
单词 运动场
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLIMB〕Several fans climbed onto the roof of the arena to get a better view. 为了看得更清楚,一些球迷爬上了运动场的屋顶。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕The stadium has managed to attract a number of big-name entertainers. 这个运动场设法吸引了一些有名的演艺圈人士。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕The boxing match will be held at the Arena. 这场拳击赛将在大运动场进行。朗文写作活用〔GAME〕A cricket match was in progress on the school sports field. 学校的运动场上正在进行一场板球比赛。朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕The futuristic sports stadium is the pride of the city. 这座未来派风格的运动场是该市的骄傲。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Local councillors threw out proposals for the building of a new stadium. 当地的市政议员否决了建造一座新的运动场的提议。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕A cricket match was in progress on the school sports field. 学校的运动场上正在进行板球比赛。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Heavy rain has flooded the sports field: all fixtures have been cancelled for a month. 大雨淹没了运动场,一个月内所有定好的体育比赛都取消了。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities. 城市北面的一些空地将改建成运动场,用于休闲活动。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field. 球员跑进运动场时,人群欢呼了起来。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The village has attractive playing fields, with a football and cricket pitch. 村里有吸引人的运动场,包括一个足球场和一个板球场。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕After the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour. 运动场上发生暴力事件后,领队告诫全体球员什么才是可接受的行为标准。朗文写作活用〔accident〕Children treat the road as a playground. It's an accident waiting to happen.孩子们拿马路当运动场, 这样迟早会出事儿。外研社新世纪〔anticlockwise〕He drove around the playground anticlockwise.他反时针方向地绕著运动场开车。文馨英汉〔arena〕A large modern building for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.场地,室内运动场:进行体育活动或公开表演的大型现代建筑美国传统〔arena〕Noise filled the arena.运动场内闹哄哄的。外研社新世纪〔around〕The children were playing around the playground.那些孩子在运动场上处玩耍。文馨英汉〔atmosphere〕The whole atmosphere in the stadium changed dramatically.整个运动场的气氛发生了急剧的变化。牛津搭配〔block ... out〕The playground has been blocked out.运动场已划块标出。21世纪英汉〔carry〕Attitudes learned at home carry over into the playground.家里养成的作风会表现在学校的运动场上。牛津高阶〔circumference〕It’s a mile round the circumference of the field.运动场周长一英里。牛津同义词〔city〕The playing field was mud city after the big rain.大雨过后运动场地成了泥泞之都美国传统〔comparison〕The language of the playground bears little comparison with the language of books.运动场上使用的语言和书上的区别很大。麦克米伦高阶〔concert〕They're in concert at Wembley Arena.他们在文布利运动场举行音乐会。牛津高阶〔dugout〕Baseball Either of two usually sunken shelters at the side of a field where the players stay while not on the field.【棒球】 球员休息处:运动场边稍低于地面的两个掩体之一,球员不上场时在此处休息美国传统〔embody〕She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.在运动场上,她展现了优秀运动员的风采。剑桥高阶〔end line〕A line perpendicular to the sidelines that marks an end boundary of a playing field or court.底线:运动场或游戏场中用以标出终边界限的线,与边线成直角相交美国传统〔entry〕The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena.冠军得主像往常一样引人注目地进入运动场牛津搭配〔escort〕The referee needed a police escort as he left the stadium.裁判在离开运动场时需要警察护卫。牛津搭配〔field house〕A building having locker rooms and storage and training facilities, located at an athletic field.贮藏室:位于运动场有上锁房间、储藏室和训练器具的建筑物美国传统〔field house〕A building having one or more areas for different athletic events and usually grandstands for spectators.运动场馆:有一块或多块供不同运动项目进行比赛的场地的建筑物,通常还有供观众观看的大看台美国传统〔field house〕Drake University’s field house seats 12,500 people.德雷克大学室内运动场可容纳12500名观众。剑桥高阶〔field〕An area in which an athletic event takes place.运动场:体育运动发生的地方美国传统〔flank〕The athletic field flanked the school.运动场位于学校一侧。英汉大词典〔goal line〕Football A line at either end of the playing field over which the ball must be carried or passed to score a touchdown.【橄榄球】 门线:在运动场一边的线,球必须传过或通过这一线获得底线得分美国传统〔ground rule〕Sports A rule governing the playing of a game on a particular field, course, or court.【体育运动】 场地临时规则:为某一特殊运动场、跑道或球场的比赛而制定的规则美国传统〔ground staff〕The ground staff do all they can to prepare the pitch.运动场管理员全力整备球场。柯林斯高阶〔groundskeeper〕One who maintains grounds, as of an estate, a park, or an athletic field.场地管理员;看管人:负责维护场地,如庄园、公园或运动场场地的人美国传统〔gymkhana〕The place where such an event is held.举行这种比赛的运动场美国传统〔heel〕He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。牛津高阶〔hill〕We trudged up the hill to the stadium.我们沿着斜坡向上费力地走到了运动场外研社新世纪〔hippodrome〕An open-air stadium with an oval course for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece and Rome.竞技场:古希腊、罗马的郁圆形露天运动场有进行赛马和马车比赛的椭圆形跑道美国传统〔hop〕The ball hopped around the playing field.皮球在运动场上蹦来跳去。英汉大词典〔impression〕This is an artist's impression of the new stadium.这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。牛津高阶〔improvement〕The club will spend £300 000 on ground improvements.俱乐部将投资 30 万英镑用于运动场改造。牛津搭配〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他曾是我的左膀右臂、运动场上的得力助手——一位冷静而精明的足球运动员。外研社新世纪〔limp〕Matt limped painfully off the field.马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场牛津高阶〔marker〕Sports A device, such as a line, stake, or flag, set on a playing field and showing the playing or scoring position.【体育运动】 记分器:线、桩或旗帜等设施,置于运动场上以显示比赛或得分位置美国传统〔mark〕The playing area was marked off with a white line.运动场地用白线划了出来。牛津高阶〔number〕All the seats in the stadium are numbered.运动场里所有的座位都编了号。牛津高阶〔old〕They'd built a supermarket on the old playing fields.他们在以前是运动场的地方建了一个超市。外研社新世纪〔outfield〕The playing area extending outward from the diamond, divided into left, center, and right field.外场:棒球内场延伸出去的运动场地,划分为左场、中场、右场美国传统〔outside〕Sports A position at a distance from the inside or center, as of a playing field or racetrack.【体育运动】 界外,外侧位置:远离,如运动场或跑道的内部或中心的位置美国传统〔ovation〕He came off the field to a huge ovation.他在热烈的欢呼声中离开了运动场牛津搭配〔park〕Jake was the best player on the park.杰克是运动场上最优秀的运动员。外研社新世纪〔pitching〕There was a swimming-pool, cricket pitches, playing fields.有一个游泳池、几个板球场和运动场柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕He was the best player on the pitch.他是运动场上最好的球员。外研社新世纪〔playing field〕A field for games such as football and soccer.运动场:用于比赛,如橄榄球和足球的场地美国传统〔playing field〕The school had playing fields on the edge of the town.学校的运动场在小镇边上。外研社新世纪〔playing field〕The school playing fields were marked out for football and rugby.学校的运动场里划出了足球场和橄榄球场。剑桥高阶〔push〕Sam pushed me over in the playground.萨姆在运动场上把我推倒了。牛津高阶〔rail sth off〕Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park.运动场的一部分被栏杆隔开,用作停车场。剑桥高阶〔rake〕The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.运动场的看台坡度很大。21世纪英汉〔rock〕The stadium rocked with applause.运动场上一片欢呼声。英汉大词典〔scamper〕Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground.孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场柯林斯高阶〔scream〕He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony.他绕着运动场跌跌撞撞地走着,并且痛苦地大叫。柯林斯高阶〔seat〕The arena seats 60,000.这个圆形运动场能坐 60,000 人。朗文当代〔separate〕A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field.我们的后院和运动场之间隔着一堵高墙。牛津高阶〔sink〕The exhausted runner sank to the ground.精疲力竭的选手倒在运动场美国传统〔skirt〕The path skirts the playing-field.小径环绕运动场的四周。牛津同义词〔stake〕They've set aside a small area as a children's playground, and staked it off.他们拨出一小块地方作为孩子们的运动场,并立了界桩。英汉大词典〔surface〕His favourite surface is clay.他最喜欢黏土面的运动场地。麦克米伦高阶〔treat〕The sports ground looked a treat, with all the flags flying.运动场看上去太棒了,到处都是彩旗飘扬。朗文当代〔turf〕An artificial substitute for such a grassy layer, as on a playing field.人工草皮:人工种植的这种草皮的替代品,如在运动场地上美国传统〔turf〕Synthetic turf was installed in the playing field instead of grass.运动场地铺设的是人造草坪,而非真草坪。韦氏高阶〔turn into〕They're going to turn the playing fields into a car park.他们要把运动场改建为停车场。外研社新世纪〔unready〕The new stadium is as yet unready for use.新的露天运动场至今还不能使用。英汉大词典〔waterlogged〕The game was cancelled because of a waterlogged pitch.比赛因为运动场积水而被取消了。剑桥高阶Ashe always embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.艾什在运动场上总是体现出良好的运动员风范。剑桥国际Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.担忧的家长抱怨危险的运动场剑桥国际The playing fields were off limits to the school-children during the winter months.运动场冬天禁止学生入内。剑桥国际The quarterback attempted a comeback at age forty. 那位足球四分后卫试图在四十岁时重回运动场译典通The school playing fields were marked out for football and rugby.学校的运动场被划出来用于足球和橄榄球运动。剑桥国际There is no playing field at the school.这所学校没有运动场剑桥国际Three schools in Putney have pooled their resources/money in order to buy an area of waste ground and turn it into a sports field.帕特尼的3 所学校集中使用它们资源/财力以购买一片废地,把它改建成运动场剑桥国际

