
单词 肌肉系统
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔musculature〕Both had the musculature of men who spent hours with a sword.两人都有长时间用剑者所独有的肌肉系统外研社新世纪〔musculature〕By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about its musculature.通过观察这种动物的骨骼,我们可以了解其肌肉系统的不少特点。剑桥高阶〔musculature〕The facial musculature used to express both emotions is exactly the same.用来表达这两种情绪的面部肌肉系统是完全一样的。外研社新世纪〔musculature〕The system or arrangement of muscles in a body or a body part.肌肉系统:在身体或者身体的一部分中肌肉的系统或者排列美国传统〔play〕A complex system of muscles is brought into play for each body movement.每次的身体运动都需要复杂的肌肉系统活动。朗文当代〔suggest〕Recent research suggests that the drug may be beneficial to people with muscular disorders.最近的研究显示这种药物对于患有肌肉系统疾病者可能有益。麦克米伦高阶By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about the kind of musculature (= structure and position of the muscles) it had when it was alive.观察这只动物的尸骨,我们可以充分了解它活着时肌肉系统是什么样的。剑桥国际

