
单词 认得
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see. 大部分鸟在出生时都不认得父母,只会跟着它们所看见的第一个会移动的物体走。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕I think Harry knows the way, but I'll go with him just to make sure. 我想哈里认得那条路,但为了放心,我要陪他一起去。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕It's not an exact likeness, but it's recognisable as my father. 画得不完全像,但是认得出是我父亲。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕In his latest film he plays an amnesiac who meets his wife but doesn't recognize her. 他在最新的一部电影里扮演了一位遗忘症患者,他遇见妻子却不认得她。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Bentson knew all the women by sight, but he'd never exchanged more than a few words with any of them. 本特森认得所有这些妇女,但从未与她们中的任何一个多说几句话。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕He waved, and she smiled in recognition. 他招招手,她微笑表示认得他。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕I can't remember how the tune goes but I'll recognize it when I hear it. 我记不得那曲子怎么唱了,但听到它我就会认得出来。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Muffled noises were coming from the room, the only recognizable sound being her daughter's laughter. 隐隐约约的响声从房间里传出来,唯一辨认得出的是她女儿的笑声。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕That security guy never recognizes me. I always have to show him my ID. 那名保安从来都不认得我。我总得给他看我的身份证。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕You look different in the photograph, although I can tell it's you. 你在照片上的样子看起来不一样,不过我认得出这是你。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I recognize his face but I can't seem to recollect much about him. 我认得他的脸,但是好像不大想得起他是谁。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. 经过了这么多年,我怀疑她是不是还认得我。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Who's it from? I can't read the signature. 谁写来的?我不认得签名。朗文写作活用〔characteristic〕I recognized his characteristic walk.我认得出他那独特的步姿。牛津同义词〔delirious〕He became delirious and couldn't recognize people.他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。牛津高阶〔dumbing down〕An expression of dumb recognition wiggled across her features.她不语,从她脸上掠过的一丝表情可知她是认得的。柯林斯高阶〔evermore〕I may not evermore acknowledge thee.我今后未必还认得你。英汉大词典〔flash up〕The teacher flashed up each word to see if the children would recognize it.老师把每一个单词举起晃了一晃,看孩子们是否认得21世纪英汉〔flattering〕I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.过了这么多年他还认得我,使我觉得荣幸。牛津高阶〔it〕It was still a little boy when I left — it didn't know me.我走的时候孩子还小,不认得我。英汉大词典〔recall〕I don't recall your name but recognize your face.我不记得你的名字,但认得你的脸。英汉大词典〔score〕He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。柯林斯高阶〔script〕Nobody could decipher my microscopic script.没人辨认得出我那蝇头小字。英汉大词典〔sign〕Do you recognize the British Rail sign?你认得出英国铁路的标记吗?牛津同义词〔speak〕I know her by sight, but not to speak to (=not well enough to talk to her).我只是认得她,但没跟她说过话。朗文当代〔tell〕Can you tell a policeman when he is out of uniform? 警察不穿制服时你认得出他是警察吗? 英汉大词典〔understand〕I don't understand this word.这个单词我不认得外研社新世纪〔unrecognizable〕He was unrecognizable without his beard.他刮掉胡子,无人认得出他了。牛津高阶〔wonder〕I wonder if I'll recognize Philip after all these years.过了这么多年,我不知道是否还认得菲利普。朗文当代〔wonder〕It's a wonder you recognized me after all these years.真想不到,这么多年不见你还认得出我。英汉大词典I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one.我对艺术的所知使我足以在见到一幅名画时能认得出。剑桥国际I may not evermore acknowledge thee. 我今后未必还认得你。译典通Take a good look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone.好好地看一下这张照片,看看你是否认得出任何人。剑桥国际They looked at the children playing to see if they recognized anyone.他们朝玩耍的孩子们看,看是否认得出哪个。剑桥国际We walked (for) miles before we saw anything that we recognized.我们走了数英里才看到些我们认得出的东西。剑桥国际

