
单词 consolidation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amalgamation〕A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations.合并,联合:几家企业的合并或联合美国传统〔ankylosis〕Anatomy The consolidation of bones or their parts to form a single unit.【解剖学】 关节强直:使骨和其它部位强直并形成一体美国传统〔blanket〕Debt consolidation is a blanket term for taking out extra credit or loans to pay off existing debts.“债务合并”是个笼统的说法, 指的是借新债还旧债。外研社新世纪〔consolidate〕But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.但是变革使得工人阶级发展壮大起来。柯林斯高阶〔consolidate〕Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制,罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。柯林斯高阶〔consolidate〕Further consolidations in the industry could follow.该产业随后可能会有进一步的合并。柯林斯高阶〔consolidate〕This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.这次合并意味着不得不削减陆军的兵力。柯林斯高阶〔consolidation〕A consolidation of the family's resources made his trip possible.他把家里所有钱财凑在一起才可能成行。英汉大词典〔consolidation〕Change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.变革带来了工人阶级的发展壮大。外研社新世纪〔consolidation〕Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制, 罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。外研社新世纪〔consolidation〕Further consolidations in the industry could follow.该产业随后可能会有进一步的整合。外研社新世纪〔consolidation〕This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.这次合并意味着必须削减陆军的兵力。外研社新世纪〔exception〕Consolidation in any business throws up winners and losers, and the car industry is no exception.所有商业合并都会产生赢家和输家, 汽车产业也不例外。外研社新世纪〔pluton〕A body of igneous rock formed beneath the surface of the earth by consolidation of magma.火成岩:岩浆凝固后在地表下形成的火成岩岩体美国传统〔sandstone〕A sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand and held together by a natural cement, such as silica.砂岩:一种由砂固化与压积作用形成的沉积岩,通过自然胶结物粘到一起,如硅石美国传统Debt consolidation can help lower your monthly payments.债务合并可以帮助降低你的每月还款额。牛津商务He is a good administrator and the company is entering a period of consolidation (=becoming better and stronger at what it does).他是出色的管理者,公司由此走上巩固之路。剑桥国际One by one these Northern States made known their desire for consolidation with the Union. 这些北方州一个一个地公开了想与联邦统一的愿望。译典通The consolidation of the two production sites into one will strengthen our competitiveness.将两个生产地点联合成一个将增强我们的竞争力。牛津商务The training focuses on the consolidation of skills.培训的重点在于巩固技能。牛津商务The upheaval in publishing has been mirrored by a similar consolidation (=joining together) of book sellers and distributors.图书零售商和批发商如出一辙的合并反映了出版业的剧变。剑桥国际This organization needs consolidation. 这个组织需要巩固。译典通

