
单词 附会
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEANING〕Be careful not to read your own modern opinions into this story. 要当心,在读这则故事时不要把你个人的现代观点牵强附会地加进去。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕Some critics have read into the more macabre scenes a subconscious hatred of his parents. 有些评论家从那些较骇人的场面牵强附会地认为这反映出他潜意识中对父母的怨恨。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕The statement criticized journalists for reading too much into what he had said about the war. 这一声明批评了记者们对他所说的有关战争的话理解得过于牵强附会朗文写作活用〔catachresis〕Strained use of a word or phrase, as for rhetorical effect.牵强附会:字或短语的牵强使用,如为求修辞效果美国传统〔far-fetched〕The TV show was far-fetched.这个电视节目牵强附会外研社新世纪〔farfetched〕The whole story was extremely far-fetched.这个故事极其牵强附会牛津搭配I found her story stretched/strained even my good-natured credulity to the limit (=her story was almost impossible to believe).她的故事即便是满怀善意易于轻信的我也认为是牵强附会到了极点。剑桥国际

