
例句 BITE1 to bite something2 to bite someone3 a wound caused by an animal or insect biting you4 to bite something several times, especially foodRELATED WORDSsee alsoEATFOOD1 to bite something 咬某物 bite /baɪt/ [transitive verb] I sometimes bite my fingernails when I'm nervous. 有时我一紧张就会咬指甲。 Barry bit the corner of the packet to open it. 巴里在包装盒的角上咬了一下,把它打开。 bite [countable noun] After two bites I realised the apple was rotten. 咬了两口之后,我发觉这是只烂苹果。 take a bite /ˌteɪk ə ˈbaɪt/ [verb phrase] to bite off a piece of food and eat it 咬一口,吃一口 She took a bite of doughnut, and chewed it slowly. 她咬了一口炸面圈,慢慢地嚼起来。 ‘This looks delicious,’ he said, taking a bite. “这东西看起来很可口。”他说着就咬了一口。 bite off /ˌbaɪt ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to remove something by biting it 咬掉 bite off something The dog's bitten off the heel of my shoe. 那条狗把我的鞋后跟咬掉了。bite something off He took out a cigar and bit the end off. 他取出一支雪茄并把一端咬去。 Kenny's favourite party trick is to bite the caps off beer bottles. 肯尼在聚会上最爱露一手的把戏是把啤酒瓶盖一个个咬开。 bite into /ˈbaɪt ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to bite a piece of food 咬进,咬〔食物〕 bite into something Earl picked up his sandwich and bit into it. 厄尔拿起三明治就咬起来。 Henry cracked a tooth biting into a piece of hard candy. 亨利咬一块硬糖时弄坏了一颗牙。2 to bite someone 咬某人 bite /baɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] Don't worry about the dog - he won't bite. 别担心这狗,它不咬人的。 She fought off her attacker, scratching and biting him. 她又抓又咬,击退了袭击者。bite somebody on the face/hand/leg etc On just the second day of the trip, I was bitten on the leg by a snake. 出去旅行才第二天,我就被蛇在腿上咬了一口。 sink your teeth into /ˌsɪŋk jɔːʳ ˈtiːθ ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] to bite a part of someone's body very hard so that your teeth go into their flesh 狠狠地〔用牙〕咬〔某人的身体〕 The dog leapt at him, sinking its teeth into his arm. 那条狗向他猛扑过去,在他臂上狠狠地咬了一口。 The shark sank its teeth into the soft flesh of his thigh. 鲨鱼在他柔软的大腿上咬了一口。 snap at /ˈsnæp æt/ [verb phrase] to try to bite someone by making quick biting movements 张嘴要咬〔某人〕 Sean came running around the corner of the house with a small dog snapping at his heels. 肖恩在屋子转角处跑过来,身后跟着一只小狗要咬他。 Every time your puppy snaps at someone, give him a smack on the butt with a rolled up newspaper. 你的小狗每次要咬人时,就用卷起的报纸在它屁股上打一下。 nip /nɪp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to bite someone or something with small sharp bites, or to try to do this 〔小口地〕啃,咬 When I took the hamster out of his cage, he nipped me. 我把仓鼠从笼子里拿出来时,它轻轻地咬了我一下。nip at A school of fish swam around her feet, some nipping at her ankles. 一群鱼围在她脚边游,有些还轻啃她的脚踝呢。 give somebody a bite /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈbaɪt/ [verb phrase] especially British to bite someone, not very hard 【尤英】〔不太重地〕咬某人一口 Don't try to pet the parrot - he could give you a really nasty bite. 别去抚弄鹦鹉,它可能会狠狠地咬你一口。3 a wound caused by an animal or insect biting you 被动物或昆虫咬的伤口 bite /baɪt/ [countable noun] Animal bites should be treated immediately. 被动物咬伤后应立即接受治疗。 We woke up to find ourselves covered in mosquito bites. 我们醒来后发现自己浑身都被蚊子叮遍了。4 to bite something several times, especially food 咬某物(尤指食物)数次 chew /tʃuː/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to keep biting something that is in your mouth 咀嚼 Chew your food. Don't eat so quickly. 好好嚼一下,别吃得这么快。 Helen sat there, chewing a piece of gum. 海伦坐在那里,嚼着口香糖。chew on I gave the baby my key ring to chew on. 我把钥匙圈给那婴儿嚼着玩。 gnaw /nɔː/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if an animal gnaws something, it bites it repeatedly in order to eat it or destroy it 〔动物〕咬,啃,啮 The dog lay in the yard and gnawed its bone. 狗躺在院子里啃骨头。gnaw at The cat began to gnaw at the skin of the dead snake. 猫开始咬那条死蛇的皮。gnaw through A rat's teeth are strong enough to gnaw through lead pipes. 老鼠的牙齿坚硬得足以咬穿铅管。 peck /pek/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a bird pecks something, it makes quick repeated movements with its beak to try to bite it 〔鸟〕啄 There was a red mark where the pigeon had pecked her hand. 她的手被鸽子啄了后留下一块红印。 The woodpecker's long beak is specially designed for pecking. 啄木鸟有很长的喙,专门用来啄食。peck at Hens pecked at the corn scattered on the ground. 母鸡啄着散落在地上的谷粒。 peck [countable noun] It takes several pecks for the chick to make a hole in the eggshell. 小鸡要啄好几下才能在蛋壳上啄出个洞来。

