
单词 flo
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SELL〕Don't let him flog you his car -- he's had endless trouble with it. 别让他把汽车卖给你—那辆车毛病不断。朗文写作活用〔beat〕To punish by hitting or whipping; flog.鞭打,处罚:用力击打或鞭打来惩罚;鞭打美国传统〔board〕Flo and I decided to board a train for Geneva.我和芙洛决定登上开往日内瓦的火车。外研社新世纪〔bold〕My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.我姑妈弗洛是一个大胆果断的人。朗文当代〔calf〕A large floating chunk of ice split off from a glacier, an iceberg, or a floe.冰山上崩落漂流的冰块:一个大的冰块,从冰川、冰山或浮冰块上脱落美国传统〔calve〕The iceberg calved a floe.冰山上崩裂下一大块浮冰。英汉大词典〔construe〕Headmasters of public schools would flog their pupils for failing to construe a passage in Greek.公立学校的校长会用鞭子抽打译不出希腊文章的学生。外研社新世纪〔cutwater〕The wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier, designed to divide the current and break up ice floes.桥墩分水角:桥墩的楔形边缘,用来分开水流并打碎浮冰块美国传统〔floe〕An ice floe.浮冰美国传统〔flogging〕Flog them soundly.好好鞭打他们一顿。柯林斯高阶〔flogging〕They are trying to flog their house.他们正试图卖掉房子。柯林斯高阶〔flog〕Flog them soundly.狠狠打他们一顿!外研社新世纪〔flog〕He tried to flog his old car, but no one would buy it.他想快点儿卖掉他的旧车,但没人愿意买。剑桥高阶〔flog〕I had a letter from a company trying to flog me insurance.我收到了一家公司的信,向我推销保险。牛津高阶〔flog〕I'm going to flog all my old video tapes.我准备把旧录像带都处理掉。朗文当代〔flog〕I'm not going to flog a dead horse any further.我不想再白费力气了。外研社新世纪〔flog〕They are trying to flog their house.他们想把房子卖掉。外研社新世纪〔flog〕They take a good idea and flog it to death.他们有了一个好主意就会唠叨个没完。朗文当代〔flog〕We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit.我们低价买下这些,然后卖出获利。牛津高阶〔flourish〕Few businesses are flo urishing in the present economic climate.在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。牛津高阶〔hamper〕Ice floes hamper barge traffic on the Elbe River.大片浮冰妨碍了易北河上的驳船交通。英汉大词典〔hide〕To beat severely; flog.鞭挞;痛打美国传统〔ice floe〕They were shipwrecked on an ice floe.他们的船撞上浮冰失事了。外研社新世纪〔knout〕To flog with a leather scourge.鞭笞:用皮鞭抽打美国传统〔larrup〕To beat, flog, or thrash.打:打、鞭打或痛打美国传统〔pan〕A freely floating piece of ice that has broken off a larger floe.小块浮冰:从大块浮冰上断下来的自由漂流的小冰块美国传统〔welt〕To beat severely; flog.猛打;鞭抽美国传统〔whip〕To punish or chastise by repeated striking with a strap or rod; flog.鞭笞抽打:用皮带或棍棒持续击打而惩罚或惩戒;鞭打美国传统He tried to flog his old car, but no one would buy it.他想处理掉他的旧车,但没有人想买。剑桥国际Ships have been warned to watch out for (ice) floes.轮船得到警报说要注意浮冰。剑桥国际The airline plans to flog the tickets over the Internet.航空公司计划通过互联网出售机票。牛津商务

