
单词 铁链
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chain gang〕A group of convicts chained together, especially for outdoor labor.铁链囚徒:尤指在户外劳动时被铁链拴到一起的一组囚犯美国传统〔chain up〕All the rowing boats were chained up.所有划艇都用铁链拴了起来。外研社新世纪〔chain〕All the rowing boats were chained up.所有的划艇都用铁链拴了起来。柯林斯高阶〔chain〕The elephants were chained up by their legs.大象的腿上拴了铁链朗文当代〔chain〕The prisoners were chained together.囚犯们被铁链拴在一起。韦氏高阶〔chain〕There was a rusty iron chain hanging from the gate.一条生锈的铁链从大门口垂下来。麦克米伦高阶〔clanking〕We heard the clanking of chains.我们听到哗啦哗啦的铁链声。韦氏高阶〔clank〕We heard the clank of chains.我们听到哗啦哗啦的铁链声。韦氏高阶〔emaciated〕Two emaciated prisoners were chained to the wall.两个骨瘦如柴的犯人被用铁链拴在墙上。外研社新世纪〔gird〕She girds her waist with a tight iron chain.她在腰上束紧了一条铁链外研社新世纪〔iron〕To put into irons; fetter.用铁链缚住;加镣铐美国传统〔latch〕A fastening, as for a door or gate, typically consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot and is lifted from either side by a lever or string.门闩:闩,例如门闩,尤指带有一横销,插在槽或狭缝中通过把手或铁链从一头提到另一头美国传统〔lopsided〕The 'No Vacancies' sign, slightly lopsided, swung on its rusty chains above the gate.微微倾斜的“客满”牌子在门口上方生锈的铁链上晃荡。外研社新世纪〔snuffbox〕A small, often decorated box with a hinged lid, used for carrying snuff.鼻烟盒:一种小的、有经装饰的铁链盖子的盒子,用来装鼻烟美国传统A heavy iron chain was clamped around his wrists and he was led off by one of the prison guards.他的手腕上紧紧扣着一条铁链,由一名狱警带走。剑桥国际

