
单词 神父
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-sodden〕He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.他扮演了一个沉溺于威士忌经常醉得一塌糊涂的天主教神父柯林斯高阶〔APPROVE〕The priest is all in favour of music in church, but he doesn't think rock music is appropriate. 神父完全赞成在做礼拜时播放音乐,不过他觉得放摇滚乐不合适。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕The priest was killed as he was giving the last rites to a dying man. 神父在给一位垂死的男子举行临终圣礼时被杀死了。朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕Father Poole began to unbutton his overcoat. 普尔神父开始解开大衣纽扣。朗文写作活用〔Father〕Our mum stressed we had to address the new priest as 'Father'.我们的妈妈强调, 我们得称呼那位新来的牧师为“神父”。外研社新世纪〔Fr.〕Fr. McDonald conducted the mass.麦克唐纳神父主持了弥撒。剑桥高阶〔Fr〕Fr O'Connor 奥康纳神父麦克米伦高阶〔POOR〕In 1860 Father Murphy set up a home for orphans and destitute children. 1860年,墨菲神父建立了一个专门接纳孤儿和贫困儿童的收容所。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The priest sprinkled each member of the congregation with holy water. 神父向每一位教徒洒圣水。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕He had taken a vow of celibacy at eighteen, when he became a priest. 他18岁当了神父,立誓禁欲。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Father Vic was a wiry man in his late forties with a sharp nose and deep-set eyes. 维克神父是个近50岁的瘦削男子,长着尖鼻子和深陷的眼睛。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕The old priest stroked his white beard as he listened. 老神父边听边摸着自己的白胡须。朗文写作活用〔abbé〕Used as a title for the Superior of a monastery in a French-speaking area.神父,牧师,长老:法语地区对教士的尊称美国传统〔absolve〕The priest absolved him (of all his sins).神父赦免了他(所有的罪过)。剑桥高阶〔action〕Only the priest can perform these actions.只有神父才能从事这些活动。牛津搭配〔aid〕Father Poole walked painfully, with the aid of a stick.普尔神父拄着一根拐杖痛苦地行走。朗文当代〔anoint〕The priest anointed her with oil.神父为她傅油。牛津高阶〔atonement〕The priest is a representative of his people, making atonement for their sin.神父是信徒的代表,为他们赎罪。朗文当代〔capitular〕Of or relating to a chapter, especially an ecclesiastical chapter.牧师会的:一个会员大会的或与之相关的,尤指一个教士或神父会的美国传统〔celebrate〕The priest celebrated High Mass in church.神父在教堂中举行大弥撒。21世纪英汉〔celibate〕The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to remain celibate.教皇昨天直言要求全世界的神父过独身生活。外研社新世纪〔celibate〕The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to stay celibate.教皇昨天直言全世界的神父都应该禁欲。柯林斯高阶〔certain〕She arranged for them to be hidden in the house of a certain Father Boduen.她安排他们藏身于一个名叫鲍敦的神父的房子里。外研社新世纪〔chanter〕A priest who sings in a chantry.小教堂唱弥撒的神父美国传统〔chasuble〕A long, sleeveless vestment worn over the alb by a priest during services.十字褡:神父行圣礼时穿在白袍之外的一种无袖长袍美国传统〔cloth〕I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意。外研社新世纪〔confessional〕A small enclosed stall in which a priest hears confessions.忏悔室:神父聆听忏悔的封闭小隔间美国传统〔confession〕I used to go to confession every Saturday as a child.小时候我每周六都去向神父告罪。牛津搭配〔confession〕Something confessed, especially disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution.忏悔:供认的事情,尤指向神父忏悔自己的罪行以寻求解脱美国传统〔confession〕The priest heard her confession and granted absolution.神父聆听了她的告解并给予她宽赦。牛津搭配〔confessor〕A priest who hears confession and gives absolution.忏悔牧师:聆听忏悔和给予解脱的神父美国传统〔confessor〕A priest who is one's spiritual mentor.神父:作为某人精神导师的神父美国传统〔confess〕The criminal confessed to the priest.罪犯向神父忏悔。英汉大词典〔confess〕The priest confessed 90 people on Saturday morning.神父在星期六上午办了90人的告解。英汉大词典〔confess〕To disclose one's sins to a priest.忏悔:向神父忏悔自己的罪行美国传统〔confess〕To make known (one's sins) to God or to a priest.忏悔:向上帝或神父忏悔(自己的罪行)美国传统〔confidential communication〕A statement made to someone, such as one's physician, attorney, priest, or spouse, who cannot be compelled to divulge the information.保留秘密(权利):向某人作出的声明,如个人的医生、律师、神父或配偶等,这些人不能被强迫泄露秘密美国传统〔confidentiality〕It's a breach of confidentiality for a priest to reveal what someone has said in the confessional.神父把一个人告解时说的事情泄露出来是违反保密原则的。朗文当代〔congregation〕The priest stood up to address the congregation.神父站起来向信众讲话。牛津搭配〔corker〕She told an absolute corker of a story about a priest she'd mistaken for an ex-lover.她讲了件特别有趣的事,她把一位神父错当成了从前的情人。剑桥高阶〔date〕She could date her admission to the choir by Father Peter's last visit.她可以从彼得神父上次来访算出自己是哪一天参加唱诗班的。英汉大词典〔father confessor〕A priest who hears confessions.听忏悔的神父美国传统〔fatherhood〕Fathers considered as a group.神父:对神父的总称美国传统〔father〕Father Devlin 德夫林神父朗文当代〔father〕Father O'Reilly 奥赖利神父剑桥高阶〔father〕Father William.威廉神父柯林斯高阶〔father〕I have sinned, Father.我有罪,神父朗文当代〔father〕I need your help, Father.我需要您的帮助,神父麦克米伦高阶〔father〕I would like your advice on a matter of conscience, Father.我想就一件有关良心的事征求您的建议,神父柯林斯高阶〔idolatry〕Father Brown considers the notes and flowers left near the statue to be close to idolatry.布朗神父认为留在雕像旁边的便签和花束近乎对圣物的祈祷。剑桥高阶〔immortal〕The priest said he was endangering his immortal soul.神父说他正在危及自己不朽的灵魂。剑桥高阶〔intone〕The priest intoned the blessing.神父庄重地念了祷文。朗文当代〔jovial〕Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.惠特克神父看上去心情很愉快。外研社新世纪〔last rites〕Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dead men.史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。柯林斯高阶〔layman〕In 1932, one Boston layman wrote to Archbishop William O'Connell in support of Father Coughlin.1932年,波士顿一名平信徒致函大主教威廉·奥康奈尔,声援库格林神父柯林斯高阶〔ministration〕Before the murderer was hanged, he was given the ministrations of a priest.杀人犯在被绞死前由神父为他举行了宗教仪式。英汉大词典〔mission〕I pointed myself towards Father Barrone's mission.我朝巴罗内神父的布道所走去。外研社新世纪〔officiate〕A priest officiated at the wedding.一位神父主持了婚礼。剑桥高阶〔open house〕Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.伊尔蒂德神父总是敞开大门欢迎来客,男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克或玩游戏。柯林斯高阶〔open house〕Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards.伊尔蒂德神父随时欢迎来客, 男孩子们会在娱乐时间聚在他的书房里打扑克。外研社新世纪〔ordain〕He was ordained (as) a priest last year.他去年接受任命为神父牛津高阶〔parish〕Father Doyle moved to a new parish.多伊尔神父调到了新的教区。朗文当代〔pastoral〕A priest's pastoral duties include helping the poor and sick.神父的牧灵职责包括帮助穷人和病人。剑桥高阶〔penance〕Father Rowan gave her penance and absolution.罗恩神父让她进行了告解并为她赦罪。外研社新世纪〔presbyter〕A priest in various hierarchical churches.牧师,长老,神父:教堂中各种等级制度的牧师,长老或神父美国传统〔priest〕He had trained to be a Catholic priest.他受训成为了一名天主教神父柯林斯高阶〔priest〕He had trained to be a Catholic priest.他已受训成了一位天主教神父外研社新世纪〔pulpit〕The priest sat in the throne by the pulpit.神父坐在讲道坛旁的法座上。外研社新世纪〔père〕Père Marquette 马尔凯特神父英汉大词典〔receive〕A priest received his confession.一名神父听取他的忏悔。英汉大词典〔receive〕He was received into the priesthood.他被接纳成为一名神父外研社新世纪〔rectory〕An Anglican rector's dwelling.首席神父住宅:英国国教神父的住所美国传统〔rectory〕An Anglican rector's office and benefice.神父职位,神父俸禄:某个英国国教神父的职位和收益美国传统〔rector〕An Anglican cleric who has charge of a parish and owns the tithes from it.教区首席神父:负责一个教区并掌管区内所收的什一税的英国国教神父美国传统〔seminary〕A school, especially a theological school for the training of priests, ministers, or rabbis.神学院:学院,尤指培训神父、教师、或犹太教教士的神学院美国传统〔server〕An attendant to the celebrant at Mass.辅祭:在弥撒中的神父助手美国传统〔serve〕To assist (the celebrant) during Mass.辅祭:在弥撒中协助(神父美国传统〔serve〕To assist the celebrant during Mass.辅祭:在弥撒中辅助神父美国传统〔shrift〕Absolution given by a priest.宽恕:神父给予的解罪美国传统〔sign〕The priest made the sign of the cross over him.神父在他上方画了个十字。外研社新世纪〔sign〕The priest made the sign of the cross over him.神父在他上方画了个十字。柯林斯高阶〔sobriety〕We had the priest sitting at our table, which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.我们让神父坐在桌前,给整个场合增添了一丝庄重。剑桥高阶〔unshaken〕His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.他始终深信约翰·莱亚莱神父等人已经尽了全力了。柯林斯高阶〔unshaken〕His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.他深信约翰•莱亚莱神父等人已经尽了全力。外研社新世纪〔vestal〕Roman Mythology A priest who tended the sacred fire of Vesta in ancient Rome.【罗马神话】 在古罗马照料维斯塔圣火的神父美国传统〔vicar〕A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally.代理主教:英国圣公会代替神父或主教的神职人员美国传统〔vicar〕The priest of a parish in the Church of England who receives a stipend or salary but does not receive the tithes of a parish.教区牧师:在英国教堂有薪俸或工资的教区神父,但是没有教区的什一税美国传统〔worker-priest〕A priest, especially in France, who spends time in secular employment for missionary purposes.工人神父神父,尤其在法国,为传教的目的在世俗的职业中花时间工作美国传统An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.他是一个普通的神父,却被许多人称颂为新救世主剑桥国际Father O'Dooley was ordained a priest in 1949.奥杜里神父是于1949年被授予神父职位的。剑桥国际In 1980 the Vatican (= the Pope or the Pope's representatives) ordered all priests and nuns to give up elected offices. 1980 年梵蒂冈(即教皇或教皇的代表)命令所有的神父和修女放弃当选的职位。剑桥国际Roman Catholics confess their sins to their priests.罗马天主教徒向他们的神父忏悔罪恶。剑桥国际She told an absolute corker of a story about a priest she'd mistaken for an ex-lover.她讲了件很有趣的事,她把一个神父错当成她的前情人了。剑桥国际So many young Poles wanted to become priests that the seminaries could not accommodate them, and a lot had to be turned away.有这么多年轻的波兰人想成为神父,以致于神学院容纳不下,所以许多人不得不被拒绝。剑桥国际The priest asked the members of his congregation to pray for the souls of people in Purgatory.神父叫他教区的信徒为炼狱中的人们的灵魂祈祷。剑桥国际The priest confessed the criminal. 神父听罪犯办了告解。译典通The priest exorcized the ghost (= caused it to stop appearing in a particular place).神父驱走了鬼魂。剑桥国际The priest went to the stake for his heretical beliefs.这神父因他的异教信念而被送上了火刑柱。剑桥国际The woman had obtained a new confessor. 这位妇女换了一个告解神父译典通We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.我们让神父坐在我们这一桌,以给盛会带来一点严肃的气氛。剑桥国际

