
单词 propagation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breeding〕The propagation of animals or plants.动物的饲养,植物的培植美国传统〔crinkle〕If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves, do not use it for propagation.如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。柯林斯高阶〔division〕A type of propagation characteristic of plants that spread by means of newly formed parts such as bulbs, suckers, or rhizomes.植物遗传类型:由新生部分方式繁殖的植物繁殖类型,如球茎、分枝或根茎等美国传统〔electrogenesis〕The most important role of electrogenesis in animals is in the propagation of nerve impulses.动物体内产生电的最主要作用在于传播神经冲动。英汉大词典〔ether〕Physics An all-pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.【物理学】 以太,能媒:一种在以前被假定为电磁波的传播媒质并具有绝对连续性、高度弹性的极其稀薄的媒体美国传统〔heel〕Botany The basal end of a plant cutting or tuber used in propagation.【植物学】 踵:用于繁殖植物的块茎或其他部分的基部美国传统〔micropropagation〕A tissue culture technique for plant propagation in which offspring are cloned from tissue taken from a single plant.组织栽培法:栽培植物的组织栽培方法,其产物会由单一植物组织中以无性生殖培养繁殖出来美国传统〔multiplication〕Propagation of plants and animals; procreation.繁殖:动植物的繁殖;生殖美国传统〔propaganda〕The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause.宣传活动:对一个学说、事业或信息的系统宣传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益美国传统〔radiation〕Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves.发射:以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量美国传统〔rootstock〕A root or part of a root used as a stock for plant propagation.根状茎,砧木:作为植物繁殖的根茎或砧木美国传统〔wave function〕A mathematical function used in quantum mechanics to describe the propagation of the wave associated with any particle or group of particles.波函数:数学函数,在量子力学中用来描绘与任何粒子或粒子群有关波的传播美国传统〔wave-particle duality〕The exhibition of both wavelike and particlelike properties by a single entity, as of both diffraction and linear propagation by light.波粒二象性:单一实体表现出的波和粒子的双重特性,如光具有衍射和直线传播的二重性美国传统Propagation is generally best in spring or early summer.一般来说, 繁殖最好是在春天和初夏。剑桥国际

