
单词 naught
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔naught〕A whole city was made naught by the bomb.整个城市被炸成平地。英汉大词典〔naught〕Add two naughts and divide by two.加上两个零再除以二。剑桥高阶〔naught〕All our efforts were for naught.我们的一切努力都是徒劳。剑桥高阶〔naught〕All their plans came to naught (= did not achieve anything).他们的计划全部落空。剑桥高阶〔naught〕All their plans came to naught (=failed) .他们的所有计划都泡了汤。朗文当代〔naught〕All their work was for naught.他们所有的工作都只是白做美国传统〔naught〕Her sorrow was naughted as she went into the Club Happy Women.她一走进“欢乐女性(寡妇)俱乐部”,她的烦恼就消失得无影无踪了。21世纪英汉〔naught〕His efforts have gone for naught.他的努力毫无结果。英汉大词典〔naught〕I have naught but sympathy for you.我对你唯有同情。外研社新世纪〔naught〕It matters naught.这无关紧要。英汉大词典〔naught〕This brings to naught every effort to stabilize the economy.这使稳定经济的所有努力都付诸东流。外研社新世纪〔naught〕Whoever moves against us, we must make sure their plans come to naught.无论谁与我们作对, 我们都要让他们的阴谋破产。外研社新世纪〔naught〕You have naught to fear.你什么也不用怕。英汉大词典All our efforts were for naught.我们的一切努力都毫无结果。剑桥国际All their dreams came to naught. 他们的梦想均未实现。译典通All their plans came to naught (= did not achieve anything).他们的计划全部落空。剑桥国际Five plus naught equals five. 五加零等于五。译典通His promises counted for naught.他的许诺一文不值。剑桥国际The plan came to naught at last. 计划最终成为泡影。译典通There was naught to comfort them in what she said.她所说的没有一句能安慰他们。剑桥国际They cared naught for my suggestions. 他们对我的建议不感兴趣。译典通

