。柯林斯高阶〔redirection〕A redirection of resources would be required.需要对资源进行重新配置柯林斯高阶〔redundant〕The design incorporates several redundant features.这个设计方案包括了几个复置装置配置韦氏高阶〔retool〕To fit out a factory with a new set of machinery and tools.替换工具:给工厂配置一套新机器或工具美国传统〔rig〕The stage was rigged the night before the concert.音乐会的前一天晚上舞台设备就已配置妥当。麦克米伦高阶〔sat-nav〕The Audi A6 comes with sat-nav and climate control as standard.奥迪 A6 型的标准配置有卫星导航设备和恒温控制。朗文当代〔satnav〕Many cars are now fitted with satnav.现在许多小车都配置有卫星导航装置。剑桥高阶〔sell〕Unmodernised property can sell for up to 40 per cent of its modernised market value.没有装备现代化设施的房地产能够卖到它配置了现代化设施情况下的市价的 40%。柯林斯高阶〔set up〕This computer wasn't set up to run so many programs at one time.这台计算机的配置不支持一次运行这么多程序。韦氏高阶〔software〕My PC isn't powerful enough to run that software.我的个人电脑的配置不足以运行那个软件。牛津搭配〔speak〕The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money.长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。柯林斯高阶〔specification〕Each vehicle can be equipped according to your specifications.每一辆车都可以按照您的具体要求来配置牛津搭配〔spec〕The article compares the specs of ten of the best-selling cars.这篇文章比较了10款畅销汽车的规格配置剑桥高阶〔spec〕The camera is well specced at the price.就价钱来说,这台照相机的配置很不错。牛津高阶〔spec〕The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks.标准配置里包含了不锈钢储液罐。柯林斯高阶〔sporty〕The steering and braking are exactly what you want from a sporty car.转向和制动装置都完全是运动型汽车的配置外研社新世纪〔staff〕To provide with a staff of workers or assistants.为…配置工人或助手等职工美国传统〔standard〕Anti-lock brakes come as standard.防抱死刹车装置是标准配置牛津搭配〔standard〕No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置柯林斯高阶〔tenement〕A rundown, low-rental apartment building whose facilities and maintenance barely meet minimum standards.廉价公寓:一种年久失修、房租较低、其装修配置刚刚达到最低标准的公寓美国传统After spending three hours on this computer, I still could not figure out its internal configuration. 搞了三个小时,我还是没搞懂这部电脑的内部配置译典通Both our branches have well-equipped workshop facilities.我们两家分公司都配置了很好的车间设施。牛津商务Have you decided on the specs you want for your PC? 你想好了电脑所要的配置了吗?牛津商务In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.要使公司能够继续生存下去,不幸的是需要削减人员配置剑桥国际It took 60 days to reconfigure the network.重新配置网络花了 60 天的时间。牛津商务Most new PCs now come with a CD-ROM drive as standard.现在多数新型的个人电脑标准配置都带有一个光盘驱动器。剑桥国际Resource allocations will be made to projects on a yearly basis.每年都将会对项目进行资源配置牛津商务Several expensive features are fitted as standard on these vehicles.一些昂贵的配置被作为标准配置安装在这些汽车上。牛津商务Stores will be refitted with wider aisles and better lighting.商店将重新改造,配置更为宽敞的通道和更好的采光。牛津商务The CD player is an optional extra.光盘播放器是可选的附加配置牛津商务The aircraft was set on automatic pilot.飞机上配置自动驾驶仪。牛津商务The allocation of resources must be made more efficient.资源配置必须更加有效率。牛津商务The camera is well specced at the price.就价位来说,这款照相机配置很不错了。牛津商务The color scheme of the room is blue and gold. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。译典通The machine is configured to run on a network.对机器进行配置以便在网络上运行。牛津商务The management manned the ship with experienced hands. 管理部门给这条船配置了有经验的人员。译典通The review is important to evaluate resource allocation.这项审查对评估资源配置十分重要。牛津商务The set was cleverly designed and well complemented by the lighting.布景构思巧妙,灯光配置更使其锦上添花。剑桥国际We can solve some of the problems by rejigging our assets.我们可以通过重新配置资产来解决其中的一些问题。牛津商务

