“pivot on”例句

单词 pivot on
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔pivot on/around〕The book's plot pivots on the main character's need for revenge.这本书的情节根据主人公需要复仇而展开。韦氏高阶〔pivot on〕Peace brought no solution to the economic problems that pivoted on overseas trade.和平没有为依赖海外贸易的经济问题带来解决办法。柯林斯高阶〔pivot on〕She pivoted on her heels and swept out.他一转身,匆匆走了出去。21世纪英汉〔pivot on〕She pivoted on her toe and faced me.他踮起脚转向我。21世纪英汉〔pivot on〕Success or failure pivoted on a single exam.成败就看一次考试。外研社新世纪〔pivot on〕The boat pivoted on its axis and headed out to sea.船原地转向, 然后驶向大海。外研社新世纪〔pivot on〕The country's economic problems pivoted on overseas trade.这个国家的经济问题要靠海外贸易解决。外研社新世纪〔pivot on〕The play pivots on the relationship between the two sisters.这出戏以两姐妹之间的关系为中心。21世纪英汉〔pivot〕Future deals will pivot on (= depend on) easing commercial conflicts.未来的协议将取决于疏缓商业冲突。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕He pivoted on his heels and headed out.他脚跟一转,向外走去。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕His argument will pivot on the growing cost of legal fees.他的论据将以诉讼费用上涨为中心展开。朗文当代〔pivot〕Iago's lie is the pivot on which the play turns.剧情围绕着伊阿古的谎言展开。朗文当代〔pivot〕The pivot on which the old system turned had disappeared.维系旧制度的支柱已经消失了。牛津高阶〔pivot〕The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance.小船原地掉过头来,直指海港入口。柯林斯高阶〔pivot〕The dancer pivoted on the point of one foot.舞蹈演员靠一只脚尖旋转。21世纪英汉〔pivot〕The dancers pivoted on their toes and changed direction.舞蹈演员们踮起脚旋转,变换方向。韦氏高阶〔pivot〕The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country's emerging political stability turns/revolves (= it depends on him).前游击队领导人成了决定该国政治稳定与否的关键人物。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕The future pivots on what is done today.未来取决于今天的所为。英汉大词典〔pivot〕The swinging door is pivoted on one side; the revolving door is pivoted in the centre.摆动门的枢轴在一边,旋转门的枢轴则在中心。英汉大词典〔pivot〕The swinging door is pivoted on one side; the revolving door is pivoted in the centre.转门的枢轴在一边;旋转门的枢轴则在中间。21世纪英汉〔pivot〕The table-top pivots on two metal pins.那个桌面以两个金属钉为枢轴旋转。朗文当代〔pivot〕The whole discussion pivots on this one point.整个讨论内容均以此点为准。21世纪英汉〔pivot〕The whole war pivoted on a single battle.整个战争取决于一场战役。英汉大词典Success or failure pivoted on a single exam. 胜败取决于一次考试。译典通The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country's emerging political conflict turns/revolves.前游击队领导人成了该国出现的政治冲突中的关键人物。剑桥国际The whole war pivoted on a single battle. 整个战争取决于一场战斗。译典通

