
单词 画派
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Andrea del Sarto〕Italian painter whose works, including a fresco cycle of the life of John the Baptist, epitomize Florentine classicism.安德里亚·萨托:意大利画家,他的作品包括壁画《施洗约翰的诞生》,是佛罗伦萨古典画派代表作美国传统〔action painting〕A style of abstract painting that uses techniques such as the dribbling or splashing of paint to achieve a spontaneous effect.动作画派,抽象画派:一种抽象派绘画,通过运用滴洒或喷溅颜料的技巧以取得自然的效果美国传统〔affiliate〕She affiliated herself with the Impressionist school of painting.她加入了印象主义画派朗文当代〔classicism〕Poussin was a famous exponent of classicism.普桑是古典主义画派的著名倡导者。剑桥高阶〔divisionism〕A branch of neoimpressionism in which colors are divided into their components and mechanically arranged so that the eye organizes the shape.点描派,新印象画派:新印象画派的一支,把颜色分成其基本成分并加以机械性的布置,通过视觉来组织新画的形状美国传统〔old master〕He is now recognized as one of the Old Masters of the Dutch school.如今他被认为是荷兰画派的大师之一。韦氏高阶〔representational〕Of or relating to representation, especially to realistic graphic representation.具象派的:属于或关于美术的,尤指属于或关于写实图画派美国传统Edvard Munch's “The Scream” is a famous Expressionist painting.爱得华·蒙克的《尖叫》是表现主义画派的名作。剑桥国际Ingres and Delacroix were two famous exponents of Classicism.安格尔和德拉克洛瓦是古典主义画派的两个著名倡导者。剑桥国际The world's finest collection of Impressionist paintings is housed in the Mus巈 d’Orsay in Paris.世界上最杰出的印象主义画派作品收藏在巴黎德奥塞博物馆里。剑桥国际

