
单词 frosted
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEE〕Alice took another long drink from the tall frosted glass. 艾丽丝拿起高磨砂杯又痛饮了一口。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The frosted windows let in a weak light. 磨砂玻璃窗透进一丝微弱的光线来。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Two frosted glass doors opened into an elegant lobby. 打开两扇磨砂玻璃门,里面是一个雅致的大厅。朗文写作活用〔diffuser〕A light fixture, such as a frosted globe, that spreads light evenly.均匀散射灯:灯光装置,例如磨砂灯泡,可均匀地散播光线美国传统〔filter〕Moonlight filtered in through the frosted window.月光透过磨砂玻璃窗照射进来。朗文当代〔frost over〕All the windows were frosted over.所有的窗户都结满了霜花。外研社新世纪〔frost over〕The windows have frosted over and we can't see out.窗户上结了霜,我们看不见窗外的东西。21世纪英汉〔frosted〕She has frosted bangs.她把刘海挑染成了淡色。韦氏高阶〔frosted〕The top half of the door to his office was of frosted glass.他办公室门的上半部分是磨砂玻璃。柯林斯高阶〔frosted〕We had frosted glass put in the bathroom window.我们在浴室的窗户上安装了磨砂玻璃。剑桥高阶〔frost〕I think the water pipes have frosted up.我想水管已经结冰了。21世纪英汉〔frost〕Our bedroom window frosted up.我们卧室的窗户上结霜了。剑桥高阶〔frost〕Our lawn is frosted over.我们的草坪上结了一层霜。剑桥高阶〔frost〕Overnight all the windowpanes had frosted over.一夜之间,窗玻璃上都结满了霜。朗文当代〔frost〕The cold had frosted the windows.严寒使窗户蒙了一层霜。韦氏高阶〔frost〕The cold has frosted the windows.寒冷使窗子结了霜。21世纪英汉〔frost〕The cold has frosted the windows.寒冷使窗子结了霜。英汉大词典〔frost〕The cook frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.厨师用糖混合蛋白撒在蛋糕上。21世纪英汉〔frost〕The fields frosted (over) on this wintry morning.在这冬天的早晨田野一片霜冻。英汉大词典〔frost〕The fields have frosted over.田野里全都结了霜。21世纪英汉〔frost〕The mirror was frosted up.镜子蒙了一层霜。牛津高阶〔frost〕The windows had frosted over.窗子结满了霜。牛津高阶〔frost〕The windows were all frosted over.窗子上结满了霜。麦克米伦高阶〔frost〕The windscreen of my car frosted up last night.我汽车上的挡风玻璃昨夜结上了霜花。英汉大词典〔frost〕What really frosted me about the incident was the fact that you lied.令我生气的是在这件事你说了谎美国传统〔glass〕He could see the light through the frosted glass.他能够透过磨砂玻璃看到亮光。牛津搭配〔mint julep〕A tall, frosted drink made of bourbon whiskey or sometimes brandy or rum, sugar, crushed mint leaves, and shaved ice.薄荷朱利酒:用波旁威士忌,有时用白兰地或朗姆酒,加糖、碎薄荷叶和薄冰配成的度数较高的冰冻酒美国传统〔petit four〕A small, square-cut, frosted and decorated piece of pound cake or sponge cake.花色小蛋糕:一种切成方形的、盖有糖霜并带有装饰的小块镑饼或松糕美国传统〔translucent〕Frosted glass is translucent.磨砂玻璃是半透明的。韦氏高阶〔vagueness〕He looked at her vague shape through the frosted glass.他透过雾蒙蒙的眼镜注视着她模糊的身形。柯林斯高阶A bitter cold frosted trees and land with white.严寒使树木和大地一片雪白。剑桥国际Gemma has had her hair frosted.盖玛将她的小部分头发染成霜白色。剑桥国际Our bedroom window frosted up.我们卧室的窗上结了霜。剑桥国际Our lawn is frosted over.我们的草坪上结了层霜。剑桥国际The windows were frosted over. 窗户上结了一层霜。译典通The windshield of my car frosted over during the night. 我汽车上的挡风玻璃在夜里结上了霜花。译典通They have had frosted glass put in the bathroom windows.他们把毛玻璃装在浴室的窗格子上。剑桥国际This glass is frosted. 这玻璃磨毛了。译典通

