
单词 conditioning
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Make sure to check your air conditioning before the onset of hot weather. 暑天到来之前一定要检查一下空调。朗文写作活用〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕The car's air conditioning went on the fritz just as we reached Dallas. 我们刚抵达达拉斯,汽车的空调就出问题了。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕This behaviour is part of our genetic make-up rather than our cultural conditioning. 这种行为是由我们的性格遗传造成的,而不是我们所接受的文化熏陶。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning. 老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。朗文写作活用〔Pavlovian conditioning〕Classical conditioning.经典条件反射作用美国传统〔Pavlovian〕Pavlovian conditioning 巴甫洛夫条件反射英汉大词典〔SWEAT〕I insist my car's have air conditioning - I hate arriving somewhere drenched with sweat. 我坚持我的车上要有空调—我讨厌到达一个地方时汗流浃背的样子。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕It can take years of therapy to undo early childhood conditioning. 需要经过多年的治疗才能消除孩提时所受到的影响。朗文写作活用〔abbreviation〕AC is the standard abbreviation for 'air conditioning'.AC 是 air conditioning (空气调节系统)的标准缩写词。牛津搭配〔air conditioning〕I wish my car had air conditioning.我真希望我车里有空调。剑桥高阶〔air-condition〕To provide with or ventilate by air conditioning.装空调:给…装上空气调节设备或通过空气调节来通风美国传统〔air〕Air conditioning.空调美国传统〔barely〕It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room.当时气温达到了90度,空调也不能让房间凉快多少。柯林斯高阶〔behavior modification〕The use of basic learning techniques, such as conditioning, biofeedback, reinforcement, or aversion therapy, to alter human behavior.行为矫正:指运用基本的学习技术,如条件作用、机能反馈疗法、加强疗法或排斥疗法来改变人的行为美国传统〔circuit training〕A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.循环训练:锻炼身体的方法,其间一个人从一个运动转移到另一个,通常在一系列不同的位置或配备美国传统〔conditional〕Psychology Brought about by conditioning.【心理学】 有条件的:由一定条件所诱发的美国传统〔conditioning〕After a three week conditioning program, he was ready to compete.经过为期三周的训练,他已为比赛做好了准备。韦氏高阶〔conditioning〕Because of social conditioning, men don't expect themselves to be managed by women.由于社会习惯的熏陶,男人不希望自己被女人管制。柯林斯高阶〔conditioning〕Because of social conditioning, men don't expect themselves to be managed by women.由于社会环境的熏陶, 男人不希望自己被女人掌控。外研社新世纪〔conditioning〕Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it? 个性是受父母和社会薰陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?牛津高阶〔conditioning〕Much of our behaviour is the result of conditioning by our parents.我们有许多举止行为是父母熏陶出来的。英汉大词典〔conditioning〕Social conditioning makes crying more difficult for men.社会熏陶的作用使男子不大容易哭泣。朗文当代〔conditioning〕This aromatic conditioning shampoo promotes the healthiest hair and scalp possible.这款香气四溢的护理型洗发露可以打造出极致健康的头发和头皮。外研社新世纪〔conditioning〕With the proper conditioning, the horse will learn to trust and obey its handler.经过适当的条件反射训练,马就会信任和服从驯马师。韦氏高阶〔cool〕The air conditioning doesn't seem to be cooling the room much.这空调系统好像没怎么把房间变凉快。朗文当代〔counterconditioning〕Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.对抗条件反射作用:意在用肯定反应代替对某刺激产生的否定反应的条件反射作用美国传统〔crank〕We'll have to crank up the air conditioning tonight.我们今晚得把空调开大些。麦克米伦高阶〔effect〕The air conditioning came on, to little effect.空调开了,可没什么效果。牛津搭配〔expenditure〕Malls require huge expenditures on air conditioning.购物中心在空调方面开销巨大。牛津搭配〔fan〕There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly.没有空调,只有一个屋顶吊扇在缓慢转动。剑桥高阶〔have〕We haven't had the air conditioning on all summer.我们整个夏天都没有开空调。麦克米伦高阶〔inadequate〕The new air conditioning system proved inadequate .新的空调系统不够好。朗文当代〔jump rope〕A rope that is twirled and jumped over in children's games or in conditioning exercises.跳绳:在儿童游戏或调节性运动中被快速转动并让人跳过的绳索美国传统〔learning〕Psychology Behavioral modification especially through experience or conditioning.【心理学】 学习:尤指通过体验或环境影响造成的行为变化美国传统〔mark〕Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.多年的熏陶对她影响很深,她从不愿意跟陌生人说话。柯林斯高阶〔medicine ball〕A large, heavy stuffed ball used in conditioning exercises.实心皮球:作锻炼身体用的实心的大而重的球美国传统〔properly〕The air conditioning in the hotel wasn't working properly.饭店里面的空调不能正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔reinforcer〕A stimulus, such as a reward, that in operant conditioning maintains or strengthens a desired response.强化刺激:在起作用的情况下维持或物强化一个所想要的反应的刺激物,如一个奖赏美国传统〔rinse〕A solution used in coloring or conditioning the hair.染发剂:一种用于染发或保养头发的溶液美国传统〔roadwork〕Sports Outdoor long-distance running as a form of physical exercise or conditioning.【体育运动】 长跑练习:一种作为体育锻炼或训练方式的户外长距离跑步美国传统〔screw up〕Opening the window screws up the air conditioning.打开窗户空调就失去作用了。外研社新世纪〔screw up〕You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning.你不能打开窗户,那样空调就不起作用了。柯林斯高阶〔sick building syndrome〕Air conditioning can contribute to sick building syndrome.空调会导致病楼综合征。剑桥高阶〔summerize〕My car has been summerized by adding air conditioning.我的汽车已安装上空调了。21世纪英汉〔unconditioned response〕A natural, usually unvarying response evoked by a stimulus in the absence of learning or conditioning.无条件反应:在未经学习或无条件作用的情况下由刺激物所引起的自然的,通常不变的反应美国传统〔work〕To engage in strenuous exercise for physical conditioning.锻炼身体:为身体状态致力于艰苦的锻炼美国传统Conditioning starts as soon as boys are given guns to play with and girls are given dolls.心理成型在给男孩玩枪、给女孩玩洋娃娃的时候就开始了。剑桥国际I would say that maleness is purely biological, whereas masculinity is based largely on upbringing and social conditioning.我认为男性纯粹是生物学(现象),而男子气质很大程度上取决于教养及社会环境。剑桥国际The coach has air conditioning and reclining seats.长途客车有空调和坐卧两用的座位。剑桥国际There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly.没有空调,只有一个吊扇慢慢地转着。剑桥国际

