“plant disease”例句

单词 plant disease
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕She was widely regarded as the country's leading authority on plant diseases. 许多人都认为她是本国研究植物疾病的权威。朗文写作活用〔black rot〕Any of several fungal or bacterial plant diseases resulting in dark brown to black discoloration and decay of affected plant parts.黑腐病:一种真菌和细菌植物疾病,可使被传染植物部分由深棕色变为黑色,以至腐烂美国传统〔blast〕Botany Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits.【植物学】 枯萎病:一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡美国传统〔blight〕Any of numerous plant diseases resulting in sudden conspicuous wilting and dying of affected parts, especially young, growing tissues.枯萎病:一种植物疾病,能导致染病部分,尤指未成熟、成长中组织的突然明显枯萎和坏死美国传统〔blotch〕Any of several plant diseases caused by fungi and resulting in brown or black dead areas on leaves or fruit.植物的黑斑病:植物由于真菌感染而导致叶子和果实出现褐色或黑色的斑点美国传统〔condition〕Warm, wet weather can create ideal conditions for plant diseases.温暖潮湿的天气会给植物病害创造理想的环境。牛津搭配〔curl〕Any of various plant diseases in which the leaves roll up.卷叶病:任一种叶子呈卷曲状的植物疾病美国传统〔dry rot〕A plant disease in which the plant tissue remains relatively dry while fungi invade and ultimately decay bulbs, fruits, or woody tissues.干腐病:一种由于真菌入侵而腐蚀球茎、果实或木质组织的植物病,植物组织在患此病时保持相对干燥美国传统〔enphytotic〕Of or relating to a plant disease that causes a relatively constant amount of damage each year.植物恒定流行病的:植物恒定流行病的,或与引起每年相当稳定数量损害的植物疾病相关的美国传统〔epiphytotic〕Of, relating to, or characterized by a sudden or abnormally destructive outbreak of a plant disease, usually over an extended geographic area.植物流行病的:关于或以植物突然病害或反常的破坏性发作为特征的,通常发生在开阔的地域美国传统〔frogeye〕A plant disease caused by fungi and characterized by rounded spots on the leaves.蛙眼病:一种由真菌引起的植物病变,特点是叶片上有带环轮纹的病斑美国传统〔leaf spot〕Any of various plant diseases resulting in well-defined necrotic areas on the leaves.叶斑病:任一种能导致在叶面上形成界限分明的坏死区域的植物病害美国传统〔measles〕A plant disease, usually caused by fungi, that produces minute spots on leaves and stems.斑疹病:一种植物病,通常由真菌引起,在植物的叶和茎上产生小斑点美国传统〔mildew〕A plant disease caused by such fungi.霉病:由该霉菌引起的植物疾病美国传统〔phytopathology〕The science of plant diseases.植物病理学:研究植物疾病的科学美国传统〔powdery mildew〕A plant disease caused by any of these fungi.白粉病:由这些真菌中任何一种所引起的植物病美国传统〔rot〕Any of several plant diseases characterized by the breakdown of tissue and caused by various bacteria or fungi.枯病:一种由各种细菌或霉菌引起的组织衰弱的植物病美国传统〔rust mite〕Any of various mites that cause a plant disease characterized by reddish or brownish spots on leaves and fruits.锈螨:一种导致植物病害的螨虫,植物受其害后叶子和果实上有红色或褐色斑点美国传统〔rust〕A plant disease caused by a rust fungus, characterized by reddish or brownish spots on leaves, stems, and other parts.锈病:由锈菌引起的一种植物病,特点是叶子、茎和其它部分上有红色或褐色的斑点美国传统〔scab〕Any of various plant diseases caused by fungi or bacteria and resulting in crustlike spots on fruit, leaves, or roots.疮痂病:真菌或细菌导致的植物病,常在果实、叶片或根上生有痂状斑点美国传统〔scale〕A plant disease or infestation caused by scale insects.介壳虫害:由介壳虫引起的植物疾病或感染美国传统〔stunt〕A plant disease that causes dwarfing.矮株病:一种使植物长得矮小的病美国传统〔wilt〕Any of various plant diseases characterized by slow or rapid collapse of terminal shoots, branches, or entire plants.萎蔫病:一种植物疾病,特点是芽尖或枝头甚至整个植物或快或慢地萎缩美国传统

