
单词 破门得分
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPORT/GAME〕Venturini has scored the first goal in each of the two US victories in the Olympics. 美国在奥运会上获胜的两场比赛中,文图里尼都是第一个破门得分的。朗文写作活用〔boxed in〕He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.在罚球区内被违规撞倒后,他罚点球破门得分柯林斯高阶〔dummy〕He dummied Whitelaw before scoring.他以假动作骗过怀特洛破门得分外研社新世纪〔dummy〕He sold a dummy to score after 22 minutes.22分钟后, 他用假动作骗过对方并破门得分外研社新世纪〔fight〕United fought back and scored a last-minute goal.联队奋起还击,最后一分钟破门得分朗文当代〔fray〕Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.随着两队都没能破门得分,大家渐渐沉不住气了。柯林斯高阶〔home〕He drove the ball home(= scored a goal)from 15 metres.他从 15 米远处劲射破门得分牛津高阶〔juke〕He juked a couple of defenders and scored.他用假动作晃过几名防守球员破门得分韦氏高阶〔pounce〕Rooney pounced on the loose ball and scored.鲁尼对准无人控制的球飞起一脚,破门得分牛津高阶〔power〕Miller powered home a free kick.米勒一记强有力的任意球破门得分外研社新世纪〔score〕Ronaldinho opened the scoring in the seventh minute of the game.比赛进行到第 7 分钟时,罗纳尔迪尼奥首开记录,破门得分牛津搭配〔scoring〕Holwell opened the scoring in the 12th minute with a penalty.霍尔维尔在第12分钟以点球率先破门得分外研社新世纪〔shot on goal〕A shot, as in hockey or soccer, that enters the goal or that would have entered the goal had the goalkeeper not blocked it.破门得分:曲棍球或英式足球等运动中的一次射门,球进入球门,如果不是被守门员挡住,球本来会进入球门美国传统〔spring into/to action/life〕The crowd sprang to life after the first goal was scored.球队首次破门得分后,观众马上沸腾起来。韦氏高阶〔unmarked〕Sheringham was unmarked as he met Anderton's free kick and headed in after nine minutes.9分钟后,谢林汉姆在无人防守的情况下接安德顿开出的任意球头球破门得分柯林斯高阶

