
单词 graceless
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔classless〕I was appalled at the drunken, classless, graceless buffoonery exhibited by the fans.球迷表现出的酒后失德、粗俗无礼的丑陋行为让我大为震惊。外研社新世纪〔gracelessly〕It was a massive, graceless house.这是一间非常难看的大房子。柯林斯高阶〔gracelessly〕She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner.她无法忍受他的唐突和粗鲁。柯林斯高阶〔graceless〕He was bad-tempered and graceless in defeat.他输了之后脾气暴躁,蛮不讲理。朗文当代〔graceless〕Her body was thick and lumpish, as graceless as a bathtub.她的身材粗壮,难看得像只澡盆子。英汉大词典〔graceless〕Her writing can be graceless and awkward at times.有时候她的文章不吸引人而且冗赘。韦氏高阶〔graceless〕It was a massive, graceless house.那是一幢毫无美感的大房子。外研社新世纪〔graceless〕She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner.她无法忍受他唐突粗鲁的举止。外研社新世纪〔graceless〕She swam with a graceless stroke.她游泳的姿势很难看。牛津高阶〔graceless〕The dresses were graceless and expensive.这些连衣裙并不好看,且价格昂贵。英汉大词典〔graceless〕The soldiers were graceless with their heavy packs and helmets.士兵们背着沉重的背包,戴着钢盔,样子很笨拙。朗文当代〔programmed〕While he was instinctively graceful and natural, his friend was graceless and programmed.他天生高雅而洒脱,而他的朋友却俗气而刻板。英汉大词典It was rather graceless (= not polite and pleasant) of her not to say thank you for all the help he gave her.她对他给予她的所有帮助都不说声谢谢,这有点不太得体。剑桥国际She always wears such cheap, graceless (= unattractive) clothes.她总是穿着这样廉价而不吸引人的衣服。剑桥国际

