
单词 痛苦不堪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abject〕They live in abject misery/poverty.他们的生活痛苦不堪/穷困潦倒。韦氏高阶〔bear〕Grief bears heavily on her.悲伤使她痛苦不堪21世纪英汉〔curvature〕He suffered from curvature of the spine.脊柱弯曲使他痛苦不堪柯林斯高阶〔dear〕Carolyn's marriage to Pete cost her dear.与彼得的婚姻使卡罗琳痛苦不堪朗文当代〔despair〕A deep sense of despair overwhelmed him.深深的绝望使他痛苦不堪牛津高阶〔devastating〕The news was devastating.这个消息让人痛苦不堪韦氏高阶〔excruciating〕Her search for love has often caused her excruciating misery and loneliness.寻求爱情的过程常常使她痛苦不堪、倍感孤单。外研社新世纪〔gyp〕Her new shoes were giving her gyp.新鞋子使她痛苦不堪麦克米伦高阶〔gyp〕His arthritis gave him gyp.关节炎使他痛苦不堪英汉大词典〔hell on earth〕He went through hell during his divorce.离婚时,他痛苦不堪韦氏高阶〔kill〕Working these long hours is killing me.这样长时间工作让我痛苦不堪韦氏高阶〔misery〕His constant criticism made her life a misery.他没完没了的指责使她的生活痛苦不堪牛津搭配〔push〕To bear hard upon; press.使痛苦不堪:对某人施加困难;逼迫美国传统〔rack〕Greg was racked by doubts and indecision.格雷格因疑虑和优柔寡断而痛苦不堪麦克米伦高阶〔rack〕The dog was already racked by/with the pains of old age.那条狗已经又老又病,痛苦不堪剑桥高阶〔shut out〕I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.我不再去回忆那些痛苦不堪的往事了。柯林斯高阶〔try〕I have been sorely tried by these children.我已经被这些孩子折磨得痛苦不堪了。外研社新世纪〔way〕Flinging herself on the bed, she gave way to helpless misery.她一头扑倒在床上,痛苦不堪牛津高阶He likes the high he gets from that stuff, but he's miserable when he comes down (from it).他喜欢那东西给他带来的极度兴奋的感觉,但当药性过去时他会痛苦不堪剑桥国际In spite of the civilian misery, the United Nations was reluctant to get its forces embroiled (in civil war).尽管平民痛苦不堪,联合国仍然不愿使其部队卷入内战。剑桥国际Seeing her old school again conjured up (=made her remember) some horrific memories.再见她的母校勾起了她的一些痛苦不堪的回忆。剑桥国际The parents of the missing child have been going through purgatory for the last few days.在过去的几天里,失踪孩子的家长痛苦不堪剑桥国际

