
单词 盲文
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Braille〕He has learnt to read Braille.他已经学会了阅读布莱叶盲文外研社新世纪〔Braille〕The book has been printed in six languages and in Braille.这本书用6种语言和盲文印刷。剑桥高阶〔SEE〕Instructions can also be obained in Braille for the visually impaired. 说明书还提供了盲文版本,方便有视力障碍者使用。朗文写作活用〔braille〕The instructions were written in braille.用法说明是用盲文写的。麦克米伦高阶〔point system〕Any of various systems of printing or writing for sightless people, as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised symbols or dots that correspond to letters.盲文点字体系:一种为盲人设计的印刷或书写体系,如布莱叶点字法,它用一种隆起的符号或圆点所组成的字母与字母对应美国传统〔read〕Can you read decimals/music/Braille? 你能认小数/乐谱/盲文吗?韦氏高阶〔read〕He can read Braille though he isn't blind.虽然他不是瞎子,但他能摸读盲文21世纪英汉〔touch〕Blind since birth, she relies on her sense of touch to read braille.她天生失明,靠触觉读布拉耶盲文韦氏高阶〔transcribe〕He has transcribed that book into braille.他已经把那本书译成了盲文21世纪英汉〔transcribe〕How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people? 有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?牛津高阶〔transcribe〕The book has been transcribed into braille.这本书已转成盲文朗文当代Boycott, braille and diesel are examples of eponyms.抵制、盲文和柴油机是以创始者、发明者命名的例子。剑桥国际The book has been printed in six languages and in Braille.这本书用六种语言和布莱叶盲文印刷。剑桥国际

