
单词 相交
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕When you have both filled in your patterns, you may want to share these with each other.两人都把图案填好色后,不妨互相交换着看一下。柯林斯高阶〔GROUP〕Outside the school, little groups of friends were talking to each other. 在学校外面,朋友之间三三两两地在互相交谈。朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma all converge at this point. 泰国、老挝和缅甸三国边境都在这一点相交朗文写作活用〔JOIN〕The point where the two lines meet is called the apex of a triangle. 两线相交的一点被称为三角形的顶点。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕By sharing their problems, sufferers of the disease learn to cope with the symptoms. 这种疾病的患者通过互相交流各自的问题,学会了如何对付那些症状。朗文写作活用〔Phillips〕A trademark used for a screw with a head having two intersecting perpendicular slots and for a screwdriver with a tip shaped to fit into these slots.菲利普斯式螺钉头:用来指有一个盖帽和两个垂直相交沟槽的螺钉的商标,也指一种有适合这些沟槽尖头的螺丝起子的商标美国传统〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕He distrusted people who were too friendly too quickly. 他不信任那些相交时间很短态度却过于友好的人。朗文写作活用〔angle〕The lines are at sharp angles to each other.两条线相交呈一个锐角。韦氏高阶〔angle〕The two lines meet at a 30-degree angle to each other. = There is a 30-degree angle between the two lines.两条线相交形成30°角。韦氏高阶〔at a right angle to〕The two boards are joined at right angles to each other.这两块板子成直角相交韦氏高阶〔autumnal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a southerly motion.秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动美国传统〔bisect〕The railroad bridge bisects the highway.铁路桥与公路相交叉。英汉大词典〔celestial pole〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the extensions of the earth's axis intersect the celestial sphere.天极:两个呈对角线方向相对的点之一,穿过此点的地轴延线与天球相交美国传统〔chine〕Nautical The line of intersection between the side and bottom of a flatbottom or V-bottom boat.【航海】 舭缘线:平底或V形底船的舷侧与船底之间的相交线美国传统〔comfortably〕They were soon chatting comfortably with each other.他们很快就轻松地互相交谈了起来。朗文当代〔complect〕To join by weaving or twining together; interweave.交织:通过编织或缠绕接合在一起;互相交美国传统〔confer〕You may not confer with each other during the exam!考试的时候你们不许互相交换意见!牛津同义词〔converge〕There was a signpost where the two paths converged.两条小路的相交处有一路标。牛津高阶〔cornerstone〕A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin.墙角石:用于联结一个建筑中两个相交的墙壁的角落处的石头;角石美国传统〔crisscross〕Crossing one another or marked by crossings.十字形的,交叉的:互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的美国传统〔crosscut〕A level in a mine driven so that it intersects a vein of ore.石门,横巷:矿井内掘出的平巷,它与矿脉相交美国传统〔crosshatch〕To mark or shade with two or more sets of intersecting parallel lines.用相交线表示阴影:用两组或多组相交平行线来标记或表现阴影美国传统〔crossroad〕A road that intersects another road.交叉路:与另一条道路相交的路美国传统〔cross〕An old Roman road crosses the modern street at right angles.一条罗马古道和现代街道成直角相交麦克米伦高阶〔cross〕One line crossed the other.一条线与另一条线相交韦氏高阶〔cross〕The road crosses the railway here.这条路与铁路在此相交英汉大词典〔cross〕The two streets cross in the centre of town.两条街在市中心相交英汉大词典〔cross〕The two trains crossed.两列火车相交而过。英汉大词典〔curve〕The intersection of two surfaces in three dimensions.两面相交:在立方体中的两个面的相交美国传统〔cut〕A line cuts the circle at two points.直线穿圆而过,与圆相交于两点。英汉大词典〔cut〕A river cut across the track about a hundred metres further on.一条河和那条小径在约100米远的地方相交麦克米伦高阶〔degree〕The two lines meet at a 90° angle.这两条线垂直相交麦克米伦高阶〔dormancy〕Many plants alternate an active period with a period of dormancy.许多植物的活动期和休眠期是互相交替的。英汉大词典〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔frog〕A device on intersecting railroad tracks that permits wheels to cross the junction.辙叉:装在火车铁轨相交处使车轮穿过连接处的装置美国传统〔gangbang〕Sexual intercourse involving several people who select and change partners in an indiscriminate manner.集体性交:涉及许多不加选择互相交换性伙伴的人的混杂性交美国传统〔grade〕The junction road crosses the streets at grade.这条公路与各条街道在同一水平面上相交英汉大词典〔great circle〕A circle described by the intersection of the surface of a sphere with a plane passing through the center of the sphere.大圆:一个通过球心的平面与球面相交所形成的圆美国传统〔hexagram〕A six-pointed star formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon into equilateral triangles.六角星形:把一个正六边形的各边延长相交成几个等边三角形而得到的六角星美国传统〔infinity〕Parallel lines appear to meet at infinity.平行线似乎在无限远处相交牛津搭配〔information〕The two countries exchange information on wanted criminals.两国互相交换关于通缉犯的情报。牛津搭配〔intercept〕Mathematics The distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve, or surface intersects a coordinate axis.【数学】 截距:从原点到一条直线、曲线或平面上的点的距离,与坐标轴相交美国传统〔interchange〕To change places with each other.互换:互相交换位置美国传统〔interlace〕Those branches interlaced.那些树枝互相交错着。21世纪英汉〔intersection〕Bridges are used to avoid the intersection of a railroad and a highway.采用旱桥是为了避免让铁路与公路直接相交英汉大词典〔intersect〕Line A intersects with line B.*A线和B线相交韦氏高阶〔intersect〕Somewhere all the tracks intersected.所有的轨道都会在某处相交外研社新世纪〔intersect〕The circles will intersect in two places.这些圆会在两处相交外研社新世纪〔intersect〕The line AB intersects the line CD at E.直线AB 与 CD 相交于 E。21世纪英汉〔intersect〕The line AB intersects the line CD at E.直线AB与直线CD相交于E。英汉大词典〔intersect〕The lines intersect at right angles.线条垂直相交牛津高阶〔intersect〕The path intersected with a busy road.小路与一条繁忙的大路相交牛津高阶〔intersect〕The path intersects the road at a sharp angle.这条小路与公路相交成一个锐角。麦克米伦高阶〔intersect〕The road intersects the highway a mile from here.这条路在离这儿一英里的地方与高速公路相交美国传统〔intersect〕The roads intersect near the bridge.这些道路在大桥附近相交剑桥高阶〔intersect〕The satellite is on a course which should intersect that of the asteroid.该卫星所处轨道有可能与小行星的轨道相交外研社新世纪〔intersect〕The two roads intersect at the edge of town.两条道路在城边相交韦氏高阶〔meet〕Parallel lines never meet.平行线永不相交外研社新世纪〔meet〕Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended.无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交柯林斯高阶〔meet〕The streets meet up at the next intersection.街道在下一个十字路口相交麦克米伦高阶〔meet〕The track widened as it met the road.小路在和公路相交的地方变宽了。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕The two lines meet to form an angle.这两条线相交成角。英汉大词典〔meet〕The two roads meet north of Goodman.这两条路在古德曼以北相交21世纪英汉〔meet〕The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.垂直线与水平线在此相交21世纪英汉〔monoclinic〕Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third.单斜晶系的:有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的美国传统〔narrative〕At several points in the narrative the two stories cross.叙述中有几处地方两个故事互相交织。朗文当代〔node〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.交点:行星的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点美国传统〔node〕Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet.轨道交点:卫星的轨道与行星的轨道面相交的两点中任何一点美国传统〔overlap〕The Renaissance overlapped the later Middle Ages.文艺复兴时期与中世纪后期有一段时间互相交接。英汉大词典〔parabola〕A plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the cone.抛物线:一个直立圆锥和平行于该锥体中轴的平面相交形成的平面曲线美国传统〔parallel〕Of, relating to, or designating a line and a plane that do not intersect.一线与一面平行的:属于、有关或指出不相交的一条直线与一个平面的美国传统〔parallel〕Of, relating to, or designating two or more planes that do not intersect.平行面的:属于、有关或指出两个或多个不相交平面的美国传统〔parallel〕Of, relating to, or designating two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.平行线的:属于、有关或指出两条或多条不相交的共面直线的美国传统〔plinth〕The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening.勒脚:在踢脚板和通道周围竖直的镶边装饰相交处的底板美国传统〔point〕Lines C and D intersect at point E.C线和D线在E点相交麦克米伦高阶〔polyhedral angle〕A shape formed by three or more planes intersecting at a common point.多面角:由三个或更多的平面在一个公共点相交而形成的图形美国传统〔quadrant〕Draw two intersecting lines that divide the page into four quadrants.画两条相交的线,将这一页分成四等份。韦氏高阶〔role playing〕Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。柯林斯高阶〔skew〕Having a part that diverges, as in gearing.偏的:既不平行也不相交的。用于空间中的直线美国传统〔skyline〕The line along which the surface of the earth and the sky appear to meet; the horizon.地平线:地面与天空看似相交的面;地平线美国传统〔solid angle〕An angle formed by three or more planes intersecting at a common point.立体角:相交于同一点的三个或更多平面形成的角美国传统〔spiritualism〕The belief that the dead communicate with the living, as through a medium.招魂说:认为死者的亡魂可与活人互相交流的学说,例如通过中介物质美国传统〔study〕He has made a special study of the way that birds communicate.他就鸟类互相交流的方式进行了专门研究。牛津搭配〔talk〕We talk to each other every day.我们每天都互相交谈。外研社新世纪〔tangent〕A line, curve, or surface touching but not intersecting another line, curve, or surface.切线(面):与另一条直线、曲线或另一个平面相接触但并不相交的一条直线、曲线或一个平面美国传统〔trade〕Kids used to trade baseball cards.以前孩子们常常互相交换棒球卡片。柯林斯高阶〔transversal〕A line that intersects a system of other lines.截线:一条与其它一系列线相交的线美国传统〔triclinic〕Having three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. Used of certain crystals.三斜的:具有三个相交为斜角的不相等的轴的。用于某些晶体美国传统〔vernacular〕They spoke to each other in the vernacular of the region.他们用本地话互相交谈。英汉大词典〔vernal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a northerly motion.春分点:黄道与天赤道相交的一点,太阳向北移动美国传统〔vertex〕The point at which the sides of an angle intersect.顶点:角的两边相交的点美国传统〔vertical angle〕Either of two angles formed by two intersecting lines and lying on opposite sides of the point of intersection.对顶角:由两条相交线形成的两个角,它们分别处在相交点的两边美国传统〔weft〕The horizontal threads interlaced through the warp in a woven fabric; woof.纬纱:在织物上与经线相交织的平线;纬线美国传统He lived in close communion with nature/God.他过着与大自然互相交融的生活/他生活在和上帝神灵的沟通之中。剑桥国际In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.在这种精神病中,通常的发病形式是一阵阵的心灰意冷和兴高采烈相交替。剑桥国际One of the aims of language games is to get students to mingle together and talk.语言游戏的一个目的是让学生们互相交往谈话。剑桥国际She's my best / oldest / closest friend-- we've known each other since we were five.她是我最好的/相交时间最长的/最亲密的朋友,从5岁时我们就认识了。剑桥国际The candidates entered into a lively give-and-take.候选人开始热烈地互相交换意见。剑桥国际The transport system is very efficient and the bus routes intersect conveniently with the railway network.运输系统效率很高,公共汽车线路很方便地与铁路网相交叉。剑桥国际Two diagonal lines drawn from opposite corners of a square intersect at its centre .正方形的两条对角线相交于中心点。剑桥国际

