
单词 hebrews
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aaron〕In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.亚伦:《旧约》中摩西的哥哥,帮助他引导希伯来人逃出埃及美国传统〔Baal〕Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false idols by the Hebrews.太阳神:古代闪米特人所信奉的当地的丰饶之神和自然之神,希伯来人认为是邪神美国传统〔Heb.〕Bible Hebrews.【圣经】 《希伯来书》美国传统〔Hebraic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Hebrews or their language or culture.希伯来的:希伯来人的,希伯来语的,希伯来文化的,与其有关的或有其特征的美国传统〔Hebraism〕A manner or custom characteristic of the Hebrews.希伯来人的习俗:希伯来人的方式或风俗美国传统〔Hebrew〕The Semitic language of the ancient Hebrews.希伯来语:古代希伯来人使用的闪含语美国传统〔Jew〕A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the ancient Hebrews and sharing an ethnic heritage based on Judaism.犹太教徒:古代希伯来人的广泛分布的后代子孙,他们沿袭着犹太教的种族传统美国传统〔corban〕A sacrifice made to God by the ancient Hebrews at the Temple in Jerusalem.祭品:古代希伯来人在耶路撒冷地圣殿献给上帝的供物美国传统〔idol〕They would warn the Hebrews against the worship of idols or rival gods.他们会警告希伯来人不要信奉除上帝之外的偶像或异教神祇。外研社新世纪〔shekel〕A gold or silver coin equal in weight to one of these units, especially the chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews.谢克尔金银币:重量上相当于这些单位的一单位的金或银币,尤指古希伯来的主要银币美国传统It is the ancient capital of the kingdom of the Hebrews, Israel.它是希伯来人古王国以色列的首都。剑桥国际

