
单词 能适应
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕Her privileged upbringing had not equipped her for hard work in the fields. 优越的成长环境使她不能适应田里的苦活。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings. 达尔文从他的观察中推断出植物和动物能适应周围的环境。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕Kids need help to adjust to having a new baby in the house. 家里新添了小宝宝,孩子们需要有人帮助才能适应朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕The university campus is quite large and it takes new students a while to find their way around it. 大学校园很大,新生需要一段时间才能适应朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions.一些动植物不能适应快速变化的环境。外研社新世纪〔accommodate〕Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions.某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。柯林斯高阶〔accustom yourself to sth〕It'll take time for me to accustom myself to the changes.我要一段时间后才能适应这些变化。剑桥高阶〔adaptable〕Capable of adapting or of being adapted.能适应的,适应性强的:能够适应的或能够被适应的美国传统〔adaptable〕Most of the plants listed are hardy and adaptable to most soils.这里列出的大部分植物都耐寒且能适应大多数土壤类型。外研社新世纪〔adaptable〕Most people want insurance policies that are adaptable to changing circumstances.大部分人希望有能适应不断变化的情况的保险契约。麦克米伦高阶〔adaptable〕Nurses must be adaptable to changing needs.护士必须能适应不断变化的需求。外研社新世纪〔adaptable〕She is not very adaptable.她不是很能适应文馨英汉〔adaptable〕The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions.事实证明美国宪法能适应政治形势的变化。朗文当代〔adaptable〕The catfish is adaptable to a wide range of water conditions.鲇鱼能适应各种水环境。朗文当代〔adapt〕The young man from the countryside adapted well to life in the big city.这个农村青年很能适应大城市的生活。英汉大词典〔adapt〕When children go to a different school, it usually takes them a while to adapt.孩子们转到新学校通常需要一段时间才能适应韦氏高阶〔adjust〕He adjusted well to Washington.他很能适应华盛顿的生活。英汉大词典〔adjust〕I adjusted myself to my new work.我让自己能适应新工作。牛津同义词〔adjust〕The lifestyle is so very different - it takes a while to adjust.生活方式差别太大了,得过一段时间才能适应剑桥高阶〔bearing〕It takes a while to get your bearings when you start a new job.刚开始干一份工作时,需要花一段时间才能适应新环境。剑桥高阶〔condition〕Her sheltered upbringing did not condition her for life alone in the big city.她所受的暖房式培养使她不能适应在大城市里独自生活。英汉大词典〔dampness〕The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿。柯林斯高阶〔eurythermal〕Adaptable to a wide range of temperatures. Used of an organism.(生物)广温性的:能适应任何温度。常用于生物体美国传统〔expertise〕His expertise was not equal to the task.他的知识技能不能适应那项工作的要求。英汉大词典〔future shock〕A condition of distress and disorientation brought on by the inability to cope with rapid societal and technological change.未来的冲击:由于不能适应社会和科技的急剧变化而感到痛苦和无所适从的情况美国传统〔gear sth to/towards sb/sth〕Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with disabilities.大多数公共场所根本不能适应残疾人的需要。剑桥高阶〔misfit〕One who is unable to adjust to one's environment or circumstances or is considered to be disturbingly different from others.不适应环境的人:不能适应其环境或氛围的或被认为与他人不同以致烦扰他人的人美国传统〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.不能适应生活便会产生焦虑。柯林斯高阶〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.焦虑的来源是不能适应自己的生活。外研社新世纪〔orient〕You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.你还需要一些时间才能适应新的饮食方式。柯林斯高阶〔pace〕If you can stand the pace, working in advertising pays well.要是你能适应紧张的工作节奏,从事广告业报酬很高。朗文当代〔particularity〕The particularities of the job take some time to get used to.得花些时间才能适应这份工作的特别要求。韦氏高阶〔play in〕I need a few more minutes to play myself in.我还需要几分钟才能适应21世纪英汉〔pliant〕Easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable.能适应的:容易改动或修改来适应情况的;能适应美国传统〔settle〕The children are settling into their new school just fine.孩子们能适应他们的新学校了。韦氏高阶〔sociable〕Enthusiasm, adaptability, sociability, and good health are essential.富有热情、能适应环境、善于与人交往以及身体健康都是基本的条件。柯林斯高阶〔stenotopic〕Able to adapt only to a narrow range of environmental conditions. Used of a plant or an animal.狭幅的:只能适应于一定范围内的自然环境条件下的。用于动物或植物美国传统〔survival of the fittest〕Natural selection conceived of as a struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted to existing conditions are able to survive and reproduce.适者生存:被看成是一场生命竞争的自然选择,只有那些最能适应生存环境的生物体才能存在和繁衍美国传统〔well-adjusted〕He is now a happy, well-adjusted adult.现在他是一个快乐的、能适应环境的成年人。韦氏高阶Dick adjusted well to Hong Kong. 迪克很能适应香港的生活。译典通He is an adaptable man. 他是个能适应新环境的人。译典通Human eyes are very adaptable optical sensors, able to respond to a wide range of light levels.人眼是适应性很强的光学传感器,能适应强弱不同的各种亮度。剑桥国际Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with disabilities.大部分公共场所都没能适应残疾人的需求。剑桥国际The lifestyle is so very different--it takes a while to adjust.这种生活方式如此不同----需要一段时间才能适应剑桥国际We found it impossible to acclimatize ourselves to the new working conditions.我们觉得自己不可能适应新的工作环境。剑桥国际

