
单词 车型
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REPLACE〕With the rise in oil prices, big American cars were forced to give way to smaller, more economical models. 随着石油价格的上涨,大型美国汽车被迫让位于更小巧、更经济的车型朗文写作活用〔brake〕All our new models have anti-lock brakes.我们所有的新车型都有防抱死刹车。剑桥高阶〔chevron〕Can we expect to see the winged double chevron becoming standard on all Citroen models?V形双翼是否有望成为所有雪铁龙车型的标准标志?外研社新世纪〔classification〕Your insurance group classification changes when you buy a bigger car.如果购买的车辆车型更大, 保险类别会相应变化。外研社新世纪〔convenience〕Some TVRs have power steering and conveniences such as central locking and powered windows.一些特雷沃车型配有动力转向系统以及中央锁和电动窗之类的便利装置。柯林斯高阶〔derivative〕Its styling isn't derivative of any other car currently on the market.这一款式并未借鉴目前市场上其他车型的设计。外研社新世纪〔derivative〕This isn't an entirely new car, but a new derivative of the Citroen XM.这不是一款全新的车, 而是雪铁龙XM系列的派生车型外研社新世纪〔derivative〕This isn't an entirely new car, but a new derivative of the Citroen XM.这不是一款全新的车,而是雪铁龙XM系列的派生车型柯林斯高阶〔development〕A more powerful version of this electric bus is currently in development.这种电动公共汽车的一种功能更强大的车型正在开发中。牛津搭配〔diesel〕The diesel model is slightly more expensive.柴油车型稍贵些。牛津搭配〔expectation〕The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations.这种车是通用汽车有目共睹最为成功的车型, 销量远超预期。外研社新世纪〔expectation〕The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations.那种车是通用汽车公司有目共睹最成功的车型,销量远远超过预期。柯林斯高阶〔freak〕For the real speed freak, there is a fuel-injection version of the car.对于那些玩命追求极速的车迷来说,现有一种燃油喷射的车型牛津搭配〔heave〕The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage.现在进入视线的火车显然是一种古老得多的车型外研社新世纪〔heave〕The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage.现在进入视野的火车显然是一种古老得多的车型柯林斯高阶〔later〕We are only able to repair later models.我们只会修理较新式的车型麦克米伦高阶〔low-end〕We don't need an expensive car-a low-end model will do.我们不需要昂贵的汽车—较低廉的车型就行了。文馨英汉〔major on〕The carmaker majors on comfort in its new models.这家汽车制造商格外注重新车型的舒适性。韦氏高阶〔marque〕A model or brand of a manufactured product, especially an automobile.汽车型号,汽车牌子:制成品的型号或牌子,尤指汽车美国传统〔model〕Fiat launched a new model last week.菲亚特公司上周推出一款新车型麦克米伦高阶〔model〕Renault are introducing three new models at the show.雷诺公司将在这次展会上推出三款新的车型朗文当代〔model〕The latest models will be on display at the motor show.最新的车型将会在这次汽车展上展出。牛津高阶〔model〕We've improved on last year's model, making the car safer and easier to control.我们在去年车型的基础上进行了改良,使其更安全且更易操控。韦氏高阶〔muscle car〕A high-performance automobile, often with flashy, sporty styling.大马力中型汽车:一种高性能的汽车,通常为奢华的赛车型美国传统〔muscle-bound〕Muscle-bound, swift, and sexy, the M5 showed it had performance to burn during the press launch this week.在本周的新品发布会上, 动力强劲、迅捷、性感的M5车型展示出它能飞速驰骋的性能。外研社新世纪〔newcomer〕The most glamorous newcomer to the Volkswagen Golf range is the revamped GTi 16 valve.大众高尔夫系列最具魅力的新车型是经改良的 GTi 16 缸气门。朗文当代〔on〕The manufacturer has never improved on the earliest model of the car.制造商从未对最早的车型进行改进。剑桥高阶〔predecessor〕The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor.这辆轿车比原先的车型短了约40毫米。柯林斯高阶〔racing〕In that 2.7-litre form it really was a terrific racing car.其2.7升的车型确实是非常棒的赛车。柯林斯高阶〔rehash〕Most of the 'new' models promised by American car makers look set to be little more than rehashes of existing products.这些美国汽车制造商承诺推出的“新款”多半都像是现有车型的翻版。柯林斯高阶〔retire〕The manufacturer plans to retire that car model in a few years.制造商计划在几年之后淘汰这一车型韦氏高阶〔safe〕It is one of the safest cars in the world.这是世界上最安全的车型之一。牛津高阶〔series〕Terry's BMW was one of the new Series 3 models.特里的宝马车是新推出的3系列车型中的一款。麦克米伦高阶〔show〕There were some amazing new cars at the motor show.车展上展出了一些令人惊叹的新车型剑桥高阶〔soup up〕His hobby was souping up older cars.他的爱好就是提升老旧车型的马力。韦氏高阶〔steal the limelight〕The experimental car certainly stole the limelight at the motor show.这款实验车型无疑在车展上出尽了风头。剑桥高阶〔trade-off〕For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.对一些购车者而言,设计成跑车风格的车型即使空间狭小也是可以接受的。剑桥高阶〔type〕It was dark so I didn't notice what type of car it was.天太黑,我没有注意到是什么车型剑桥高阶〔weed out〕He weeded out several unsuitable models before he found the right car.他排除了几款不合适的车型,最后找到了满意的车。韦氏高阶〔yesterday〕Today's cars aren't all that different from the models of yesterday.现在的汽车跟以前的车型比也没有特别大的差异。韦氏高阶For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.对一些购买汽车的人来说,空间狭小是可以接受的,只要汽车的设计是赛车型的。剑桥国际In this new model, the car's engine has been enlarged from 5.3 to 6.0 litres.这个新的车型,引擎由5.3升扩大到6.0升。剑桥国际It was dark so I didn't notice what type of car it was.天黑了, 所以我没注意到是什么车型剑桥国际Jaguar is a world-famous British marque which is now owned by Ford.豹牌是世界知名的英国车型,现为福特公司所有。剑桥国际Major car manufacturers are offering rebates of up to $600 on new models.大汽车生产商正提供购买新车型支付高达600元的回扣。剑桥国际People went gaga over this model of car when it was first introduced.当这个车型首次露面时,人们就对它着了迷。剑桥国际The car comes in a short wheelbase Sport form and a long wheelbase four-door version.这种汽车有一种短轴距的赛车型和一种长轴距的4门型。剑桥国际The company is launching the second-generation model of this car in March.公司要在三月推出该车的第二代车型剑桥国际The contour of the car has been changed making the new model less boxlike.这种车的外形已作了改变,使其新车型不至于太像盒子。剑桥国际The factory is retooling to start making the new line of cars. 工厂正在重新装备以便开始制造新系列车型译典通The latest model of the car has none of the jerkiness of previous ones.最新的车型不像以前几种那么不平稳。剑桥国际The major downside to the new model is that it uses more fuel.这一新车型的主要缺陷是耗油量太大。牛津商务The new model has leather upholstery, seat-heaters, anti-lock braking and alloy wheels.新车型有着皮制座椅,座位加热器,不锁死刹车及合金车轮。剑桥国际We pride ourselves on producing a car for every purse.我们因生产满足不同消费层次的需求的车型而自豪。牛津商务

