
单词 fossilize
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belemnite〕A cone-shaped, fossilized internal shell of any of an extinct genus of cephalopods related to the cuttlefish.箭石:由灭绝的与乌贼有血亲关系的头足纲动物的内壳形成的尖锥状化石美国传统〔buhrstone〕A tough, silicified limestone formerly used to make millstones. It is typified by the presence of multiple cavities that originally housed fossilized shells.磨石,砂质多孔石灰岩:一种坚硬的,硅化石灰石,以前用来制作磨石。具有最初由化石化的贝壳而形成的多孔特征美国传统〔coccolith〕A microscopic skeletal plate made of calcite that protects certain marine phytoplankton and which, in a fossilized state, forms chalk and limestone deposits.球石:由方解石制成的显微骨架板,保护某些海洋浮游植物,而且它在变成化石状态时形成白垩和石灰石沉积物美国传统〔coprolite〕Fossilized excrement.粪化石:变成化石的粪便美国传统〔fossilized〕Even the most fossilized chairman was reluctant to have to say that his company had done nothing.即使是最顽固不化的董事长, 也不愿意承认说自己的公司无所作为。外研社新世纪〔fossilized〕Needs change while policies fossilize.需要发生改变,但是政策僵化不变。柯林斯高阶〔fossilized〕Our spelling system isn't as fossilized as you might think.我们的拼写系统不像你想的那样一成不变。麦克米伦高阶〔fossilized〕What they seem to want to do in fact is fossilize the particular environment in which people live and work.他们似乎想要做的实际上就是让人们生活和工作的环境固定不变。柯林斯高阶〔fossilize〕Few animals ever fossilize.变成化石的动物少之又少。韦氏高阶〔fossilize〕Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.大多数夫妻,不管关系多么僵化,都有一些共同的兴趣。朗文当代〔fossilize〕Needs change while policies fossilize.需求改变了, 然而政策却很僵化。外研社新世纪〔fossilize〕The mud helped to preserve and fossilize the wood.这种泥土有助于保存木头并使其变成化石。韦氏高阶〔fossilize〕The remains gradually fossilized.遗体逐渐变成了化石。剑桥高阶〔fossilize〕They seem to want to fossilize the environment in which people live and work.他们似乎想使人们生活与工作的环境一成不变。外研社新世纪〔fucoid〕A fossilized cast or impression of such an organism.墨角藻状海藻化石:岩藻化石的或有此类组织痕迹的美国传统〔ichnite〕A fossilized footprint.足迹化石:成为化石的足迹美国传统〔kauri〕A resinous copal or a fossilized resin of these trees, used in varnishes and enamels.考里松树脂:这种树的古巴树脂或化石树脂,用于装饰和涂瓷漆美国传统〔kerogen〕A fossilized material in shale and other sedimentary rock that yields oil upon heating.油母岩质:页岩和其他沉积岩中的一种化石材料,加热后产生石油美国传统〔old-liner〕They are straight old-liners, some of them men of fossilized ideas.他们是十足的保守派,其中有些人思想已经僵化。英汉大词典〔paleomagnetism〕The magnetic field present in fossilized rocks, created by the earth's magnetic field when the rocks were formed.古地磁:存在于化石中的磁性,于岩石生成时受地磁影响而产生美国传统〔phytolith〕A minute particle formed of mineral matter by a living plant and fossilized in rock.植物微粒,植物化石:由活植物体内矿物质所组成并形成化石的微粒美国传统〔taphonomy〕The study of the conditions and processes by which organisms become fossilized.埋葬学:对有机体变为化石的条件和过程进行的研究美国传统〔trace〕Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。美国传统The remains gradually fossilized.尸体渐渐地变成了化石。剑桥国际

