
单词 调节
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I don't think the color control on this TV is properly adjusted. 我认为这台电视机的色彩控制调节得不是很好。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕A hand-operated switch is used to regulate the gas flow. 手动开关用于调节煤气流量。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Some economists question the effectiveness of monetary control as a means of regulating the economy. 一些经济学家质疑把货币控制作为调节经济的手段的有效性。朗文写作活用〔START〕Before starting off you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted. 出发前,你应该检查一下座位和后视镜的位置是否调节妥当。朗文写作活用〔THICK〕The cheese slicer can be adjusted to cut slices of different thicknesses. 这部乳酪切片机可以调节成切割不同厚度的乳酪。朗文写作活用〔abbreviation〕AC is the standard abbreviation for 'air conditioning'.AC 是 air conditioning (空气调节系统)的标准缩写词。牛津搭配〔accommodable〕The lens of the eye accommodate to distance.眼球晶状体能根据距离进行调节21世纪英汉〔accommodation〕Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.【生理学】 眼调节:眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像美国传统〔adjustable〕Is the strap on this helmet adjustable? 这顶头盔的扣带可以调节吗?剑桥高阶〔adjustment〕The act of adjusting or the state of being adjusted.调整,调节:调整的行为或被调整的状态美国传统〔adjust〕You should adjust your speed to suit the driving conditions.你应该调节速度以适应驾驶条件。外研社新世纪〔air chamber〕A chamber, especially in a hydraulic system, in which air elastically compresses and expands to regulate the flow of a fluid.气室,气囊:尤其在液压系统中的一种气室,空气在里面压缩和膨胀以调节液体流量美国传统〔air-cool〕To air-condition.空气调节美国传统〔angle〕She adjusted the angle of the legs to make the table stand more firmly.她调节了桌腿的角度使桌子更稳当。牛津搭配〔angle〕You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade.可以调节百叶窗使光线亮一些,也可以暗一些。柯林斯高阶〔automatically〕The camera adjusts the shutter speed automatically.这架照相机可自动调节快门速度。剑桥高阶〔baffle〕A usually static device that regulates the flow of a fluid or light.折流板:一种通常是静态的用来调节液体或光线流量的装置美国传统〔barbell〕A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise.杠铃:两端重量可调节的棒,运动或锻炼时用来举重美国传统〔blind〕You can adjust the blinds to keep out the glare.你可以调节百叶窗挡住耀眼的光。麦克米伦高阶〔calpain〕A proteolytic enzyme that is regulated by the concentration of calcium ions.钙激活蛋白酶:用浓缩钙离子调节的蛋白酶美国传统〔closed〕The valve can be adjusted from fully open to fully closed.阀门可以从全开调节到全闭。牛津搭配〔conditioned〕Psychology Exhibiting or trained to exhibit a conditioned response.【心理学】 调节好的:表现出或训练出具有某种条件反射的美国传统〔condition〕To air-condition.调节空气美国传统〔contrast〕This button adjusts the contrast.这个按钮调节对比度。朗文当代〔controllable〕The temperature of the room is controllable.房间温度是可调节的。韦氏高阶〔control〕A thermostat controls the room's temperature.恒温器调节房间的温度。韦氏高阶〔coordination〕The state of being coordinate; harmonious adjustment or interaction.协调,协同:协调的状态;和谐的相互调节或相互作用美国传统〔counterbalance〕The author's wry humor counterbalances the book's serious subject matter.作者嘲讽式的幽默对这本书严肃的主题起到了调节作用。韦氏高阶〔counterbalance〕The author's wry humor is a good counterbalance to the book's serious subject matter.作者嘲讽式的幽默对这本书严肃的主题是一个很好的调节韦氏高阶〔cyclic GMP〕A cyclic nucleotide of guanosine thought to act at the cellular level as a regulator of various metabolic processes, possibly as an antagonist to cyclic AMP.环磷鸟苷:鸟苷的循环核苷酸,认为在细胞膜上作为各种新陈代谢过程的调节剂,也可作为环腺苷酸的一种抵抗物美国传统〔dial〕The heat dial was set at 150 degrees.温度调节器设定在 150 度。柯林斯高阶〔discretionary〕Left to or regulated by one's own discretion or judgment.自由决定的:按自己的行动或判断的决定或调节美国传统〔draft〕A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air.调节气流的装置:调节空气流动或循环的装置美国传统〔ectotherm〕An organism that regulates its body temperature largely by exchanging heat with its surroundings; a poikilotherm.冷血动物:主要以与外界环境交换热量的方式来调节自身体温的生物;变温动物美国传统〔endpin〕The thin, usually adjustable leg of a cello or double bass.撑脚:大提琴或低音提琴的细小的、可调节的撑脚美国传统〔environment〕If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat.如果外在环境变冷,体表会将这一信息传递给身体的体温调节中枢。柯林斯高阶〔f-stop〕A camera lens aperture setting that corresponds to an f-number.f制光圈:以f表示的调节照相机镜头的孔径的装置美国传统〔fit〕The degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts.配合:机器或组装零件表面相互调整或调节到的精确程度美国传统〔flexibility〕The flexibility of the lens decreases with age.眼球晶体的可调节性随着年龄增长而减退。外研社新世纪〔float〕A floating ball attached to a lever to regulate the water level in a tank.浮球:储液罐内连在杠杆上用来调节液面的浮球美国传统〔focus〕She leaned on a rock, focusing her binoculars.她倚着一块岩石,调节双筒望远镜的焦距。麦克米伦高阶〔focus〕The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.影象的清晰度:因使用光学调节系统而形成的分明的或清晰的图象美国传统〔focus〕The telescope is out of focus.望远镜没有调节好。英汉大词典〔fusuma〕Light, sliding partitions of thick paper mounted in grooves on the floor and the ceiling of a Japanese house and moved into various positions to form rooms.日本式隔扇:一种厚纸糊成的可滑动调节的轻分隔物,安放在日本住宅地板和天花板的凹糟里,可移动到各种位置形成房间美国传统〔genomics〕The study of all of the nucleotide sequences, including structural genes, regulatory sequences, and noncoding DNA segments, in the chromosomes of an organism.基因组:对所有核苷酸序列的研究,包括生物染色体中的结构基因、调节序列和未编码的脱氧核糖核酸节段美国传统〔handle〕We all have to learn to handle stress.我们都得学会调节压力。牛津高阶〔heat〕The heat of the burners is instantly adjustable.火炉的热度可以即时调节外研社新世纪〔height〕You can adjust the height of the chair.你可以调节椅子的高度。牛津高阶〔hormone〕Any of various similar substances found in plants and insects that regulate development.激素:一种存在于植物或昆虫中的具有调节生长之功能的物质美国传统〔ignitron〕A single-anode, mercury-vapor rectifier in which current passes as an arc between the anode and a mercury-pool cathode, used in power rectification.引燃管:用于调整电力的单阳极,汞气调节器,电流以电弧的形式流动于阳极和水银液体的阴极之间美国传统〔knob〕I adjusted the volume knob and sat down.我调节好音量旋钮,坐了下来。朗文当代〔laser〕Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.研究者发现可调节的激光束也许可用于外科手术。外研社新世纪〔mediate〕The two envoys have succeeded in mediating an end to the war.两位使节通过调节斡旋促成了战争的结束。剑桥高阶〔modulate〕Please modulate the sound on the TV.请调节一下电视机的音量。21世纪英汉〔modulate〕These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.这些化学物质可以调节钾的功效。柯林斯高阶〔modulate〕To pass from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.调节:通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调美国传统〔monkey wrench〕A hand tool with adjustable jaws for turning nuts of varying sizes.活动扳手:带有可以旋转不同大小螺母的可调节钳口的手动工具美国传统〔offset〕You may like to introduce some mental exercises as an offset to the physical activities.你或许想要进行一些脑力活动作为对体育活动的调节外研社新世纪〔osmoregulation〕Maintenance of an optimal, constant osmotic pressure in the body of a living organism.渗透调节:对于有机生命体中持续的最佳渗透压力的维持美国传统〔override〕The pills are designed to override your body's own hormones.这些药片用以调节人体自身的荷尔蒙分泌。剑桥高阶〔parallel bars〕An apparatus for gymnastic exercises consisting of two horizontal bars set parallel to each other in adjustable upright supports.双杠:一种由两根平行安装在可调节的直立支撑杆上的水平直杠构成的体操运动用器械美国传统〔pipe wrench〕A wrench with two serrated jaws, one adjustable, for gripping and turning pipe.管扳手,管钳:有两个锯齿形的钳牙,一个可调节以抓起或扳动管道美国传统〔plane〕A carpenter's tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing and leveling wood.平刨,木工刨:具有可以调节的刃,用以刨平或修整木材的木工用具美国传统〔point-and-shoot〕Of, relating to, or being a camera that adjusts settings such as focus and exposure automatically.自动照相机的:属于、关于或是一架能自动调节焦距和曝光的照相机的美国传统〔readjust〕The driver's seat is too high,I have to readjust it.司机的座位太高了,我必须把它重新调节一下。21世纪英汉〔reclinable〕You may recline your seat a little when you want to have a quick nap.你想小睡片刻时,可以把你的座位调节得向后仰一点。21世纪英汉〔recline〕Please recline the seat a little.请把座位调节得后仰一些。英汉大词典〔regulated〕As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient.随着年龄的增长,人体体温调节机制的功能往往会有所弱化。柯林斯高阶〔regulatory〕An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator.一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。柯林斯高阶〔regulator〕The mechanism in a watch by which its speed is governed.快慢针:手表中调节快慢的装置美国传统〔relationship〕People alter their voices in relationship to background noise.人们根据环境噪音的大小调节自己的声音。牛津高阶〔revolutionary〕Jet-weary travellers would like to see the development of a revolutionary drug capable of instantly shifting circadian rhythms over to destination times.疲于喷气式飞行的旅客都希望看到一种革命性新药的研制,这种药物可立即把昼夜生理节律调节到飞行目的地的时间轨道。英汉大词典〔self-regulating〕Regulating oneself or itself.自我调节美国传统〔steering column〕My car has an adjustable steering column.我的车配有可调节的转向柱。剑桥高阶〔swell box〕A chamber housing one or more sets of organ pipes and having shutters that can be opened or shut to regulate the volume.琴箱:内装一套或几套风琴管的音箱,设有开关可调节音量美国传统〔tension〕Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.调节网球拍的网张力,以配合你的打法。牛津高阶〔throttle (sth) back/down〕The pilot throttled back (the engines) as he came in to land.着陆时,飞行员调节油门减速。剑桥高阶〔timer〕A switch or regulator that controls or activates and deactivates another mechanism at set times.调节开关:一个在预定时间控制或开关另一个机械装置的开关或调节美国传统〔trimmer〕Electronics A variable component used to make fine adjustments to capacity or resistance.【电子学】 微调电容器:一种可调的电路元件,用于进行电容或电阻的细微调节美国传统〔tripod〕An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera.三脚架:一种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架美国传统〔troponin〕A calcium-regulated protein in muscle tissue occurring in three subunits with tropomyosin.原肌球蛋白:在肌肉组织中的一种调节钙的蛋白,存在于有原肌球蛋白的三个次单元中美国传统〔tune-up〕An adjustment, as of a motor or an engine, made to improve working order or efficiency.调整,调节:调整,如马达或发动机,以便使其处于最佳工作状态或最高工作效率美国传统〔variable〕The temperature in the main building is variable.主楼的温度是可调节的。麦克米伦高阶〔well-balanced〕Evenly proportioned, balanced, or regulated.很平衡的:比例很均匀、平衡或调节好的美国传统〔windmill〕A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.风车:靠风力旋转带有可调节的叶片或梯级横木的轮子所产生的能量来运转的一种机器美国传统〔zap〕To use a remote control device to switch (channels on a television) or to turn off (a television set).遥控:用一种远距离遥控器调节(电视频道)或关闭(电视)美国传统A thermostatically -controlled heating element maintains the water temperature.自动调节温度的热元件保持水温不变。剑桥国际Complete regular bank reconciliations of the management bank accounts.对管理银行账户定期进行银行往来调节牛津商务He turned the dial/knob/control on the oven.他转动烤箱的调节器/旋钮/控制器。剑桥国际If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.如果椅子太高,你可以将它调节到适合你的高度。剑桥国际It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。译典通My car has an adjustable steering column.我的汽车有可调节的转向柱剑桥国际She reclined her seat and went to sleep.她把座位调节得后仰一些,然后就入睡了。剑桥国际The air-conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room. 在挤那么多人的房间里空气调节器不起作用了。译典通The anchorage point (=fixing point) for the seat belt is not adjustable.安全带的夹固口是不可调节的。剑桥国际The pilot throttled back (the engines) (=reduced speed) as he came in to land.着陆时,飞行员调节油门减速。剑桥国际They abandoned a fixed exchange rate in favour of a crawling peg.他们放弃了固定汇率,主张爬行式钉住的调节方式。牛津商务With this drill it's possible to adjust the speed of rotation.这个钻机的转速可以调节剑桥国际You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat and the radiators.通过调节恒温器和散热器你可以控制屋内温度。剑桥国际Your chair should have an adjustable back and seat.你椅子的椅背和座位应该是可调节的。牛津商务

