
单词 运货
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FB.〕Freight bill.运货美国传统〔TAKE〕Hundreds of cars are lined up outside the factory, awaiting shipment to France and Holland. 工厂外面有几百辆车排队等候装运货物去法国和荷兰。朗文写作活用〔all〕The plane carries all cargo and no passengers.这架飞机只运货,不载客。英汉大词典〔ascent〕The cart began its gradual ascent up the hill.运货马车开始缓缓上山。牛津高阶〔bail〕An arch or hoop, such as one of those used to support the top of a covered wagon.支撑箍架:弓形物或箍状物,如任何一种用于支撑的带篷运货车车顶的支撑箍美国传统〔barge〕Carrying goods by train costs nearly three times more than carrying them by barge.通过铁路运货的成本比驳船运货成本高出近3倍。柯林斯高阶〔bill of lading〕A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery.提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期美国传统〔bookmobile〕A truck, trailer, or van equipped to serve as a mobile lending library.流动图书馆:一辆用作流动性的借书图书馆的货车、挂车或有篷运货美国传统〔boxcar〕A fully enclosed railroad car, typically having sliding side doors, used to transport freight.棚车:一种完全封闭的铁路用车,通常具有滑动侧门,用于运货美国传统〔buckle up〕My car buckled up when it struck the lorry.我的汽车撞上了运货卡车后毁坏了。21世纪英汉〔buggy〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A shopping cart, especially for groceries.【多用于美国南部】 运货车,尤指为杂货店运货的车美国传统〔carmaker〕A manufacturer of automotive vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and vans.汽车制造者:汽车,如小轿车、卡车以及运货车的制造者美国传统〔carrier〕They are dispatched from our nursery by overnight carrier.它们由夜间运货车从我们的苗圃运走。外研社新世纪〔cockhorse〕A horse added to a team of horses to assist a wagon through high water or over difficult terrain.马车之后的额外的马:加入一小组马的一匹马,帮助四轮运货马车通过深水或越过困难地形.美国传统〔containerize〕To convert to the use of containerized cargo.集装箱化:转变成用集装箱装运货美国传统〔convey〕They conveyed the goods by ship.他们用船运货韦氏高阶〔corral〕An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.车阵:用运货车围成的围栏,用作营地的防御地区美国传统〔cutter〕A ship's boat, powered by a motor or oars and used for transporting stores or passengers.小艇:一种大船上用来载运货物或乘客的小艇,用发动机驱动或用浆划动美国传统〔doubletree〕A crossbar on a wagon or carriage to which two whiffletrees are attached for harnessing two animals abreast.双驾横木:运货或载客马车上的横木,其上附有两个单驾横木使两个动物并排行进美国传统〔drayage〕A charge for transport by dray.板车运货美国传统〔ease〕A half-ton van eased in behind his truck.一辆半吨的运货车悄悄开到了他的卡车后面。英汉大词典〔fleet〕The company has a large fleet of delivery trucks.这家公司有一支庞大的运货车队。韦氏高阶〔freight car〕A railroad car designed for carrying freight.货车:用作运货物的铁路车皮美国传统〔freight〕All vehicles carrying freight need a special permit.所有运货车辆都要有专门执照。牛津搭配〔go〕It was a fast freight, and it went some.那是快运货车,开得很快。英汉大词典〔hoy〕A heavy barge used for freight.运货驳船:用来运货的重型驳船美国传统〔keelboat〕A riverboat with a keel but without sails, used for carrying freight.运货船:一种运货的河流用船,有龙骨但无帆美国传统〔keel〕A freight barge, especially one for carrying coal on the Tyne River in England.运煤平底船:一种运货船,尤指英格兰泰因河上运煤的船美国传统〔limit〕The residents' main demand is to limit the amount of heavy traffic using the street.这些居民的主要要求是限制这条街道上运货车辆的通行数量。麦克米伦高阶〔load up〕They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.他们把一袋袋面粉装上运货车。21世纪英汉〔near miss〕That was a near miss - we must have come within an inch of that lorry! 真是死里逃生——我们只差一点点就撞上了那辆运货卡车!剑桥高阶〔off-load〕I'll off-load the truck at the warehouse.我会把仓库里运货车上的货物卸下来。韦氏高阶〔overload〕The barge had an overload of cargo.那艘驳船装运货物超载。韦氏高阶〔pack animal〕An animal, such as a mule, used to carry loads.驮兽:一动物,如骡子,被用来运货美国传统〔pallet〕A portable platform used for storing or moving cargo or freight.托盘,集装架:用于储存或搬运货物的轻便平台美国传统〔payload〕The revenue-producing part of a cargo.有用载重量:载运货物中的创造收入部分美国传统〔prohibit〕There is a rule prohibiting a truck from carrying goods on its return haul.有一条禁止卡车在回程载运货物的规定。英汉大词典〔rattler〕Informal A freight train.【非正式用语】 运货列车美国传统〔shipper〕One that consigns or receives goods for transportation.运货人或收货人:一个委托别人运货的或一个收到货物的人美国传统〔shipping〕Passage or transport on a ship.用船运:用船运客或运货美国传统〔shipping〕The act or business of transporting goods.运货:运输货物的动作或行业美国传统〔skid〕A pallet for loading or handling goods, especially one having solid sideboards and no bottom.货盘:用于装载或搬运货物的垫子,尤其是具有边板并没有底座的美国传统〔skid〕Police shot out a tyre and the van skidded to a halt.警察射坏一只轮胎后,运货车一打滑停了下来。英汉大词典〔skid〕The van skidded to a stop right in front of the bus.运货车一打滑正好停在公共汽车的前面。麦克米伦高阶〔skid〕They loaded the packages onto a skid.他们将货物装到运货板上。韦氏高阶〔spray〕The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。柯林斯高阶〔spray〕The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.陆军的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。外研社新世纪〔teamster〕One who drives a truck for hauling loads, especially as an occupation.卡车司机:驾驶卡车搬运货物的人,尤指作为一种职业美国传统〔tram〕A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.矿车、煤车:煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢美国传统〔truck〕Any of various heavy motor vehicles designed for carrying or pulling loads.卡车:各种用于运载或搬运货物的重型机动车辆美国传统〔truck〕They were loaded on the railway trucks.它们被装上了运货车皮。外研社新世纪〔trundle〕A wagon trundled up the road.运货车沿着路艰难地向上移动。牛津同义词〔tumbrel〕A two-wheeled cart, especially a farmer's cart that can be tilted to dump a load.双轮运货车:一种双轮的小车,尤指农民使用的,可以翻卸货物的小车美国传统〔van〕An enclosed boxlike motor vehicle having rear or side doors and side panels especially for transporting people.运货车:带有后部或两侧的门和侧窗的,尤其用来运载人的封闭厢式汽车美国传统〔wagonload〕The amount that a wagon can hold.载荷:一辆运货车可以装载的量美国传统〔wagon〕A four-wheeled, usually horse-drawn vehicle with a large rectangular body, used for transporting loads.四轮运货车:一种四轮的、用马拉的具有大的长方体车身的车辆,用于运送货物美国传统〔wagon〕A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle.小型客车:一种轻型交通或运货汽车美国传统〔wagon〕Chiefly British An open railway freight car.【多用于英国】 铁路货车:一种无篷铁路运货美国传统〔wagon〕Hundreds of settlers travelled west in covered wagons.数以百计的移民坐着有篷四轮运货马车前往西部。麦克米伦高阶〔wainwright〕One that builds and repairs wagons.建造并修理运货车的人美国传统〔wain〕A large open farm wagon.一种大而无蓬的运货马车美国传统〔waybill〕A document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods.运货单:给出有关船运细节和要求的文件美国传统〔yoke〕A bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach.轭状物:用双马具把每个马轭连到四轮运货马车或公共马车的辕杆上的木条美国传统That was a near miss--we must have come within an inch of that lorry! 真是死里逃生,我们跟那运货卡车只差一点点。剑桥国际The old wagon rattled down the road. 破旧的四轮运货马车喀嚓喀嚓地行进在路上。译典通There's a suspicious-looking van parked at the end of the road.有一辆外表可疑的运货车停在路的尽头。剑桥国际They have stopped using polystyrene ‘peanuts’ for packing shipments.他们已停止使用聚苯乙烯“花生”包运货物。牛津商务

