
单词 痉挛性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REM〕The rapid, periodic, jerky movement of the eyes during certain stages of the sleep cycle when dreaming takes place.眼球速动期:快速的,周期性的,在睡眠周期的某个时期做梦时发生的痉挛性的眼睛的运动美国传统〔aerophagia〕The abnormal, spasmodic swallowing of air, especially as a symptom of hysteria.吞气症:异常的痉挛性吞气,特指歇斯底里的症状美国传统〔angina〕A condition, such as severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur.咽痛:一种出现痉挛性窒息的情况,如严重的咽部疼痛美国传统〔blepharospasm〕Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.脸痉挛:由于眼睑肌肉偶然挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼美国传统〔cachinnate〕To laugh hard, loudly, or convulsively; guffaw.狂笑:强烈地、大声地或痉挛性地笑;纵声大笑美国传统〔convulsive〕Marked by or having the nature of convulsions.痉挛的:以痉挛为特征或者具有痉挛性质的美国传统〔oculogyric crisis〕A spasmodic movement of the eyeballs into a fixed position, usually upward, that persists for several minutes or hours.眼球旋转失常:眼球痉挛性运动,通常眼球保持固定向上的位置,持续几分钟或几小时美国传统〔spasmodically〕His neck was jerking spasmodically.他的颈部痉挛性抽动。韦氏高阶〔spastic〕A person affected with spastic paralysis.痉挛性麻痹患者美国传统〔spastic〕Affected by spastic paralysis.患痉挛性麻痹的美国传统〔tic〕A habitual spasmodic muscular movement or contraction, usually of the face or extremities.抽搐:常发生在面部或肢端的习惯性且痉挛性的肌肉运动和收缩美国传统The disease causes sudden jerky movements of the hands and legs.这种疾病会引起手和腿的突然痉挛性动作。剑桥国际

