
单词 问的问题
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ass〕I made an ass of myself at the meeting—standing up and then forgetting the question.我在会议上出了个大洋相,站起来却忘了要问的问题牛津高阶〔compliment〕They all seem to think that I ask rather cheeky questions, which I'll take as a compliment.他们好像都觉得我问的问题很厚颜无耻,我说这是在抬举我呢。朗文当代〔germane〕Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane.芬顿善于倾听, 他问的问题也恰如其分。外研社新世纪〔search〕Used by a speaker to indicate that he or she does not have an answer to a question just asked.我可不知道:说话者用来暗示(她或他)不能解答刚才被问的问题美国传统〔stray〕The question she asked was straying too wide of the subject under discussion.她问的问题与讨论的题目离得太远了。英汉大词典Our geography exams are a doss because the teacher practically tells us what the questions will be.我们的地理测验很容易,因为老师事实上把要问的问题都告诉了我们。剑桥国际

